This morning is really quite lovely. Sunny, and not too hot. At least so far. Tootsie and I went to bed early and got up late, so we are feeling pretty good today. It's a good day to be doing errands, so maybe we will do just that. And, later today, Tootsie and I will be off to watch my great grandson play baseball.
I took more cloud pictures yesterday. And no, I won't inundate you with all of them, but I will share one of them with you just to show the difference that a day makes. This is a photo of yesterday's clouds. Very beautiful indeed.

I also have a great photo of a friend's dog to share. He's not exactly a lapdog, but he sure is a beauty!! Quite the gentle giant. (And yes, I did ask for and receive permission to show this photo.)
Outside my door, I have a clothesline on a pulley that I used to use for hanging out some of the wash. Now I use it for hanging my bird feeders. When I got home yesterday, there were lots of birds enjoying the food and treats, so I stayed in my car and took some photos. Here's one of a grackle, and he has eye on one of the treats that is being enjoyed by a little woodpecker at the moment.
I did a bit of work on the forum challenges, but I'll save them for tomorrow. I think today I want to start going through a lot of my photos so that I can maybe get my nature photo book started. Thinking about it doesn't exactly get it done, and I am a good thinker. Now I just have to become a do-er. LOL!
One of the new challenges in the forum is to start writing a book, by writing one chapter a month. It sounds interesting, but I don't know if I am up to it. I think I need to work on my own book first. But we will see.
Today I have another QP freebie for you. It is very relaxing for me to work on these, so I do hope you can use them. Now I'm off to get started on another new day. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a marvelous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
"QP - 033"

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