We're back to gray again this morning, but it's still early. However, I don't see any rain drops or big fat snowflakes falling, so I really can't complain. Right now, I'm searching everywhere for that burst of energy that I found the other night. It obviously doesn't want anything to do with me because it has disappeared into thin air!
Yesterday, I sat at my PC with the hopes of starting work on my portion of the new DD kits. All I managed to accomplish though was to clean up a few of my files and burn them to disk. I supposed that is a good thing, but not quite what I had in mind. Ah well, today is a new day.
Waiting for Wednesday is making Moo very antsy. I know I would be too if I were in his shoes. We are all anxiously awaiting the unveiling of the doctor's masterpiece. Now I'm wondering - what happens if Moo doesn't like his new nose? Can he take it back and exchange it? I mean, if the good doctor's office were at Walmart, then of course, one could exchange the new body part. That is what is so great about the Walmart policy. But something tells me that is not the good doctor's policy.
However, this does give us food for thought. Imagine what it would be like if Walmart put in a new department - "Dr. Good's Instant Body Works Department." Gosh! Now I could get excited about that! Just think, wrinkles removed, liposuction, face lifts and nose jobs done in a wink while you're shopping for new undies, winter jackets and dog food. Man, oh man, oh man!! Sounds pretty good to me.
By now, you're probably wondering if there is something funny in my coffee. Nope! Just plain old regular coffee. It's just that every now and then I get these fantastic brain storms and come up with some really neat ideas. (That is one way of looking at it!)
Now for some serious stuff. Today I will share another layout that I made with my new kit "Edna" from Kyra. I didn't even have to put a photo in it because it came with a really darling ornament that I put into a frame. Have a look, you'll see what I mean. And yes, I made a matching QP to share with you.

Kyra, thank you so much for these beautiful kits. As you can see, I have really been enjoying them. Folks, there are some people on this earth of ours that are just a bit extra special, and Miss Kyra is one of them. This is the month when we give thanks for our many blessings, and believe me, I have so many many blessings. I have been especially blessed since I took up digital scrapbooking, where I have met and made friends with some of the nicest people on this earth.
Now, I have to skidaddle along. My son-in-law is here to fix an electrical problem. So I will leave you with your freebie, and wish Y'all a fantastic day.
Hugs, Edna B.
"Bday Kit QP 01"

And here is your download link for "Bday Kit QP 01"
Lol- Edna, you'll make me die with laughter one day! I was just thinking of the Wallmart pictures I sent yesterday, when you wrote about the "new department" -surely these people really could do with some of that as well,lol.
Kyra's kit really is lovely, and Tootsie's pic fits perfectly with it.
Hugs Snowy
Glad you like your kits. Now don't make me blush with all the nice things you say about me. I am not always this nice, LOL. Thanks for your sweet words. I adore your layout with Tootsie. She's such an adorable subject to use in layouts. isn;t she? Wow, you made me laugh with your Wallmarkt fantasy about the nose from Moo. Hope, he will be happy with his new nose. But you will let us know, hey? Have a lovely day
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Nov. 18, 2009. Thanks again.
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