Ah, good morning, even though it's almost noon time. Miss Tootsie and I slept very well, and very late. On peeking out my window, I see raindrops on everything and puddles everywhere. I just had a sip of coffee, and oh my, does it ever taste good.
Last night I spent the whole evening doing research on Holland for the "Barnyards Around The World" challenge at Moo Two's forum. http://www.mootwodesigns.com/forum. Of the choices we were given, I chose Holland because my friend Kyra lives there, and I have never visited there. What a wonderful time I had, and I really learned quite a bit. I know most of us call The Netherlands "Holland" but in reality there is a North Holland and a South Holland and they are two of the twelve provinces that make up The Netherlands.
I won't give you a geography lesson here, but if you love learning, do look it up. The history and background of Holland and it's people is quite interesting. After my research, it was time to put together my layout, and try to pull together some of the flora and fauna and just a bit of history in an interesting way. I was pleased with my layout, and Kyra, I hope you like it too.

Special credits include: Digitalegacies for the journal mat, and Mieke van Nellen for the background photo. The map and other photos come from the web with authors unknown.
I have also been busy working on our other challenges. Here is my finished layout for the "Template Challenge" at our own Magickal Scraps forum. Snowy provided the template for this fun challenge.
Today, in between things, I think mayhaps I will work on the "Color Challenge." Also, I want to finish up the draft for my newest Blog Book. This one will cover July through December 2009. I really must get this one done because it's almost time to start one for this year. Plus, I want to get started on my new calendar for next year.
Phew! I just wore myself out thinking of all that work ahead of me!! And in between all of this wonderful stuff, I am hoping to squeeze in a trip to somewhere for a photography seminar. Who knows, maybe this year I'll get to do just that.
Now I'm off to see what kind of mischief I can cook up for today. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a most fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Oh my, you did a bit of research! Have to make a little correction though, sorry. The conglomeration you could say of Amsterdam, The Haugue, Rotterdam and Utrecht is called Randstad (you forgot one "d")
Hey you might think the cities are grown together, but there is still some space between them, although not much.
Did you know we even got a kind of hymn almost of the Hague? It's called: Oh, oh, Den Haag, mooie stad achter de duinen", translated it would be Oh, oh, The Hague, beautiful cities behind the dunes.
I think you made a beautiful layout, good job!
And good job of the journaling, it's always difficult to compress a lot of information.
Now you enjoy the rest of your day! Hugs
lol, busy women! You're having quite a few projects going on there. Have fun -Hugs:)
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