Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Happy Belated Birthday, Kyra

January 9, 2013

First let me say a belated Happy Birthday to my friend Kyra.  I've been so busy concentrating on my own woes, that I've been late with all my birthdays.  Shame on me.    This was a very special milestone birthday.  Kyra is now at the big 60!! Yeah!!!!!  This is a very good age my friend.  Kyra, I hope your birthday was a beautiful day filled with love and happiness.

It's 1:19 a.m., and I'm sitting here blogging.  Crazy, huh?  Well, to be honest, I got so sleepy earlier, that I finally just lay down and went to sleep.  Unfortunately, that means that I will probably be bright eyed and bushy tailed through the middle of the night.  But hey, that's okay.  It's just me and Pogo, so it's okay if our days and nights get turned inside out.

Well, I got all my braves gathered up yesterday afternoon, and downloaded Firefox.  All by myself!  I was feeling pretty good for all of one whole minute, then whammo!  There it was again.  A bunch of questions about what I should, or want, to do with the program.  I unchecked everything, and put in an emergency call to Wayne.

Of course, he forgot all about me, and I had to call him back a couple of hours later.  He helped over the phone, and promised to come over Thursday after work, and clear all the extra crap out of my laptop that gets dumped in when you download a program. 

The first thing I did was to look to see if my browse box was now available on my blog so that I can upload photos.  Yeahhhhhh!  It was there!  It was after that, that my eyes got so heavy that I had to lay down and go to sleep.  All those frazzled little nerves trying to finally unfrazzle.

I felt pretty good until just a little while ago, when I tried to download a freebie.  Well, it seems Firefox has done the big no no and taken over the rest of my laptop functions.  I downloaded one file, a bit differently I might add.  Then the fun began.  I spent the next half hour trying to find the newly downloaded file.  It was nowhere to be found.  I even downloaded it again, but got the same results. 

Finally I thought I would check my download file (comes with windows)  only to find that this file was also missing.  Now what is going on here?  I knew I should have waited for Wayne!  After much frustration, I finally located my downloaded file, and put it where it should have been.  Yeesh!  I am just too darn old for all this excitement!

Debby, thank you for that suggestion about using the html.  I had thought about doing that, but the way my brain has been going lately, I just knew that I would just dig myself an even bigger hole.  I think the better half of my brain has gone on vacation to a nice warm sunny place, and has left me to fitzle along on my own.  Not a smart thing for it to do!

I have just finished drinking my Alka Seltzer Nighttime cocktail.  Yuk yuk.  This is just one of my precautions to keep from catching the dreaded  flu.  This year seems to be an epidemic year for the flu.  I wonder if a lot of folks just did not get their flu shots back in the Fall.  If you did not get your shot, it's not too late to get it now. 

Speaking of the flu, my friend Nani, from The Chronicles of Nani, landed in the hospital because of the flu.  Thank goodness, she is finally back home now and feeling much better.  I've missed her a lot.

Enough of my babbling.  Here's a cute cartoon that my friend Rhoda sent to me a while back.

Ain't that the truth?  If any of you finds the medication bottle that has this printed on it, please please let me know which one it is so that I can buy some too!  Although I have to tell you that one day last week, a gentleman did give me a nice smile .  I remember thinking "Why the old coot is flirting with me!"  Then I realized that I, too, am an old coot.  Now how did that happen?  lol.

I have a photo to share that I took a few days ago as the sun was setting behind the houses across the street from my house.  By the time I ran back into the house and grabbed my camera and got back outside, the beautiful deep colors were already fading.  However, it's still a pretty sight.

Gosh, it feels so good to be able to post my photos here.  I was really getting worried there, because it's almost time to start posting new freebies.  Of course,  if I hadn't gotten my browser box back, I would have asked Su to post my previews on her blog, and put the link here on my blog.  See?  I can be very creative when I have to be.  lol.

You know, I think Microsoft needs to update it's spellchecker.  I just clicked on it to make sure my spelling was okay, and it did not know what to make of the word "fitzle".  Amazing.  Doesn't everyone use this word?  Or is this another left over from my youthful human days?  Hmmm.

On this note I shall leave you.  Perhaps I will try to get some more sleep.  Sounds like a pretty good idea.  So till tomorrow, Y'all have a fabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.


smiekeltje said...

Thanks Edna for the wishes and your present!
Yeah, good girl! You have Firefox now and can upload photos again on your blog. It's always scary these to install a new program, I know, all those questions are veyr disturbing and sometimes difficult. But you managed!
Firefox has a rather good "Help"function and explanations I even understand after reading it twice LOL! They also give you screenshots, which makes it a lot easier.
Good for Pogo he knows a bit how to play! May be he will get to like it so much you will get muts about it, hahaha.
Going to post now, so bye bye for now,
Have a wonderful day,

Mat's Merry Memoirs said...

Yippee!! Pictures again...great one too! O how I would love to have a medicine like that too! LOL!
Hope you and Pogo have a terrific Wednesday and you get you Firefox fixed just the way you want it! I hate when I have to use IE over my FF! LOL!
Off to finish what I had started, if I can remember what it was I was doing? ROFL!!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Okay, I am going to start right off and show my ignorance. What is a fitzle? And, while I am at it, what is IE over my FF and ROFL (from Mat's comment). I am so bad at deciphering these abbreviations. I miss half of what people are saying when they use them, especially in a text. Good grief, I am too old to be trying to learn a new language.

So, You made it back and I didn't even have to look for you. You are still here just as before. I will never understand the working of the internet ... I just pray I can function in it blindly:) Great photo, I love the pink and blue sky that appears opposite of the actual sunset. I take those pictures all of the time because we face west and that is what we get. Can't resist it.

Sexier huh, how about skinnier. That, at least in my case, could happen. Sexier is hard to come by when it is hidden by wrinkles ... but, I would take it if it would work. The nice thing about cataracts is that you can't see the wrinkles as well, so in the mirror, I don't look half bad:)

Today my hair cut lady is coming. She used to have her own salon, but got very sick and lost it. Now she just does peoples hair in their own homes (isn't that awesome)and I love it because it forces me to clean house at least every six weeks, HA! After that I am taking my daugther to get her knee x-rayed. She fell a while back and it is still bothering her and there is some swelling even though we iced if for several days. Always something, right? Then we are going out for lunch together. Don't get to do that much with my daughter so this will be nice.

Maybe the key to Pogo playing with the rubber piggy is that it is soft so won't hurt his gums. Once he figured that out, it was fun. Good for Pogo, just one more joy in his life.

You are lucky to have a computer Guru to call on when you need him. My son is pretty good at it and helps me when he can, but he has so much on his plate right now I don't get a chance to use him for those kinds of things. My computer could use a good cookie cleaning, but if I were to try to do it, I would probably turn off the wrong thing and end up with nothing. So I wait and watch as my computer gets slower and slower, ugh. I think we are being tested for bigger and better things up stairs :)

Well, have to go vacuum and clean the kitchen up a bit. Julie will be here soon and I am not even dressed ... oh boy, where does the time go. Have a great day Edna ...

Andrea @ From The Sol

The Queen Jester said...

I sure hope you're feeling better soon but in the meantime you and Pogo just take it easy and rest up.

Nani said...

Thanks for mentioning me, Edna! Actually getting the flu is another way to build up your immunity but next year I’ll be the first in line for a flu shot! I think that’s preferable to an expensive “hotel” and an unplanned trip to start the New Year!

I’m glad you got Firefox downloaded and installed, but I’m sorry it gave you frustration. They really need to add a few steps to installation so you don’t have to go back and make it user-friendly. There is an options tab in the tools tab on Firefox that lets you personalize it including telling Firefox where to put downloads. (I have everything download to my desktop so I can put it where I want – but I’m a computer control freak!) I can figure it out but I’m a student studying computer stuff; user-friendly means you shouldn’t have to be at least a student to figure it out. It means where you want downloads to go and what you what your home page to be should be questions the installation process asks you. There’s a job for me; software installation consultant – making installing software make actual sense

I’m just glad we get to see your previews and photographs again! I agree that the colors of sunset, and sunrise, are beautiful; wherever you see them!

Off to read more!

Hugs, Nani