Hey, have a look at the date!! Only seven more weeks till Spring!! Pretty soon we'll be digging and planting in the yard, and soaking up all that wonderful warmth. Oh-h-h! I can hardly wait!
Well, I spent today fitzeling around on my computer. Did a couple of puzzles, and finished up your Anniversary freebie QP and new kit. And I must say, I like the kit. It's called "Floral Scent."
This morning, I had a lovely chat with Kyra. Isn't this Messenger thingy really cool? I can sit in my jammies, with a cup of coffee, and chat with people all over the world. I don't do chatrooms, and google chatclubs, facebook or myspace. I'm very picky about who I spend my time with. But here in the scrap world, I've made some nice friends that I enjoy chatting with now and then.
Tonight, I made meat sauce and spaghetti for supper. It's quick and easy, and we like it. Alas, I do wear a bit of it while I'm eating. For some reason, it always manages to slurp onto my chin and my nose, and in the process of wiping it away I manage to get it on my cheeks. Ah, but it's such a beautiful shade of orangey red. I can hear my mother now - "you're not being raised as a pig, so stop eating like one!"
I remember more of her words. "Because I said so! That's why!" Boy oh boy, do you remember hearing those words when you were a kid? I used them on my kids too. However, it only worked while they were still smaller than me. Today they just go, "sure, Mom." and chuckle away behind my back. And then of course, comes the next set of my mother's favorite words - "You can't fool me! I know what you're thinking!" She's gone now, or I'd be wearing her size 6 shoe right up my hiney. God love Moms, huh?
Time for me to take some supper out to Moo. He's not feeling very well tonight. Seems he has more bad days than good days now. It's the nature of the beast. Lord, this is one beast we'd like to annihilate.
I'll post your Anniversary QP now. I call this one "Daydream." It's a bit old fashioned, like me. Enjoy, and have a great night.
Hugs, Edna B.

And here is your download link for Anniversary QP - 06"