May 31, 2012
Do you believe this? Today is the last day of May? I realize that as you get older, time begins flying by, but this is ridiculous. It's sort of like "The faster I run, the farther behind I get". No wonder I'm getting old. The years are running faster than I can keep up!
Seriously, it wasn't so long ago that I brought home a very scared looking puppy, and tried my best to coax her into the world of toys and big loves. This wasn't difficult to do because everyone fell in love with my little Tootsie. We thought the chemotherapy years would never end but they did. Now here we are, two old ladies nine years later. I know it was here, but how quickly the time has flown by.
I guess the moral of this is to enjoy each day the best you can. Never stop hugging your loved ones and your friends, and never stop letting them know you love them. There is so much enjoyment in the little things in life, don't miss them.
We have been having lots of fun here at my house with a very simple little thing. Audrey, you'll never guess how much fun we've all been having with that wind chime. We wait to hear the chimes tinkle, and then we run to peek out the window. Somehow, our chipmunks have found the little bowl of birdseed that we put in the nest at the top, and have made it their own personal diner.
Is this not just the cutest thing? We have all (the dwarfs and I) spent so many wonderful moments enjoying watching these little guys. This is what I mean about enjoying all the little things around us.
So, I must confess that I have purposely not mentioned anything about that nasty little smart phone of mine. Deanne and I have been trying for the past two months to get my regular cell phone number transferred over to the new phone. This has not been very much fun nor has it been easy or successfull.
It took all this time to figure out how to get a real live person on the other end of the phone. and all they have managed to do so far is get my old cell phone to a non-working stage, and my smart phone to a non-working stage. Now neither the old phone number nor the new phone number works. Nor does the company care!
DO NOT BUY THE CRICKET MUVE PHONE!! Unless you are some sort of technology wizard and can make anything work, do not buy this phone. It comes with lifetime free music downloads too, but all we've managed to download is two songs. Imagine, six months and just two songs. I do have to say that I love the built in GPS, but even that is no good now because the phone does not work.
Deanne is doing her best to get the phone and the phone number back in working order. Once that happens, I promise to have that "smash the phone" party. Then I will go out and get me a new phone. In the meantime, she has given me a cell phone to use. I don't like being out in my car with no way to call for help in case of an accident.
Enough about the stupid smart phone. The other day, I took photos of some of my plants. Here's one of my peony bushes getting ready to blossom. I do believe these buds will open soon.
We've lost quite a lot of the bulbs that we had in the garden, as well as a few plants. There is a critter around here who is getting quite fat from eating his way through my garden. It especially loves the bulbs. So now it's time to pick up a couple of traps (the safe ones) and catch the little bugger and transport it to a different place to live.
Now I really should get dressed and do a few things around here. Today is such a gorgeous day (sunny, mid 70's) and Tootsie and I want to get our and enjoy some of it. Tomorrow I have to work, so hopefully the rain showers can hold off till then. Y'all have a fabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
A Freebie For You
May 30, 2012
Good morning. Today is what used to be Memorial Day. However, people enjoy turning holidays into three and four day events, so Memorial Day (like some other holidays) got moved to a more convenient day (last Monday). Us old folks don't mind though, as long as they don't mess with Christmas and New Years. Santa does not like having his travel plans changed.
Today, I have a pretty photo to share of one of my new rose bushes. While Joe was watering the plants a couple of days ago, I rushed out with my camera to get some nice shots. I will be printing this one to hang on one of my walls. I removed a large green leaf that was behind the center rose, and later removed the green upper left corner.
And for you, I made a pretty QP freebie using this photo for a background. I've use a frame element from Scrappiness Down Under, and a texture overlay from PDPA. It's sort of different, so I hope you can use it.
And here's your download link:
My first Rhododendron blossom has finally opened, and it's white. It may be another week or so for the other Rhodie to blossom so I can see what color that one is. Here's a photo of my white blossom.
Last night, the Mrs and I spent all evening looking at photos on a new site that I am checking out. My friend Mary Ann told me about this place, and it sounds quite interesting. You upload your photos specifically to be critiqued. I think this would be very helpful in making better photos. Tomorrow I shall have more information and post the link.
That's all the news for this morning. It's time for me to check on the Mrs again, and then start packing up my stuff to go home. So till tomorrow, Y'all have a fabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. Today is what used to be Memorial Day. However, people enjoy turning holidays into three and four day events, so Memorial Day (like some other holidays) got moved to a more convenient day (last Monday). Us old folks don't mind though, as long as they don't mess with Christmas and New Years. Santa does not like having his travel plans changed.
Today, I have a pretty photo to share of one of my new rose bushes. While Joe was watering the plants a couple of days ago, I rushed out with my camera to get some nice shots. I will be printing this one to hang on one of my walls. I removed a large green leaf that was behind the center rose, and later removed the green upper left corner.
And for you, I made a pretty QP freebie using this photo for a background. I've use a frame element from Scrappiness Down Under, and a texture overlay from PDPA. It's sort of different, so I hope you can use it.
And here's your download link:
My first Rhododendron blossom has finally opened, and it's white. It may be another week or so for the other Rhodie to blossom so I can see what color that one is. Here's a photo of my white blossom.
Last night, the Mrs and I spent all evening looking at photos on a new site that I am checking out. My friend Mary Ann told me about this place, and it sounds quite interesting. You upload your photos specifically to be critiqued. I think this would be very helpful in making better photos. Tomorrow I shall have more information and post the link.
That's all the news for this morning. It's time for me to check on the Mrs again, and then start packing up my stuff to go home. So till tomorrow, Y'all have a fabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
My Mini Vacation Is Over
May 29, 2012
Good morning. It's a bit cloudy at the moment, but it's supposed to wet and sticky (mid 80's) as the day goes on. I suppose I can't really complain about the wet stuff because my plants and grass (clumps) enjoy it. We also have a dense fog advisory on another hour or so.
Yesterday the laundry did not get done, so that's my first project for this morning. It was such a nice day that Tootsie and I kept going outside to play.
As you can see, we now have beautiful green clumps where there used to be a forest of overgrowth. I know, silly me. Clumps aren't really beautiful. But when you had no grass before, they sure are pretty. There is new grass growing, and later we will dig up the clumps and re-seed.
I'm hoping to get some sort of patio put in and maybe a swing and chairs so that we can sit out on the other side of the yard. It's much prettier than the driveway. Rhoda, if you're reading this, do you think Michael would be happy of the changes I've made here? I hope so.
Yesterday I promised to post photos of my pink rose tree. This was such a bargain. I bought it at Christmas Tree Shoppe for $10. This year I've found some, but on sale they are still $40. I'm quite happy with the ones that I got, and they are so beautiful.
As you can see by the large paper sack near the rose tree, Joe has been busy cleaning up the whole yard. Now we have lots of bags of yard waste (we've been saving them up) and I just have to call Town Hall to find out when they will be picking them up or if I have to take them somewhere.
I have three flags, a large one over the front door, a medium one over my living room door, and a small one in my kiln planter. Eddie has already replaced the large one for me. They get raggy after a few years and need replacing. Yesterday, I bought a new one for over my door. Today, I'll check to see how the small one is looking.
Now it's time for me to get busy around here. Tonight I'm back to work and there are things that need to be done before then. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. It's a bit cloudy at the moment, but it's supposed to wet and sticky (mid 80's) as the day goes on. I suppose I can't really complain about the wet stuff because my plants and grass (clumps) enjoy it. We also have a dense fog advisory on another hour or so.
Yesterday the laundry did not get done, so that's my first project for this morning. It was such a nice day that Tootsie and I kept going outside to play.
As you can see, we now have beautiful green clumps where there used to be a forest of overgrowth. I know, silly me. Clumps aren't really beautiful. But when you had no grass before, they sure are pretty. There is new grass growing, and later we will dig up the clumps and re-seed.
I'm hoping to get some sort of patio put in and maybe a swing and chairs so that we can sit out on the other side of the yard. It's much prettier than the driveway. Rhoda, if you're reading this, do you think Michael would be happy of the changes I've made here? I hope so.
Yesterday I promised to post photos of my pink rose tree. This was such a bargain. I bought it at Christmas Tree Shoppe for $10. This year I've found some, but on sale they are still $40. I'm quite happy with the ones that I got, and they are so beautiful.
As you can see by the large paper sack near the rose tree, Joe has been busy cleaning up the whole yard. Now we have lots of bags of yard waste (we've been saving them up) and I just have to call Town Hall to find out when they will be picking them up or if I have to take them somewhere.
I have three flags, a large one over the front door, a medium one over my living room door, and a small one in my kiln planter. Eddie has already replaced the large one for me. They get raggy after a few years and need replacing. Yesterday, I bought a new one for over my door. Today, I'll check to see how the small one is looking.
Now it's time for me to get busy around here. Tonight I'm back to work and there are things that need to be done before then. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Such A Pretty Moon Last Night
May 28, 2012
Good morning. It's only 7:20 a.m. and I have my front door open to let in the cool fresh air. After yesterday's mugginess, the cool feels really good. It's also easier to breathe. This week, Eddie will be putting in my air conditioners so that I can use the dehumidifier on them.
Yesterday was a busy day. Tootsie and Joe and I made a second trip to Home Depot to buy more marigolds and wooden edgings for the flower garden. When we got back home, Joe got all the new flowers planted and watered. Pretty soon, he'll get the little fence edging around the flower garden on the other side of the house, and then we'll have an idea of how much more we might need to finish all of it. I'll definitely be taking some photos to share.
Last night I went outside to get a photo of the moon. All my trees are quite full and leafy, but the moon was in just the right spot for me to take a photo. (Yes, Mary Ann, it's hand held.)
While I was out there, I took some photos of the rose bush just outside my door. This plant has a history and I won't cut it down. Back in the late 90's, my daughter Kerri brought me a beautiful yellow rose bush which we planted in the little garden just outside my door. It only had yellow roses on it the first two years.
After that, it began growing rather quickly, but no more blossoms. Then it started getting these beautiful little white blossoms which only bloom every other year. My birds love this bush. It's a great place to hide and to get out of the heat. Here's my rose bush at night. As you can see, it constantly needs trimming.
Tomorrow, I'll have photos of my pink rose tree to share. It's getting so big and beautiful. I bought some new spray to help get rid of the bugs, and Kyra gave me another method to try using garlic water. For the recipe, see the comments on yesterdays blogpost.
Today, the laundry needs catching up (clothes this time, not scatter rugs!) Plus I want to make up a pan of stuffed peppers for supper. I'll try to take note of how much of what I put into it, and put that recipe here.
Now I think I'll enjoy another cup of coffee and make some breakfast for Tootsie and me. She's slowing down a bit more, but she's like energizer bunny. She just keeps on going! You gotta love this little girl. That's all the news for this morning. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. It's only 7:20 a.m. and I have my front door open to let in the cool fresh air. After yesterday's mugginess, the cool feels really good. It's also easier to breathe. This week, Eddie will be putting in my air conditioners so that I can use the dehumidifier on them.
Yesterday was a busy day. Tootsie and Joe and I made a second trip to Home Depot to buy more marigolds and wooden edgings for the flower garden. When we got back home, Joe got all the new flowers planted and watered. Pretty soon, he'll get the little fence edging around the flower garden on the other side of the house, and then we'll have an idea of how much more we might need to finish all of it. I'll definitely be taking some photos to share.
Last night I went outside to get a photo of the moon. All my trees are quite full and leafy, but the moon was in just the right spot for me to take a photo. (Yes, Mary Ann, it's hand held.)
While I was out there, I took some photos of the rose bush just outside my door. This plant has a history and I won't cut it down. Back in the late 90's, my daughter Kerri brought me a beautiful yellow rose bush which we planted in the little garden just outside my door. It only had yellow roses on it the first two years.
After that, it began growing rather quickly, but no more blossoms. Then it started getting these beautiful little white blossoms which only bloom every other year. My birds love this bush. It's a great place to hide and to get out of the heat. Here's my rose bush at night. As you can see, it constantly needs trimming.
Tomorrow, I'll have photos of my pink rose tree to share. It's getting so big and beautiful. I bought some new spray to help get rid of the bugs, and Kyra gave me another method to try using garlic water. For the recipe, see the comments on yesterdays blogpost.
Today, the laundry needs catching up (clothes this time, not scatter rugs!) Plus I want to make up a pan of stuffed peppers for supper. I'll try to take note of how much of what I put into it, and put that recipe here.
Now I think I'll enjoy another cup of coffee and make some breakfast for Tootsie and me. She's slowing down a bit more, but she's like energizer bunny. She just keeps on going! You gotta love this little girl. That's all the news for this morning. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
If I Were A Bee And You Were A Rose
May 27, 2012
Are you enjoying your Memorial Day weekend? The weather is simply perfect for all those family cookouts. I surely hope you're all remembering why we are celebrating this weekend. It's a time to remember and pay respect to all those men and women who fought, and died, so that we may enjoy the freedom that we so love.
My family is chock full of veterans from all the different branches of the Armed Forces, including my Michael and my brother Artie. Our sons, sons in law, grandsons and all those who came before us have all gone off to serve this great country of ours to keep it free.
It's already partway into the afternoon here. I slept late this morning, and then Tootsie and I went to Home Depot to meet up with Eddie and Dee Dee. Here, we bought ant spray, two new rose bushes, lots of marigolds and a few new garden tools. We're going back there in a little while to get more marigolds.
I underestimated how many we would need to plant along the whole garden on the other side of the house. (Only the flower part of the garden.) When we get ready to put the veggies in, we will get more marigolds for them too. Something has been feasting on all the bulbs and plants in my garden and I'm trying to discourage it from eating any more.
Today, I will share with you a photo art that I made from a picture of a rose in my garden. I had found a beautiful rose poem on line and wanted to scrap it.
In a couple of weeks, I hope to have some new photos to share of my granddaughter, Jasmine. Folks, her parents just received a letter from the school department telling them that "Jasmine has earned a perfect score on one or both sections of the 2012 Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment Test (MCAS). This is an incredible achievement that is worthy of recognition and praise." There will be an award ceremony on June 5. Jasmine, I love you and am sooooooo proud of you!
Now I shall leave you to enjoy the day with your family. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Are you enjoying your Memorial Day weekend? The weather is simply perfect for all those family cookouts. I surely hope you're all remembering why we are celebrating this weekend. It's a time to remember and pay respect to all those men and women who fought, and died, so that we may enjoy the freedom that we so love.
My family is chock full of veterans from all the different branches of the Armed Forces, including my Michael and my brother Artie. Our sons, sons in law, grandsons and all those who came before us have all gone off to serve this great country of ours to keep it free.
It's already partway into the afternoon here. I slept late this morning, and then Tootsie and I went to Home Depot to meet up with Eddie and Dee Dee. Here, we bought ant spray, two new rose bushes, lots of marigolds and a few new garden tools. We're going back there in a little while to get more marigolds.
I underestimated how many we would need to plant along the whole garden on the other side of the house. (Only the flower part of the garden.) When we get ready to put the veggies in, we will get more marigolds for them too. Something has been feasting on all the bulbs and plants in my garden and I'm trying to discourage it from eating any more.
Today, I will share with you a photo art that I made from a picture of a rose in my garden. I had found a beautiful rose poem on line and wanted to scrap it.
In a couple of weeks, I hope to have some new photos to share of my granddaughter, Jasmine. Folks, her parents just received a letter from the school department telling them that "Jasmine has earned a perfect score on one or both sections of the 2012 Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment Test (MCAS). This is an incredible achievement that is worthy of recognition and praise." There will be an award ceremony on June 5. Jasmine, I love you and am sooooooo proud of you!
Now I shall leave you to enjoy the day with your family. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Doggie Doodles In The Water?
May 26, 2012
Good morning. I'm looking out through my screen door, and I have to say it's another fabulous day. This weekend, everyone is celebrating Memorial Day and there will be family barbecues everywhere. Our grill is quite old, and doesn't look so healthy, so I may have to buy us a new one. For some reason, food tastes extra special when it is cooked outdoors on a grill.
My eyes are a bit bleary this morning. Last night, Tootsie and I stayed awake into the wee hours watching some favorite reruns on television. The only bad part of that is getting up bleery eyed and very tired. My coffee is having to work overtime to get my energy level up enough to just get dressed.
Not to worry though. I have a couple of those five hour energy drinks in my fridge, and I will be drinking one of those shortly. One of the lady dwarfs babysat with Tootsie yesterday afternoon so that I could take Joe food shopping at a brand new market. I promised to take her food shopping and to the bank this morning. This is how we do things - we help each other.
Let me tell you about that fabulous new food store, Market Basket. It just opened, and wowee was it ever mobbed! Joe and I got separated just inside the front door. I went looking for the frozen food departmemnt, and the crowds pushed Joe somewhere else. I was amazed at all the selections in the frozen food department and the reasonable prices. Yup! I stocked my freezer with all sorts of goodies.
Earlier in the afternoon, Tootsie and I went to the park to do some water photography, and to check on all the new goose families. As soon as I can crop some of the goose photos, I'll share them here. What I do have for today is the shots that I took for my photography class. We were supposed to be using slow a shutter speed in order to make the water look dreamy (soft and blurry). Here's one of my better shots.
While looking at this photo close up, I noticed a little doggie doodle in the water on the lower step. I really don't know where it came from and it only showed up in two photos out of forty. Hmmmm, very interesting. Check it out.
Isn't that something? Is this an omen of sorts? I wonder. Lately, everywhere I go in my car, I seem to be right behind, right in front of or right next to a white van. Moo drove a white van. Is this an omen? Is he maybe still watching over Tootsie and me because of all the extra traffic on the roads lately? It certainly makes you wonder, doesn't it?
I also have a photo of this same waterfall at a much faster shutter speed. The difference is really quite interesting.
Now I have one more class to do and I'll be caught up again. This next one is night photography. I need to find a place where I can use only the available lighting: streetlights, store lights, car lights, etc. I'm not crazy about going out alone at night to do this so maybe I can talk Eddie into going with me.
I'm feeling chatty this morning, but I really must get going here. It's almost time to take my lady dwarf shopping, and I still have to get dressed. Joe will watch Tootsie while we are gone. By the way, that chicken that Joe cooked up for supper last night was su-u-u-uperb! Tootsie feasted on a bowl full of it, and I saved some for her supper tonight.
See what I mean? Chatty!! As soon as I finished typing one sentence, the next one is ready to be typed. But I really do have to get going here. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. I'm looking out through my screen door, and I have to say it's another fabulous day. This weekend, everyone is celebrating Memorial Day and there will be family barbecues everywhere. Our grill is quite old, and doesn't look so healthy, so I may have to buy us a new one. For some reason, food tastes extra special when it is cooked outdoors on a grill.
My eyes are a bit bleary this morning. Last night, Tootsie and I stayed awake into the wee hours watching some favorite reruns on television. The only bad part of that is getting up bleery eyed and very tired. My coffee is having to work overtime to get my energy level up enough to just get dressed.
Not to worry though. I have a couple of those five hour energy drinks in my fridge, and I will be drinking one of those shortly. One of the lady dwarfs babysat with Tootsie yesterday afternoon so that I could take Joe food shopping at a brand new market. I promised to take her food shopping and to the bank this morning. This is how we do things - we help each other.
Let me tell you about that fabulous new food store, Market Basket. It just opened, and wowee was it ever mobbed! Joe and I got separated just inside the front door. I went looking for the frozen food departmemnt, and the crowds pushed Joe somewhere else. I was amazed at all the selections in the frozen food department and the reasonable prices. Yup! I stocked my freezer with all sorts of goodies.
Earlier in the afternoon, Tootsie and I went to the park to do some water photography, and to check on all the new goose families. As soon as I can crop some of the goose photos, I'll share them here. What I do have for today is the shots that I took for my photography class. We were supposed to be using slow a shutter speed in order to make the water look dreamy (soft and blurry). Here's one of my better shots.
While looking at this photo close up, I noticed a little doggie doodle in the water on the lower step. I really don't know where it came from and it only showed up in two photos out of forty. Hmmmm, very interesting. Check it out.
Isn't that something? Is this an omen of sorts? I wonder. Lately, everywhere I go in my car, I seem to be right behind, right in front of or right next to a white van. Moo drove a white van. Is this an omen? Is he maybe still watching over Tootsie and me because of all the extra traffic on the roads lately? It certainly makes you wonder, doesn't it?
I also have a photo of this same waterfall at a much faster shutter speed. The difference is really quite interesting.
Now I have one more class to do and I'll be caught up again. This next one is night photography. I need to find a place where I can use only the available lighting: streetlights, store lights, car lights, etc. I'm not crazy about going out alone at night to do this so maybe I can talk Eddie into going with me.
I'm feeling chatty this morning, but I really must get going here. It's almost time to take my lady dwarf shopping, and I still have to get dressed. Joe will watch Tootsie while we are gone. By the way, that chicken that Joe cooked up for supper last night was su-u-u-uperb! Tootsie feasted on a bowl full of it, and I saved some for her supper tonight.
See what I mean? Chatty!! As soon as I finished typing one sentence, the next one is ready to be typed. But I really do have to get going here. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Friday, May 25, 2012
I'd Be Lost Without My Washing Machine
May 25, 2012
Good morning. The sun is hiding behind some clouds at the moment, but it's still quite nice outside. Today the temps will be in the mid 70's with maybe a sprinkle or two. After I finish up a bit of laundry (scatter rugs, what else? Thank goodness for my washer.), I think Tootsie and I will go for a ride to the park.
I'm also looking into adult trikes again. I wanted to get one for myself a few years ago, but my brother said it would look foolish. Well guess what? I don't care how foolish it looks. That third wheel will allow me to get out an go for bike rides. There's even a basket on the back for Tootsie to ride in. Oh, be still my heart!
I want to look around to see if anyone near by carries the bike. I would like to try it out before I buy one. Walmart has it, but so far only on line. I also want to see if a basket could go on the front too. Tootsie would be more comfortable if she could sit in the front This just seems like a fun way to get some exercise and fresh air.
Here's a photo that I just have to share with you. Yesterday at work, the Mrs asked me to take this photo. We were in the living room, and she was looking at one of the windows. She wanted me to take the photo because it was such a pretty view. And it is! As you can see, the window is closed, and there is a dark screen on the outside of it, but the photo still came out quite good.
The Mrs' Iris are blooming, so I also got a few shots of those. These are really gorgeous. They are purple but the top petals look almost blue. While I was outside with the camera, I also got some new bee shots.
I've taken a bag of chicken breasts out of the freezer for our supper tonight. When Joe gets home from work, I will give him the chicken and the shake and bake and he will cook it up. Then we share it. Tootsie hasn't been eating so good so tonight she can pig out!
At the moment, Tootsie is wandering around like a little lost soul. She's trying to find one of her treats that she has hidden, and she's not having much luck. Considering that she can't see, this little girl gets around fabulously. We have a lot to learn from our furry friends.
Now it's time for me to stuff this adorable little body into some clothes and do a few things around here. Then it's playtime for Tootsie and me! Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. The sun is hiding behind some clouds at the moment, but it's still quite nice outside. Today the temps will be in the mid 70's with maybe a sprinkle or two. After I finish up a bit of laundry (scatter rugs, what else? Thank goodness for my washer.), I think Tootsie and I will go for a ride to the park.
I'm also looking into adult trikes again. I wanted to get one for myself a few years ago, but my brother said it would look foolish. Well guess what? I don't care how foolish it looks. That third wheel will allow me to get out an go for bike rides. There's even a basket on the back for Tootsie to ride in. Oh, be still my heart!
I want to look around to see if anyone near by carries the bike. I would like to try it out before I buy one. Walmart has it, but so far only on line. I also want to see if a basket could go on the front too. Tootsie would be more comfortable if she could sit in the front This just seems like a fun way to get some exercise and fresh air.
Here's a photo that I just have to share with you. Yesterday at work, the Mrs asked me to take this photo. We were in the living room, and she was looking at one of the windows. She wanted me to take the photo because it was such a pretty view. And it is! As you can see, the window is closed, and there is a dark screen on the outside of it, but the photo still came out quite good.
The Mrs' Iris are blooming, so I also got a few shots of those. These are really gorgeous. They are purple but the top petals look almost blue. While I was outside with the camera, I also got some new bee shots.
I've taken a bag of chicken breasts out of the freezer for our supper tonight. When Joe gets home from work, I will give him the chicken and the shake and bake and he will cook it up. Then we share it. Tootsie hasn't been eating so good so tonight she can pig out!
At the moment, Tootsie is wandering around like a little lost soul. She's trying to find one of her treats that she has hidden, and she's not having much luck. Considering that she can't see, this little girl gets around fabulously. We have a lot to learn from our furry friends.
Now it's time for me to stuff this adorable little body into some clothes and do a few things around here. Then it's playtime for Tootsie and me! Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Glory Be, What A Gorgeous Morning!
May 24, 2012
Wow, you can't believe how gorgeous it is this morning! Even better, the weatherman is promising a whole week of this wonderful weather. I'm at work and it's only 7:30, so it's still cool (65 degrees F) but soon it will be in the 80's. I was smart and brought a pair of shorts and flip flops to change into later if it gets too warm.
My babysitters have all made plans for the weekend so I've had to change my schedule a bit and swap my regular shifts. The good part is that I now have five days in a row off. When I leave here today at 3 p.m. I don't have to be back until next next Tuesday night. Woo Hoo!
Today I have some pretty "raindrop" photos to share. This first one is part of the hedge outside my living room window. I just love how the raindrops sparkle like jewels.
These next two are flowers from my garden. I believe the first one is Sweet William (not positive) and the second one is from my pink rose tree.
Today, I'm hoping to get some photos of the Mrs' pink peonies. They are all opening, but with several days of warm weather they might not still be in bloom next week. My peonies are budding, so maybe they will bloom soon. I have hopes of picking up some veggie plants to put in the garden over the next few days. This year, Joe (a dwarf) wants to make the veggie garden twice as big as last year.
That's all my news for this morning. The Mrs is beginning to stir and will be wanting her breakfast soon. So till tomorrow, Y'all have a magnificent day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Wow, you can't believe how gorgeous it is this morning! Even better, the weatherman is promising a whole week of this wonderful weather. I'm at work and it's only 7:30, so it's still cool (65 degrees F) but soon it will be in the 80's. I was smart and brought a pair of shorts and flip flops to change into later if it gets too warm.
My babysitters have all made plans for the weekend so I've had to change my schedule a bit and swap my regular shifts. The good part is that I now have five days in a row off. When I leave here today at 3 p.m. I don't have to be back until next next Tuesday night. Woo Hoo!
Today I have some pretty "raindrop" photos to share. This first one is part of the hedge outside my living room window. I just love how the raindrops sparkle like jewels.
These next two are flowers from my garden. I believe the first one is Sweet William (not positive) and the second one is from my pink rose tree.
Today, I'm hoping to get some photos of the Mrs' pink peonies. They are all opening, but with several days of warm weather they might not still be in bloom next week. My peonies are budding, so maybe they will bloom soon. I have hopes of picking up some veggie plants to put in the garden over the next few days. This year, Joe (a dwarf) wants to make the veggie garden twice as big as last year.
That's all my news for this morning. The Mrs is beginning to stir and will be wanting her breakfast soon. So till tomorrow, Y'all have a magnificent day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Here Kitty Kitty
May 23, 2012
Good morning. It's a bit gray this morning and still a bit on the damp side. We're expecting thunder showers this afternoon, but the temps are going to be in the mid 70's so it's still quite nice.
I've been busy trying to catch up with my photography class assignments. All I have left is to actually get out there and take the photos. Some for the water photos and some for the nighttime photos. I haven't been able to get to the park to photograph the waterfall, so I put a vase in the sink and turned on the faucet. As the water spills over the top of the vase, I take photos using various settings on my camera. So far, it's been quite a bit of fun.
I also made a new QP for the May quick page contest at Coolscrapsdigital forum. This month, the kit we are using is "Steampunk" by EMS Arts. Here is my preview and a download link.
Here's your download link:
This week, it's also my turn to post the new Photography Theme at Hummies World Forum. I've chosen "Fun Gadgets" for the topic and here's my post showing one of my favorite gadgets, my Broadband2Go stick. As long as I remember to pick up a "top off" card, I always have the internet with me.
Last night, I was reading an article from the "Consumer Guide" and it said that my car, the Hyundai Tucson, received the "Best Buy" award for Compact Crossover/SUV. Four other Hyundai models also received awards for Best Buy in their categories. No wonder I love my car
Isn't this just the cutest kitty? I'll have to be honest here, the kitty wasn't in my backyard. Actually, it's the photo on the June page of a calendar hanging in the Mrs' kitchen. I just couldn't resist taking a photo of it to share.
Now it's time to check on the Mrs one more time and then start packing up my stuff and get ready to go home. Here's hoping the sun is shining for you. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. It's a bit gray this morning and still a bit on the damp side. We're expecting thunder showers this afternoon, but the temps are going to be in the mid 70's so it's still quite nice.
I've been busy trying to catch up with my photography class assignments. All I have left is to actually get out there and take the photos. Some for the water photos and some for the nighttime photos. I haven't been able to get to the park to photograph the waterfall, so I put a vase in the sink and turned on the faucet. As the water spills over the top of the vase, I take photos using various settings on my camera. So far, it's been quite a bit of fun.
I also made a new QP for the May quick page contest at Coolscrapsdigital forum. This month, the kit we are using is "Steampunk" by EMS Arts. Here is my preview and a download link.
Here's your download link:
This week, it's also my turn to post the new Photography Theme at Hummies World Forum. I've chosen "Fun Gadgets" for the topic and here's my post showing one of my favorite gadgets, my Broadband2Go stick. As long as I remember to pick up a "top off" card, I always have the internet with me.
Last night, I was reading an article from the "Consumer Guide" and it said that my car, the Hyundai Tucson, received the "Best Buy" award for Compact Crossover/SUV. Four other Hyundai models also received awards for Best Buy in their categories. No wonder I love my car

I'm still at work, so let me get right to my "share" photo. How would you like to look out your window some day and see this sitting in a tree in your backyard?
Now it's time to check on the Mrs one more time and then start packing up my stuff and get ready to go home. Here's hoping the sun is shining for you. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
My Grass Sprouts Are Loving The Rain
May 22, 2012
Good morning. It's cloudy and wet again today. Except for Thursday and possibly Saturday, we're supposed to have rain all week. As long as my new little grass sprouts are happy with the rain, then I guess I can't complain too much.
Have you seen any of the Serta Sleeper ads lately? Gosh, I feel so bad for those poor little lambs. I realize that the mattresses are probably a good deal for folks, but then every time someone buys one a whole flock of baby lambs goes hungry. Whole sheep families are becoming destitute. Just once, I'd like to see the mattress company do something nice for the lambs.
In case you're wondering, yes, I do still have all my marbles! I just have a very large soft spot for animals who are hurting or needy. I have learned from past experiences to stay out of pet shops. It's hard for me to leave the shop without wanting to take all the animals home with me.
Last night, I was able to work on the new June collab kit for a while. Then Tootsie and I got comfy in our little bed to watch a couple of TV programs before going to sleep. We were up a couple of times before 4 a.m. because Tootsie needed to make potty runs. Finally, at 4 a.m., I made us some breakfast. A bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich for me, and some bacon, deli ham and dry kibbles for Tootsie.
After this we were able to sleep until 8 a.m.. One more potty run and back to bed for another hour and a half. Crazy schedule, huh? It's okay, though. There's just me and her, and except for my work schedule, we don't have any kind of schedule for sleep or meals, etc. We try to enjoy whatever each day brings us.
I have a couple of photos to share today. This first one is just an interesting shot that I took of the Mrs' light post that is being covered by the Beauty Bush. The second shot is a little moth that I found sitting on a leaf by the Rhodendrons at work.
Now I must get busy and finish up the laundry. Tonight is a work night, and I need the clean clothes. Plus, I need to wash Tootsie's little bed that she takes with her to the babysitter's room. Here's hoping the sun is shining for all of you. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. It's cloudy and wet again today. Except for Thursday and possibly Saturday, we're supposed to have rain all week. As long as my new little grass sprouts are happy with the rain, then I guess I can't complain too much.
Have you seen any of the Serta Sleeper ads lately? Gosh, I feel so bad for those poor little lambs. I realize that the mattresses are probably a good deal for folks, but then every time someone buys one a whole flock of baby lambs goes hungry. Whole sheep families are becoming destitute. Just once, I'd like to see the mattress company do something nice for the lambs.
In case you're wondering, yes, I do still have all my marbles! I just have a very large soft spot for animals who are hurting or needy. I have learned from past experiences to stay out of pet shops. It's hard for me to leave the shop without wanting to take all the animals home with me.
Last night, I was able to work on the new June collab kit for a while. Then Tootsie and I got comfy in our little bed to watch a couple of TV programs before going to sleep. We were up a couple of times before 4 a.m. because Tootsie needed to make potty runs. Finally, at 4 a.m., I made us some breakfast. A bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich for me, and some bacon, deli ham and dry kibbles for Tootsie.
After this we were able to sleep until 8 a.m.. One more potty run and back to bed for another hour and a half. Crazy schedule, huh? It's okay, though. There's just me and her, and except for my work schedule, we don't have any kind of schedule for sleep or meals, etc. We try to enjoy whatever each day brings us.
I have a couple of photos to share today. This first one is just an interesting shot that I took of the Mrs' light post that is being covered by the Beauty Bush. The second shot is a little moth that I found sitting on a leaf by the Rhodendrons at work.
Now I must get busy and finish up the laundry. Tonight is a work night, and I need the clean clothes. Plus, I need to wash Tootsie's little bed that she takes with her to the babysitter's room. Here's hoping the sun is shining for all of you. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Monday, May 21, 2012
It's A Bit Damp, But That's Okay
May 21, 2012
I'm happy to say that it is gray and wet outside, and I'm not depressed. The weather these past few days has been heavenly, so I can't complain about a day or two or rain. Besides, my gardens need it.
Last night while the Mrs slept, I was able to enjoy a really nice chat with Su via MSN. You know, she is one smart lady!! When I can't figure something out in Photoshop, I turn to her. She also writes a lot of tutorials and will be putting some of them on her new blog. Check it out when you're there to pick up her last two parts of "Monet's Gardens".
Speaking of our May collab kit, here's my preview and my last two parts.
Here are your download links:
Here is Su's preview. Just click on her name and it will take you to her new blog. Don't forget to take a moment to say thank you.
Today I want to share a couple of photos that I took over the weekend of some gorgeous Rhododendrons in my neighbor's yard. This first one is orange, my favorite color, and has me drooling with envy. The second plant is a beautiful light purple.
You know, I never realized just how many beautiful colors that rhododendrons came in. I found a link where you can see some of them.
I'm going to have to find me one of these orange rhodies. And maybe a yellow one. Oooooooh! Just thinking of them makes me happy! I have two rhodie plants but they haven't blossomed yet so I don't remember what colors they are. They do have lots of buds on them, so maybe pretty soon.
Now I want to get Tootsie her meds and maybe a little breakfast. She hasn't been feeling so good these last couple of days. Maybe something tasty will perk her up a bit. It hurts my heart to see her not feeling so good.
That's all the news for this morning. Here's hoping the sun is shining where you live. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
I'm happy to say that it is gray and wet outside, and I'm not depressed. The weather these past few days has been heavenly, so I can't complain about a day or two or rain. Besides, my gardens need it.
Last night while the Mrs slept, I was able to enjoy a really nice chat with Su via MSN. You know, she is one smart lady!! When I can't figure something out in Photoshop, I turn to her. She also writes a lot of tutorials and will be putting some of them on her new blog. Check it out when you're there to pick up her last two parts of "Monet's Gardens".
Speaking of our May collab kit, here's my preview and my last two parts.
Here are your download links:
Here is Su's preview. Just click on her name and it will take you to her new blog. Don't forget to take a moment to say thank you.
Today I want to share a couple of photos that I took over the weekend of some gorgeous Rhododendrons in my neighbor's yard. This first one is orange, my favorite color, and has me drooling with envy. The second plant is a beautiful light purple.
You know, I never realized just how many beautiful colors that rhododendrons came in. I found a link where you can see some of them.
I'm going to have to find me one of these orange rhodies. And maybe a yellow one. Oooooooh! Just thinking of them makes me happy! I have two rhodie plants but they haven't blossomed yet so I don't remember what colors they are. They do have lots of buds on them, so maybe pretty soon.
Now I want to get Tootsie her meds and maybe a little breakfast. She hasn't been feeling so good these last couple of days. Maybe something tasty will perk her up a bit. It hurts my heart to see her not feeling so good.
That's all the news for this morning. Here's hoping the sun is shining where you live. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
May 20, 2012
What can I say? It's another glorious morning here in my little part of the world. We're supposed to have more rain tomorrow, but that's okay. This whole weekend has been simply divine.
I promised some photos of my new garden plants so here goes. Dee Dee and Eddie brought me this pretty Home Run Rose, and planted it for me.
Here's the planter full of blossoms that Janet brought me. I planted it in the kiln near my living room door. When it gets a bit bigger, it will be hanging down around the sides of the kiln. Note my handicap parking sign in the background.
I also have a photo of my new wind chimes that Audrey sent to me. There is a little nest on the top with a little bluebird perched on the side of the nest. I've been filling the nest with birdseed. When there's a breeze, these chimes make a lovely tinkling sound.
Last night, I worked on my photo class assignments. One of them is about shooting water shots, and I had quite a bit of fun with this one. I was just using running water from the kitchen sink faucet so my photos aren't very good (the lighting wasn't very good), so I'll try it again at the park this week. There is a lovely waterfall there that's perfect for practicing water shots with a slow shutter speed.
There's supposed to be a solar eclipse this evening in the Western part of the country. I wonder if we'll get to see any of it. I'll have to keep watch just in case. I'm also trying my darndest to get a nice photo of the Mrs' hummingbirds, but so far no luck. These little buggers are very camera shy.
Now it's time to get Tootsie her morning meds. She's being very quiet in hopes that I'll forget them, but that's not going to happen little girl. Here's hoping that all of you are enjoying this same fabulous weather. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
What can I say? It's another glorious morning here in my little part of the world. We're supposed to have more rain tomorrow, but that's okay. This whole weekend has been simply divine.
I promised some photos of my new garden plants so here goes. Dee Dee and Eddie brought me this pretty Home Run Rose, and planted it for me.
Here's the planter full of blossoms that Janet brought me. I planted it in the kiln near my living room door. When it gets a bit bigger, it will be hanging down around the sides of the kiln. Note my handicap parking sign in the background.
I also have a photo of my new wind chimes that Audrey sent to me. There is a little nest on the top with a little bluebird perched on the side of the nest. I've been filling the nest with birdseed. When there's a breeze, these chimes make a lovely tinkling sound.
Last night, I worked on my photo class assignments. One of them is about shooting water shots, and I had quite a bit of fun with this one. I was just using running water from the kitchen sink faucet so my photos aren't very good (the lighting wasn't very good), so I'll try it again at the park this week. There is a lovely waterfall there that's perfect for practicing water shots with a slow shutter speed.
There's supposed to be a solar eclipse this evening in the Western part of the country. I wonder if we'll get to see any of it. I'll have to keep watch just in case. I'm also trying my darndest to get a nice photo of the Mrs' hummingbirds, but so far no luck. These little buggers are very camera shy.
Now it's time to get Tootsie her morning meds. She's being very quiet in hopes that I'll forget them, but that's not going to happen little girl. Here's hoping that all of you are enjoying this same fabulous weather. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Busy Busy Bees
May 19, 2012
Good morning. I must say that today is simply gorgeous! If it was like this year round I would think we lived in Paradise. I slept a bit late this morning, but I am definitely getting outside in a little while to play in the dirt. I must remember to pick up a new set of garden hand tools. The ones I have seem to keep walking off when I am not looking.
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to get outside for a bit to take some photos of the bees that are flocking around the Mrs' rhododendrons. The bees seem to be more flighty this year. You have to be very quick to get a photo. Here are a few of my favorite shots.
These guys absolutely love the Mrs' Beauty Bush. They were all over it. I have lots more photos, but I need to go through them and crop a few so that I can post them. I am back to work tonight, so I'll have another chance to get a few more photos.
I will have to make this a rather short post because it's time to make Tootsie some lunch, and then I want to get dressed and outside. Here's hoping your weather is as beautiful as ours. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. I must say that today is simply gorgeous! If it was like this year round I would think we lived in Paradise. I slept a bit late this morning, but I am definitely getting outside in a little while to play in the dirt. I must remember to pick up a new set of garden hand tools. The ones I have seem to keep walking off when I am not looking.
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to get outside for a bit to take some photos of the bees that are flocking around the Mrs' rhododendrons. The bees seem to be more flighty this year. You have to be very quick to get a photo. Here are a few of my favorite shots.
These guys absolutely love the Mrs' Beauty Bush. They were all over it. I have lots more photos, but I need to go through them and crop a few so that I can post them. I am back to work tonight, so I'll have another chance to get a few more photos.
I will have to make this a rather short post because it's time to make Tootsie some lunch, and then I want to get dressed and outside. Here's hoping your weather is as beautiful as ours. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Friday, May 18, 2012
It's Finally Time To Plant My Bulbs
May 18, 2012
Good morning on this gorgeous sunny day. I'm at work so this will be a short post. I went outside this morning to take some photos of the Mrs' Beauty Bush. It has grown huge over the years and is quite beautiful.
Yesterday was a busy day. Eddie put in my screens so now I can leave the doors open on nice days. He also cleaned out one of my flower beds and helped me to plant the new flowers that Janet brought me. I'll have photos of these tomorrow.
In the afternoon, Tootsie and I went to the hospital to pick up her eye drops, and then to Walmart to get her other meds. It was such a fabulous day to be out and about. I'm hoping to spend a lot of time out in the yard this weekend cleaning out the flower beds on the other side of the house. I have new lily bulbs to plant and I'm getting anxious to get them in the ground.
The Mrs is starting to rouse, so it's time for me to get busy here. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning on this gorgeous sunny day. I'm at work so this will be a short post. I went outside this morning to take some photos of the Mrs' Beauty Bush. It has grown huge over the years and is quite beautiful.
Yesterday was a busy day. Eddie put in my screens so now I can leave the doors open on nice days. He also cleaned out one of my flower beds and helped me to plant the new flowers that Janet brought me. I'll have photos of these tomorrow.
In the afternoon, Tootsie and I went to the hospital to pick up her eye drops, and then to Walmart to get her other meds. It was such a fabulous day to be out and about. I'm hoping to spend a lot of time out in the yard this weekend cleaning out the flower beds on the other side of the house. I have new lily bulbs to plant and I'm getting anxious to get them in the ground.
The Mrs is starting to rouse, so it's time for me to get busy here. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Yeah! The Sunshine Is Back!
May 17, 2012
Oh what a gorgeous morning we have today. The sun is shining and it's going to be in the 70's. I think I heard that it's supposed to be like this for the next few days. Eddie said that he will be here this morning to put in the door screens. I was going to do it myself earlier this week, but decided against it. It would have meant climbing on my little ladder, and I'm not so crazy about doing that.
Today, Tootsie and I have a few errands to do that we have been putting off all week. We have to go to the hospital to pick up one of her meds, and then to Walmart to pick up another of her meds. If we have time, we might even stop by Dairy Queen for an ice cream.
Janet came by yesterday and brought me a gorgeous planter for outside my door. While she was here, I put the stuffed peppers in the oven for an hour at 350 degrees. Then I just waited. I wasn't really sure how the peppers would come out. I tried to copy Moo's recipe (that he never wrote down or gave me measurements for). Well, an hour later the peppers were done, and oh my! Mmm Mmm Mmm! I will have to make them again sometime soon.
I have two more of Mary Ann's bird photos to share today. She has been having so much with her newest lens, and it shows in her photos. This first one is a Ladder Backed Woodpecker, and the second photo is a White Winged Dove.
I'm hoping to take a few photos of my newest plants later today. With all the wet days we've had lately, I haven't felt like going out to take photos. Now that the sun is back to stay for a while, my energy is renewed. Also, I want to get the hummingbird feeders back up because the hummingbirds are back in our area.
Now I must get going and put some clothes on before Eddie gets here. I need to change the station on the TV too. I've been watching the shopping channel where they are showcasing Susan Graver clothing. I want everything! I'm off now. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Oh what a gorgeous morning we have today. The sun is shining and it's going to be in the 70's. I think I heard that it's supposed to be like this for the next few days. Eddie said that he will be here this morning to put in the door screens. I was going to do it myself earlier this week, but decided against it. It would have meant climbing on my little ladder, and I'm not so crazy about doing that.
Today, Tootsie and I have a few errands to do that we have been putting off all week. We have to go to the hospital to pick up one of her meds, and then to Walmart to pick up another of her meds. If we have time, we might even stop by Dairy Queen for an ice cream.
Janet came by yesterday and brought me a gorgeous planter for outside my door. While she was here, I put the stuffed peppers in the oven for an hour at 350 degrees. Then I just waited. I wasn't really sure how the peppers would come out. I tried to copy Moo's recipe (that he never wrote down or gave me measurements for). Well, an hour later the peppers were done, and oh my! Mmm Mmm Mmm! I will have to make them again sometime soon.
I have two more of Mary Ann's bird photos to share today. She has been having so much with her newest lens, and it shows in her photos. This first one is a Ladder Backed Woodpecker, and the second photo is a White Winged Dove.
I'm hoping to take a few photos of my newest plants later today. With all the wet days we've had lately, I haven't felt like going out to take photos. Now that the sun is back to stay for a while, my energy is renewed. Also, I want to get the hummingbird feeders back up because the hummingbirds are back in our area.
Now I must get going and put some clothes on before Eddie gets here. I need to change the station on the TV too. I've been watching the shopping channel where they are showcasing Susan Graver clothing. I want everything! I'm off now. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Another Fine Soggy Day
May 16, 2012
It's a lovely soggy wet morning here. No, I'm not complaining. This is saving me from having to go outside and water everything. However, I wouldn't mind if it dried up a little bit and the sun came out for a while. I'm a sun bunny at heart.
It was another early morning today. Tootsie woke me up at 2:45, and it was not easy getting back to sleep after that. So we got up, and I prepared a pan of stuffed green peppers and a small meatloaf to be cooked later this afternoon. I also boiled a batch of eggs, cooled and diced them, and made a bowl of egg salad. After that, I helped my self to three little raspberry pastries and crawled back into bed. I managed to get about three more hours of sleep.
Last night, I had a nice chat via email with Su, and we decided on a theme and color palette for our June collab kit. This one is going to be such fun, BUT that's all I can say about it now. I did not get to working on my photo class assignments because I turned in early. Maybe later today.
Deanne came by yesterday and we went outside so that she could dig up some of my irises and tiger lilies to take home with her. If it ever stops raining for a few days in a row, I would like to dig up more of the irises and re-plant them in another part of the yard.
For today's photos, I thought I would share some beautiful bird shots that my friend Mary Ann took while she was on vacation. Gosh, I think I need her lens. These bird shots are fabulous! First we have a Cactus Wren, then a Northern Cardinal and a Purple Finch. Mary Ann, I'm jealous!
Now I think it's time I stuffed myself into some clothes and get a start on this new day. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
It's a lovely soggy wet morning here. No, I'm not complaining. This is saving me from having to go outside and water everything. However, I wouldn't mind if it dried up a little bit and the sun came out for a while. I'm a sun bunny at heart.
It was another early morning today. Tootsie woke me up at 2:45, and it was not easy getting back to sleep after that. So we got up, and I prepared a pan of stuffed green peppers and a small meatloaf to be cooked later this afternoon. I also boiled a batch of eggs, cooled and diced them, and made a bowl of egg salad. After that, I helped my self to three little raspberry pastries and crawled back into bed. I managed to get about three more hours of sleep.
Last night, I had a nice chat via email with Su, and we decided on a theme and color palette for our June collab kit. This one is going to be such fun, BUT that's all I can say about it now. I did not get to working on my photo class assignments because I turned in early. Maybe later today.
Deanne came by yesterday and we went outside so that she could dig up some of my irises and tiger lilies to take home with her. If it ever stops raining for a few days in a row, I would like to dig up more of the irises and re-plant them in another part of the yard.
For today's photos, I thought I would share some beautiful bird shots that my friend Mary Ann took while she was on vacation. Gosh, I think I need her lens. These bird shots are fabulous! First we have a Cactus Wren, then a Northern Cardinal and a Purple Finch. Mary Ann, I'm jealous!
Now I think it's time I stuffed myself into some clothes and get a start on this new day. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Giggling Is Good For You!
May 15, 2012
Good morning. It's a really nice morning here in my little part of the world. The sun's not shining yet, but I can see bits of it up there behind the clouds. The temperature is getting close to 70F. Yup, yup, I can dig this. Tootsie woke me up a little before 5 am, so we got up. I caught up on a bit of my email while I drank my coffee, then I got dressed and we headed out to the supermarket.
My intentions were good, but the supermarket was not open yet. Oops, I thought they were open all night. Well this time I thought wrong. So we went back home to wait for 7 a.m. to roll around, and then went back to the supermarket. When I have Tootsie with me I have to leave her in the car, so if it's warm outside, I try to shop early in the morning or in the evening when it's cool.
Folks, I have to share something with you that I found posted on a friend's blog. The Queen Jester posted the most adorable cartoon on her blog that reminds us to never grow too old to giggle with a friend. As soon as I saw it, I thought of my daughter in law, Janet. Wednesday is our afternoon and evening to enjoy a meal and some great companionship. We do a lot of giggling over the candy we're munching on while we think up ways to get into some fun mischief.
Today I think I'll try to get caught up with my photography class assignments. Over the past few months, there haven't been many assignments posted so I tend to lose interest. However, now there are three of them so I'll be busy for the next week or so.
I also want to get some new freebies stockpiled, and get started on the June collab kit. So many projects, so little time. In between the fun stuff, theres always the vacuuming and laundry, etc. Maybe I'll look into that 50% off house cleaning deal that Amazon is advertising. Hmmmm. I must think on this one. It really is enticing.
Yesterday Tootsie and I had an absolutely scrumptious breakfast. I baked a large potato, then peeled it and sliced it into small cubes. Next, I scrambled up eggs with cheese and milk. I put some diced green peppers into the frying pan to brown up just a tad bit, then added the potatoes and some marjarine. Once these started to brown, I poured the egg mixture into the pan and scrambled it all together. Yum, yum, yum!
Okay, now I'm hungry. This morning I think we'll have cereal and milk. On that note, I bid you good day. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. It's a really nice morning here in my little part of the world. The sun's not shining yet, but I can see bits of it up there behind the clouds. The temperature is getting close to 70F. Yup, yup, I can dig this. Tootsie woke me up a little before 5 am, so we got up. I caught up on a bit of my email while I drank my coffee, then I got dressed and we headed out to the supermarket.
My intentions were good, but the supermarket was not open yet. Oops, I thought they were open all night. Well this time I thought wrong. So we went back home to wait for 7 a.m. to roll around, and then went back to the supermarket. When I have Tootsie with me I have to leave her in the car, so if it's warm outside, I try to shop early in the morning or in the evening when it's cool.
Folks, I have to share something with you that I found posted on a friend's blog. The Queen Jester posted the most adorable cartoon on her blog that reminds us to never grow too old to giggle with a friend. As soon as I saw it, I thought of my daughter in law, Janet. Wednesday is our afternoon and evening to enjoy a meal and some great companionship. We do a lot of giggling over the candy we're munching on while we think up ways to get into some fun mischief.
Today I think I'll try to get caught up with my photography class assignments. Over the past few months, there haven't been many assignments posted so I tend to lose interest. However, now there are three of them so I'll be busy for the next week or so.
I also want to get some new freebies stockpiled, and get started on the June collab kit. So many projects, so little time. In between the fun stuff, theres always the vacuuming and laundry, etc. Maybe I'll look into that 50% off house cleaning deal that Amazon is advertising. Hmmmm. I must think on this one. It really is enticing.
Yesterday Tootsie and I had an absolutely scrumptious breakfast. I baked a large potato, then peeled it and sliced it into small cubes. Next, I scrambled up eggs with cheese and milk. I put some diced green peppers into the frying pan to brown up just a tad bit, then added the potatoes and some marjarine. Once these started to brown, I poured the egg mixture into the pan and scrambled it all together. Yum, yum, yum!
Okay, now I'm hungry. This morning I think we'll have cereal and milk. On that note, I bid you good day. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mothers Day
May 13, 2012
I want to wish all you ladies out there a very Happy Mothers Day. And if you're not a Mom, not to worry. You have a fabulous day too! The sun is not up yet here, but it's supposed to getting up to about 80 degrees F today. I guess it's time to take the windows out of the storm doors and put in the screens. Oops, maybe I'll wait a few more days. The weather man just said we have three days of rain coming beginning late tonight or tomorrow.
On the weather channel this morning, they are talking about a ghost town that has been built in New Mexico and showing photos of it. This marvelous town cost more than a billion dollars to build, and yet no one lives there. (That's what they say.) According to one speaker, this is supposed to a nice place for people to be where they can design and invent new ideas and things.
I must have missed something important here. You don't have to go far to find children and adults living under bridges and in tunnels. Most towns and cities have their share of homeless sleeping in doorways and near sidewalk heating grates at night to keep warm.
My bad. I guess it really is more important to build a billion dollar ghost town where people can go to think, than to use the money to give folks a roof over their heads and warm beds to sleep in at night. Somewhere along the way, I must have missed the "brain" boat.
Ladies, maybe we all need to rally together and take over this nation of ours. We have the resources and the money to take care of our people and our country's problems. We just have to take care of home first before we take on the whole world and every dreamer's fantasies. This is something that all the men in Congress have not yet learned.
Oh boy, there I go again!! Sorry 'bout that. On another note, I just realized that my phone card ran out a few days ago. This "no contract" idea has it's good side, but just not for someone like me. I never remember to get a new card until my time runs out. I will have to get to Best Buy tomorrow and tend to my phone. Unless Dee Dee and Eddie stop by, then maybe one of them can do this over the phone for me. I tried this myself last month, and did not do so good.
Okay, let's get to the freebie. Here is the preview and download link for the second Rhodie QP. I think I like the background on this one best, so I've included a 12x12 background for you.
Here's your download link:
I also have a pretty photo of a sunset at our local park, taken a few weeks ago. Tootsie and I want to get back to the park this week to see how the goslings have grown. Maybe we'll get lucky and find a new swan family too.
Today, I think Tootsie and I will go for a walk. Maybe one of the dwarfs would like to join us. It's such a beautiful day and I want to enjoy it before going to work tonight. On that note, I 'm going to rustle up some breakfast for my little girl and me. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a magnificent day.
Hugs, Edna B.
I want to wish all you ladies out there a very Happy Mothers Day. And if you're not a Mom, not to worry. You have a fabulous day too! The sun is not up yet here, but it's supposed to getting up to about 80 degrees F today. I guess it's time to take the windows out of the storm doors and put in the screens. Oops, maybe I'll wait a few more days. The weather man just said we have three days of rain coming beginning late tonight or tomorrow.
On the weather channel this morning, they are talking about a ghost town that has been built in New Mexico and showing photos of it. This marvelous town cost more than a billion dollars to build, and yet no one lives there. (That's what they say.) According to one speaker, this is supposed to a nice place for people to be where they can design and invent new ideas and things.
I must have missed something important here. You don't have to go far to find children and adults living under bridges and in tunnels. Most towns and cities have their share of homeless sleeping in doorways and near sidewalk heating grates at night to keep warm.
My bad. I guess it really is more important to build a billion dollar ghost town where people can go to think, than to use the money to give folks a roof over their heads and warm beds to sleep in at night. Somewhere along the way, I must have missed the "brain" boat.
Ladies, maybe we all need to rally together and take over this nation of ours. We have the resources and the money to take care of our people and our country's problems. We just have to take care of home first before we take on the whole world and every dreamer's fantasies. This is something that all the men in Congress have not yet learned.
Oh boy, there I go again!! Sorry 'bout that. On another note, I just realized that my phone card ran out a few days ago. This "no contract" idea has it's good side, but just not for someone like me. I never remember to get a new card until my time runs out. I will have to get to Best Buy tomorrow and tend to my phone. Unless Dee Dee and Eddie stop by, then maybe one of them can do this over the phone for me. I tried this myself last month, and did not do so good.
Okay, let's get to the freebie. Here is the preview and download link for the second Rhodie QP. I think I like the background on this one best, so I've included a 12x12 background for you.
Here's your download link:
I also have a pretty photo of a sunset at our local park, taken a few weeks ago. Tootsie and I want to get back to the park this week to see how the goslings have grown. Maybe we'll get lucky and find a new swan family too.
Today, I think Tootsie and I will go for a walk. Maybe one of the dwarfs would like to join us. It's such a beautiful day and I want to enjoy it before going to work tonight. On that note, I 'm going to rustle up some breakfast for my little girl and me. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a magnificent day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Thank You, Thank You
May 12, 2012
Good morning. I want to thank all my wonderful blog friends for your really nice comments. You sure made my day. Yesterday started out pretty good but when I got to work I found I had no access to the internet. The folks next door went away and shut it off.
Not to worry though, because I had my fabulous little Broadband2Go stick in my bag. I dug it out and popped it in the USB slot. Oh no!! It says welcome, you're connected. But it would not connect to the web no matter what I did. Well now isn't this special? This just upset my whole day.
When I got home later in the afternoon, I had to call Virgin Mobile and ask tech support for help in getting my Broadband2Go stick to work. I must say that they have wonderfully polite tech people and are very good at helping out little old ladies in distress.
Then I made a quick run to Walmart because we had no more doggie food. Plus, grandson has been working so many hours lately that he has had no time to do any food shopping, so I picked up a few things for him. Then I sat down to check on my blog, and was so happy to read your comments. They really put a big smile on my face and brightened up the rest of my day. So again, thank you.
I did manage to make a couple of QP's from the Rhodie photo art that I posted the other day. They are similar except that I added another layer to the second QP, softening the background quite a bit. I also included a copy of the new background paper with the second QP so you might make your own layout.
Today I have the first one for you, and tomorrow I'll post the second one. These are just little gifts for Mothers Day, and I'll still be posting parts to our May collab kit on Monday morning. Here is a preview of Rhodie QP 01.
Here is your download link:
Tootsie and I turned in rather early last night, so this morning I want to do a bit of catching up on my blog reading. I enjoy this bit of blog banter in the morning with my coffee. It starts my day off with a smile. Isn't it interesting how a computer brings so many folks from all around the world together? I would miss you if you were not there.
Dee Dee posted a little sign on her Facebook page a while ago and I saved it because it so reminded me of myself. (Especially when my tekkie toys don't work for me.) Today, I'll share it with you.
Oh boy, did I have a good chuckle over this one! You know, I have all the patience in the world with Tootsie and the mountains of scatter rugs that need constant washing, but oh boy those tekkie toys can really drive me nuts. And stupidity. Stupidity really really tests my patience. Thank goodness someone up there watches over me.
On this note, I think I'll go rustle up some breakfast for Tootsie and me. I hope the sun shines all day for all of you. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. I want to thank all my wonderful blog friends for your really nice comments. You sure made my day. Yesterday started out pretty good but when I got to work I found I had no access to the internet. The folks next door went away and shut it off.
Not to worry though, because I had my fabulous little Broadband2Go stick in my bag. I dug it out and popped it in the USB slot. Oh no!! It says welcome, you're connected. But it would not connect to the web no matter what I did. Well now isn't this special? This just upset my whole day.
When I got home later in the afternoon, I had to call Virgin Mobile and ask tech support for help in getting my Broadband2Go stick to work. I must say that they have wonderfully polite tech people and are very good at helping out little old ladies in distress.
Then I made a quick run to Walmart because we had no more doggie food. Plus, grandson has been working so many hours lately that he has had no time to do any food shopping, so I picked up a few things for him. Then I sat down to check on my blog, and was so happy to read your comments. They really put a big smile on my face and brightened up the rest of my day. So again, thank you.
I did manage to make a couple of QP's from the Rhodie photo art that I posted the other day. They are similar except that I added another layer to the second QP, softening the background quite a bit. I also included a copy of the new background paper with the second QP so you might make your own layout.
Today I have the first one for you, and tomorrow I'll post the second one. These are just little gifts for Mothers Day, and I'll still be posting parts to our May collab kit on Monday morning. Here is a preview of Rhodie QP 01.
Here is your download link:
Tootsie and I turned in rather early last night, so this morning I want to do a bit of catching up on my blog reading. I enjoy this bit of blog banter in the morning with my coffee. It starts my day off with a smile. Isn't it interesting how a computer brings so many folks from all around the world together? I would miss you if you were not there.
Dee Dee posted a little sign on her Facebook page a while ago and I saved it because it so reminded me of myself. (Especially when my tekkie toys don't work for me.) Today, I'll share it with you.
Oh boy, did I have a good chuckle over this one! You know, I have all the patience in the world with Tootsie and the mountains of scatter rugs that need constant washing, but oh boy those tekkie toys can really drive me nuts. And stupidity. Stupidity really really tests my patience. Thank goodness someone up there watches over me.
On this note, I think I'll go rustle up some breakfast for Tootsie and me. I hope the sun shines all day for all of you. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
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