Friday, April 22, 2011

Some Things Have A Way With Words

April 22, 2011

Good morning.  The sun is shining and the temperature is in the 30's.  But it's still a bit  early, and it may warm up yet.  Yesterday was just gorgeous, except for the wind.  All day long, we had a cold wind blowing and it did not let up until late in the day.

I'm at work, so this may be a rather short post.  For photos this morning, I thought I would share a humorous one that I took a few days ago on my way home from work.  There was a large truck in front of me, and the writing on the back of the truck said it all.  So plain, so simple, so honest!!!

I have another freebie for you, but I haven't uploaded it yet.  I'll try to have it ready for you tomorrow.   This weekend, I am hoping to clear out the area where my new lilac plants will be going, and actually get the plants into the ground.   They will be a really pleasant sight next Spring. 

There must have been a misunderstanding as to when the crew would show up to cut down the dead trees.  Last weekend, the man said that they would be here on Monday.  By Wednesday, I figured that they were not coming.  Yesterday, I called to see when they would be here, and the man said "When would like the job done?"  HELLO!!!!!   What part of "We'll be here on Monday" did I not understand correctly?  I told him I needed it done as quickly as possible as it was holding up all the other yard work.  So, he said they would be there today.  We'll see.  If they do show up, I hope there are no snaggles, because I am not there to help out with any answers.

Also, the last dumpster that I rented last summer is still sitting in my yard.  They never came to pick it up, and sadly, I never bothered to call them.  It wasn't in my way, and it was covered with snow for most of the winter.  Now I must call and have it removed, and maybe get a new one.

I think I can hear the Mrs. stirring, so it's time for me to get busy here.  Till tomorrow, Y'all have a great day.

Hugs, Edna B.


The Queen Jester said...

Fun photo. I need to keep my camera with me all the time like you do.

Nani said... that a sewage truck, Edna?? ;)