Good morning. Woo Hoo!! The sun is shining, BUT, yup - it's snowing. At the moment, it's in the light stage, but who knows what the day will bring. Yesterday, between several trips in by my new plow guy, Dennis, and the shoveling that the dwarfs did, the yard was looking good. Much smaller, but clear.
I have been so impressed with the great job the new plow guy has been doing that I asked for permission to identify him on my blog. So folks, if any of you reading this live in the Avon, Randolph, Stoughton, Holbrook area of MA, give Dennis a call if you need plowing or construction work. Look him up in the phone book under Mann Construction.
But then the frozen rain and slush kept falling and freezing. Oh boy!! Instant ice skating pond right here in our yard. Joe coated all the ice with "Ice Melt" so that no one would be falling. Alas, then it began to snow again, and when I went to bed last night light snow was still falling.
This first photo shows the typical winter morning out my window this winter. Mounds and mounds of snow while more snow falls.*

This next photo is the view from my front porch. You can see how the mounds of snow around the yard are six to eight feet high. Way over in the background, Joe is making sure we have a path to the shed. This photo was taken after the snow had stopped and the freezing rain had started falling.
This last photo shows the "ice pond" in the yard. It had started melting, but then vehicles had driven on it and then it re-freezes quite rough. I suppose one could say that my yard is a sort of "Penguin Heaven."
That Punxsutawny rodent is not on my "favorites" list at the moment. He's telling everyone that we will have an early Spring, and here they are giving storm forecasts for the next two weeks. I think he was paid, or maybe threatened, to say those things. I believe he should stay in his little hole and not come out until around the middle of March. Obviously though, he is not interested in what I have to say. So be it.
Now it's time for me to do some laundry. Tomorrow, it's back to work. I know I squawk a lot about the snow, but I know how lucky I am too. I am surrounded by family and good folks. We help each other and we manage. That's how it should be.
It's also close to lunch time, and I think I hear Miss Tootsie's tummy growling "Feed Me!" Till tomorrow, Y'all stay warm and dry and have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
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