Friday, April 20, 2018

A Great Day To Sparkle

April 20, 2018

Good morning.  Tis a lovely day outside.  The sun is shining and the temperature (now at 39F degrees) is working its way up to the low 50's.  This is good because I really do need to go shopping for some groceries.  I have a jar of peanut butter on the pantry shelf, and it's been winking at me for a while now but I ran out of bread several days ago. 

Don't get me wrong, I do have some bread, but my little birds keep coming around, looking for it.  They like it even better when I put peanut butter on it, so today I'll pick up some more hamburger rolls too.  I usually slather these with peanut butter and hang them out in the treat holders.  When I run out of the rolls, I give the birds my bread.

I am sparkling this morning!  Can you see it?  I got a note in my email that really made my eyes and my heart happy!  Friends will be coming to Massachusetts in the Fall and will be stopping by for a visit.  Woo Hoo!

Yesterday, Deanne came by and we watched "Nine To Five."  I had never seen the movie and this way I got to see the role that Jazzy will be playing in the school's Spring musical.  They've already purchased a blonde wig for her to wear.  Now this I can't wait to see!

I also started working on a tissue dolly dress yesterday.  Oh gosh, it is really coming out wicked pretty.  I was going to take a photo of it, but I'll wait until it is finished.  That should be later today.  I'm working on the ruffles at the bottom of the dress. 

A friend sent these to me a while ago and I thought I'd share them with you.  I hope they give you a giggle and put a smile on your face.

Now I think I'll see about getting dressed.  If I don't go shopping soon, I'll find a really good excuse to put if off for another day.  So, till Sunday, Y'all have a fantabulous weekend.

Hugs, Edna B.


Beth Reed said...

It is a good day to sparkle... I just loved the little jokes. I had to laugh too.
I bet that you had a great time watching the movie. I have always loved it. It is one of my favorites. I wish that I could see Jazzie performing. I bet she will be fantastic. Just trying to wrap my head around that beautiful girl in a Dolly Parton wig haha..
I hope that you get to the grocery store. Jonathan and I are supposed to go tonight. I might just wait and see if he is off tomorrow and then if he is I will suggest we go tomorrow. I have enough food left over from yesterdays cooking to have another meal.
Have a super day, xxx Beth

smiekeltje said...

I thought I better read first all your psts and then make a little comment on them. Surely I will forget about something, but here we go LOL!
That luch with the great steak with your family sounded real good and it all was also for a good cause.
Your selfie I do like. ou look great on it!
I am happy the links I gave you were of saome use to you.
Oh I am sooo jealous on janet, who is able to swin with the dolphins! always thought it must be a fantastic experience.
Good idea to have that camera so you can see who is coming at your door.

Gosh, applaus for your great uplisfting speech for all of us who is feeling down. You could do classes in that and make lots of people feel better, I guess.
It is true that sometimes life seems dull and grey and worthless and so harx, but even if it is difficult at the time, we shouldn't let the dark thoughts take the overhand.
Even if we grieve, (which you have to do when you loose a loved one), you must try to see somewhere and sonehow a little beam of light and grab it and hold on to it.

Hope you finally got to doing some grocerie shopping, hahaha.
Well, I hope I covered more or less all and go now to my blog to make a little post.
Have a wonderful day and week