Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Woe Is January

January 13, 2009

This is just not turning out to be a very good month. I surely hope that nothing else bad is going to happen. I told you how Dee's mother-in-law passed away a few days ago. Well, yesterday, Dee and her family were returning home from making arrangements, and another car skipped a stop sign and hit her car. Thankfully, it appears that no one was hurt.

And today, another call came in. My stepson called to say that his wife had been in an auto accident this afternoon and was in the hospital, and could I come up. Other than sprained muscles, she is okay.

I tell you, I just do not relish the thought of driving out on these roads today. Too many people not paying attention to the road and the rules we drive by. Tomorrow, Moo and I will attend the Memorial Service, and I pray that things start to get better for all of us.

Tonight, I have a new layout that I made for the Life Journaling Challenge at Magickal Scraps. We are supposed to write about how we spend our Christmas holiday. What used to be such a joyous, noisy and eventful day many years ago, is now a rather quiet day. A day when we share our dinner with others who have none. But it is still nice, and very blessed. Enjoy,

Hugs, Edna B.

Special credits: Background by Schonee, Snow Family by BAZ

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