This morning is sunny, but very hot, hot. From my window, I can see a tiny breeze, but I doubt that it is enough to make the air feel more comfortable. So I shall stay in and do laundry and other fun stuff.
My friend has sent me a candle for today, World Cancer Day, and asked me to share it with others so as to keep the candle burning. I have many friends and family who are living with (or have succumbed to) this dreaded disease. It would be nice if we could find a cure for it soon.
I haven't been doing much in the way of designing. Seems like my brain has taken an unscheduled vacation. My mind seems to be elsewhere. It must have something to do with the heat and humidity. This is not good weather for folks with asthma. The humidity makes breathing difficult, and every bit of movement takes effort. Extreme cold acts the same way, which is why Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons.
Remember that big bruise I had on my arm the middle of last April? I took photos of it as it was healing because it was so big. To date, (two months later) it is gone, yet not gone. In it's place, there is a large tinted circle reminding me of where it was. I never heard of a bruise turning into a scar. I made a layout with the photos. If you look closely, you can see the large tinted circle still on my arm. Wow, all this from a small round knob on a folding closet door.

I think now I should go check to see if the work crew is still busy in my yard. We are in the process of clearing over-growth on the side of the house, and hopefully planting a living fence. That would really be nice when the cleanup is finished. Plus it is now time to make lunch. So till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Hi Edna! It’s been a while since I’ve left a comment, but I have been reading! I’m just kinda overloaded right now!
In talking about the weather, if your today is like our last two days have been, you’re right, the breeze you see is a tease! It means high in the 90s with a wind chill in the high 80s! ;) Bt after a half hour camped out in the basement with the cats last night, we have sunny and a high of only 80!
If your bruise was a bone bruise too, you could get a scar from that. Remember that beautiful face I had in January/February? The tenderness in my left cheek is gone now. I had read that it can sometimes be up to 6 months before a bone bruise totally heals. But I still have a tiny scar on my left cheek. I* suppose you can see it if I tell you it’s there and I’m not wearing makeup, but it still bugs me that I have a souvenir on my face!
Have a great day – stay cool as possible
Wow- sounds like you are all mega busy !Have you been taking pics of the clear up? Would be interesting to see the differnece and the change once it's finished all the way to the living fence. That bruise really looked nasty,unbelievable it's still not completely gone. Take it easy with the heat around and don't overdo it - hugs Snowy
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