Monday, April 11, 2011

A Little Dawn For My Waist, Please (and my hips, and my thighs)

April 11, 2011

Tis a bit damp and gray outside, but it's still a good morning.  I got home from work a little while ago, and surprise, surprise!  Some of the wildflower seeds that I planted the other day have begun sprouting! 

Yesterday, on The Queen Jester's blog, there was a marvelous explanation as to why some of us tend to get fat so easily.  According to The Queen, it could be the shampoo that we use in the shower that runs down our body and says "for extra volume and body."   It's probably wise  to start using Dawn dish detergent.  It says "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove."  For only a dollar a bottle, we could be slim in no time at all.  Woo Hoo!

I have an adorable birdie photo to share this morning.  This one is a little Tufted Ttitmouse.  He is sitting on a branch just waiting a turn at the feeder.  Such a cutie!!

Next, before I start my day, I'll post the next two parts of "It's Raining, Duckie Darling." 

Here are your download links.   

I don't have Su's preview yet, but as soon as I get it, I'll post it for you.  Meanwhile, when you have finished downloading these two parts, stop by Su's blog and pick up her next two parts.

I got an email to let me know that some of the plants that I ordered will be arriving soon.  I hope they're not too early because the landscapers won't be here to bring in the loam and plant the grass for two more weeks.  I am so impatient.  I want to see it all looking nice right now!  Believe it or not, I am very good about not peeking at Christmas, but for everything else, I want it now!!  Patience is something else I will have to work on.

Now I think I'll get a couple of things done here so that I can have a nap.  Till  tomorrow, Y'all have a marvelous day.

Hugs, Edna B.


Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [12 Apr 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

The Queen Jester said...

If the Dawn works, let me know and I will buy it by the gallon! Loved the tufted titmouse. We have several of those in our yard too, they are so cute. The goldfinches are starting to brighten up and the daffodils, bloodroot and scilla are blooming. Ah, I love spring and the renewal of life.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for "It's Raining Duckie Darling"! It is too cute!

boop52245 said...

Love your blog. I come to your blog to see your lovely photos and to see how Tootsie and you are doing. glad to see that you are having some nice weather right now. Just download your part of the collab with Su thanks for sharing this beautiful collab with us

Anonymous said...

Part 2 is missing - no link!! Just the QP's!! This post is 3 & 4!!


D :)