Wednesday, July 4, 2012


July 4, 2012

I'm here at work, and the rain is starting to let up.  It's been pouring the past few hours, so maybe it will stop long enough for me to get home without getting drenched.  The Mrs is snoring away, and I will be packing up my work bag shortly and heading out. 

This morning, I am going over to Deanne's house, where we will do our exercises.  She has a nice  exercise room set up with a couple of machines and a TV for our Boom Boom video.  I'm beginning to like my chunkie little behind a whole lot more now that I've done a few of those exercises.  But I will try to keep up with some sort of exercise because I really do feel good after doing them.

Today is Independence Day here in the U.S.A.  My flags have been replaced with nice new ones, and they are looking really nice.  There's even a little flag in my kiln planter outside my door.  I'm thinking that this little flag needs to be replaced too.

Last night I took a couple photos of flowers in the Mrs' garden to share with you.  Things are getting quite overgrown, but a few plants still stand out.

Maybe one of these days, I will go out and weed the garden for her.  It's really quite pretty when it is kept up.

After the Mrs went to bed last night, I spent a few hours online looking up rescue babies.  Now I have a folder filled with photos and info to follow up on.  Plus, I have sent a couple of emails out about two of them.  So we shall see.  Here are a few of the rescue doggies.
Gosh, there are so many of these beautiful doggies (and other animals) out there waiting for forever homes.  It's simply heartbreaking.  It's time for me to go home.

****I'm home now, having a cup of coffee before I go to Deanne's to exercise.  I am so disappointed with the dwarfs this morning.  I have asked them hundreds of times to please close and lock the downstairs windows when they go out or to bed at night.  It's a safety factor.  Yet once again, I come home to find all the windows open and no one is up yet.  I wonder if they would be more careful about security if their name were on the mortgage.

Outdoors is getting a bit grayer, so we must be getting ready for another downpour.  But I suppose the plus side is that our gardens and lawns are enjoying this rain.  So be it.  That's all my news for this morning.  Y'all be safe and have a wonderful day.

Hugs, Edna B.


The Queen Jester said...

Those brown eyed susans are just stunning.
What a selection of beautiful dogs. It's hard to believe anyone would be willing to part with them. I couldn't say which one looks the cuter but I'm sure someday soon some special little dog will tug at your heartstrings.

smiekeltje said...

Those doggies look soo cute.
I love Cooper and Alice, Danny too is soo cute, but perhaps you shouldn;t take him, because somehow he's looking too similair to Tootsie.
I think it would be better to take a completely different one. Just my humble opinion LOL.
We too had a shower last night, the garden loved it. Real warm yesterday and it feels to be about the same today. Oh well, we shouldn;t complain, we waited long enough for it.
Enjoy your "training"today ROFL.

Mat's Merry Memoirs said...

Thanx so much for the visit, appreciate your nice comments. Gonna take a small break and see about my family in other states. C U when I return. Good Luck in your search for another companion, surely will miss mine while I am away, thank goodness for good friends to check on them. Hugs for a terrific weekend ahead!