Well good evening. There's lots to say but not lots of time. Any minute now I could get kicked off the one and only laptop hookup here.
My friend Su got really homesick and had a friend pick her up and take her home. She hasn't been away from her family for this long a time so I can understand her getting homesick. But, now it's a bit lonely here. Tuesday I had a sore throat, and just laid low. Wednesday was another lazy day for Tootsie and me. But come afternoon, we got dressed and ready to go out and face the world, and OH NO!! It was raining. Well, we tried.
This morning we slept in late, and then went to find the local post office to mail a box home. After that, we found us a Burger King and had us a rather tasty lunch. Tootsie much prefers burgers to doggie food. so she was tickled pink.
As we sat in the car eating our burgers, a beautiful bird landed on the hood of a car two cars down from us. Wow!! You never know where your next photo op will turn up. Of course, I got out my camera and shot away (on continuous shoot). Next time I get to post, I'll have some of those photos for you.
After leaving there, we watched a helicopter take off with some tourists. Hmmmm, well, I've scrapped that idea. It wouldn't be fun for Tootsie and I won't leave her in the car alone. There's always another year.
We stopped at Walmart to pick up goodies for supper, and headed on home. Once there, we put away the food, packed up the laptop and headed on over to the computer room. Wowee!! It was empty. This is our lucky day. Wrong!!! We got all hooked up, and NO INTERNET! After several minutes of trying to get it to work, I called the office only to be told that the internet was down and they did not know when it would be up. Murphy's Law at work here!
It's after suppertime now, and as you can see the internet is working again. I'm going to share a couple of photos now before I have to give someone else a turn here. This first photo is one of the palm trees outside my door. Inside the circle that I have drawn on it, is what Su tells me are wild orchids.

And here is a closeup of the orchids. You really don't have to look very far to find beauty. It's everywhere.

I'm still trying to catch up on my blog reading and sorting through some of my mail. If I haven't been by your blog lately to leave some comments, please be patient. As soon as I can sit here long enough, I will get to everything. Tootsie and I will come back over here tomorrow and try again. Till then, Y'all have a wonderful evening.
Hugs, Edna B.
Ahhhhh! Blue skies, PALM TREES!!! Thank you for posting your little bit of Heaven, Edna! (Nani <3 Palm trees!) :D
We have, guess what we have.... We have SNOW! It's supposed to be sluchy, but we're still getting a couple days of more! Thank you SOOOO much for sending a palm tree and bonus orchids to my chilly computer screen!
You and Tootsie enjoy the rest of your trip!
Sorry to hear Su has left. It must have been really nice for you to have some company.
Don't let it get you down, girl! Still lots of things to enjoy, I'm sure.
It is a real pity, you have all that trouble with internet connection. When will they have connections in your appartement?????That should be marvellous.
Just turned on tv and saw the striking news of a next disaster taking plce for now in Japan, earthquake of 8,9 and big tsunami. Shocking.
Make some more lovely photos for us and you can show them when you're back again.
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