Monday, November 30, 2009
Oh What A Beautiful Morning!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Missing you, Mr. B.
It's been two years today, and I'm missing you Mr. B. Granted, it does get easier each day to go on by myself, but something is definitely missing. I guess mostly it's the companionship. I love Tootsie to bits, but she never argues with me, and she never ever tries to sweet talk me out of the remote control for the TV. The holidays aren't quite the same either. I tried showing Tootsie the different things I bought before I wrapped them, and she just rolled over and went to sleep. Good doggie!
Some of the dwarfs seem to think they see you now and then lurking in one of the hallways. It keeps them on their toes, because they think you are checking up on them. Did you know that another ghost has been seen here too? A little girl I think. I haven't seen her, but others have. I hope both your souls are at peace.
I dug out another fun memory picture of us to scrap. That's something else I miss, some of the fun places we went and the fun things we did together. These pictures that we had taken every year at the fair hold so many wonderful memories for me. If you set them all side by side, you can see us growing older. Every year, a few more wrinkles, a lot more gray hair, and even some with less hair. But always the same smiles.
Miss Tootsie must know that today I'm a bit melancholy, because she doesn't seem to leave my side for very long. She misses you too. Her favorite chair is still the big black leather recliner that you and her always sat in to watch television.
I don't go by the softball field very often, but I do wonder how you like it there. Do you get many chances to help the younger pitchers out? Do they even realize that someone is there helping them? I suppose it doesn't matter though, as long as you are happy there. When the time comes, I think I would like for me and my doggies to be scattered in a field amongst a lot of wildflowers. I love flowers so I think that would be nice.
Well, it's time for me to get Tootsie's meds and maybe make a cup of coffee. Be at rest, Sweetheart.
Love, Mrs. B.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Rain & Black Friday Have Both Gone

Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Black Friday
Good morning. So here it is, Black Friday, as the retail world calls it. On my way to work this morning, I was thinking about that $3 coffee pot that Moo wanted to go shopping for this morning. I believe the store opened at either 4 or 5 a.m. Of course, all the fantastic deals would have been scooped up within a half hour. Amazing how so many people will wait in a long line at an ungodly hour for so few things. (We all know that there is probably only a dozen coffee pots per store, if that many!)
Well, anyway! Back to that $3 coffee pot. Can you imagine standing in that wicked mob at 4 or 5 this morning in the POURING RAIN for a stupid coffee pot? You heard me correctly. It has been pouring rain for hours, and it is very raw outside. In the 40's. (that's Fahrenheit).
Somehow, that makes my cup of instant coffee sound really delicious!! Actually, I use the individual coffee bags (like tea bags). The coffee tastes good, and it's quick. Even if I had that $3 coffee pot, I couldn't drink a whole pot of coffee. And goodness knows, I can't drink the coffee that Moo makes because it is so strong it would put hair on my chest!!!
I just found out that "spell check" doesn't do a very good job. I misspelled a word -- I wrote "ling" instead of "line" and when I clicked on Spell Check, it said everything was correct. I guess maybe Microsoft needs to go back to elementary school and learn how to spell.
Did everyone have a big dinner yesterday? We had such a feast at our house, and most of the dwarfs were in attendance for dinner. And wow! What a dinner! Moo roasted a turkey, and cooked all sorts of veggies. One of my favorites is mashed potatoes and turnips. Ever tried it? It is just scrumptious!! Of course we had squash and carrots, stuffing and cranberry sauce, celery with cream cheese and olive stuffing, biscuits, pies, etc.
Miss Tootsie enjoyed her dinner tremendously. Roast turkey is one of her favorites, along with roast chicken, roast beef, and most other meats. (This is a very smart doggie! Why settle for dog food when you can have the good stuff?)
At Magickal Scraps forum, we had some marvelous news. One of our members, Maitri, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy a couple of days ago. Here is a picture of mom and Master Duncan Robert. Wow, isn't he gorgeous?

I made a Quick Page for Maitri to scrap one of Baby Duncan's new photos, but I will show that another day. I think Maitri should get first peek. I also started working on some holiday ornaments. When they are done, I shall post them here as freebies.
Time for me to skedaddle now. The Mrs. will be waking soon, so I need to get her breakfast tray ready. Y'all have a fantabulous day now.
Hugs, Edna B.
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, I'm Off To Mail My Boxes

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Yummy!! Orange Chicken, Chinese Style

Monday, November 23, 2009
Laptop Is Having A Bad Hair Day

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sausage And A Fried Egg Sandwich - YUM!
What a gorgeous morning we have today. The sun is shining and it is not very cold. It's so nice, that I stopped on my way home from work to do a bit of shopping. Even found myself a lovely new fragrance at a perfume counter. When I got home, I sprayed a bit on Moo's hand to see if he liked it, and well!!! Do I need to tell you about his YUKs! PHEW's! etc? Men! They just don't understand sometimes what's a nice smell and what isn't.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Dripping Wet And Beautiful
Friday, November 20, 2009
Another Wet, Gray Day
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Ta Da!! It's A Keeper!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Purple Memories

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A New Department Coming At Walmart?

Monday, November 16, 2009
Oh, What A Gorgeous Morning!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009
It's Raining, It's Pouring, The Old Man Is Snoring
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Frozen Peas Instead of Ice Packs

Friday, November 13, 2009
A New Day, A New Nose
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A Flash Back To Olden Days
Here is a layout that I made last night of Moo before yesterday's surgery, and after. Even with the bandage, he's still handsome, and has a good sense of humor. I'll have some coffee waiting for you when you get home today, Moo. We'll put a straw in it, and you'll be good to go.
Well, the car just pulled out, and he is in greater hands now. This feeling I have is a huge helplessness. It is just awful when you cannot do something to help a loved one who is hurting. but we are fighters in this family, and this is just one more hurdle we will get over.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Large Airy Nest For Rent - Cheap!

Monday, November 9, 2009
For Joy! My Laptop Works!! So Far!

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Have A Safe Trip Home, Audrey
I'm a little sad, yet happy this morning. Sad because Audrey is on her way home, yet happy because we had a really nice week together. It's amazing how quickly time flies by when you are having fun. Ah, but we made some new memories. Even Tootsie is mopey, missing her Auntie Audrey.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
A New Award
This morning, Audrey has been in the kitchen making breakfast for all of us. Biscuits and sausage gravy!!! Mmmmmmm!! The dwarfs really do enjoy this extra bit of spoiling and attention. Needless to say, they just love her to pieces.
Sad to say, this week I have really neglected my projects on the computer. I also haven't really had much time to spend chatting on MSN. But I promise to do better real soon. Also sad to say, this week has really flown by too quickly.
This morning I opened my email to find a lovely surprise. A new award from my friend Mary Ann. This is the first blog award she has made and I think she has done a marvelous job with it. Thank you so much, Mary Ann. Being a friend to you is so easy and such a pleasure.