Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Hello October

October 1, 2019

Good morning.  I can't believe it is already October and I haven't done Summer yet.  Here's the October page from my calendar.

I've come to the conclusion that Summer is just not Summer anymore here in New England.  As soon as Spring gets it's temps just right, a wicked heat wave sets in and stays till the end of what should have been Summer.

Meanwhile, the heating season has been extended from four or five months to seven or eight months.  Seems we put the heat on in October and don't turn it off until some time in May.  I used to think that when the seasons started changing, it would be more like Florida's Winter weather coming North, and New England's Winter weather going South.  Obviously, I was wrong. 

So a weathergirl I'll never be.  The weather app on my phone doesn't do so good either.  Right now it says that it is raining here.  I looked outside just now and there is no rain.  Sometime during the night we must have got a little bit of rain but there is none of it left now.  According to my phone the sun is supposed to be shining in another thirty minutes. 

I'm hoping that it gets it right on that.  Tomorrow night I'll have to turn the heat on in the house because the night temps will be down around forty degrees while the days won't begetting much higher than sixty degrees. 

There weren't very many bees and butterflies around here this past summer.  However, after reading several other blogs, it's good to know that other areas have had plenty of the bees and butterflies in their gardens.  Here is some interesting information about bees that I borrowed from the web.

One friend posted this image on FaceBook and I just had to borrow it to share here.  Doesn't this just put a huge smile on your heart?

It's a good thing I didn't make any plans yesterday because that's just what I did.  No things.  Well, I did cook a nice supper for Pogo and me, and then I washed a batch of dishes that were in the sink.  And I paid a couple bills too.  Today, though, I want to try to fill a couple of bags for Good Will.  Or at least make a good stab at it.  I really do need to downsize.  A whole lot! 

Yesterday I picked the one and only tomato that has been surviving on my plant.  I noticed that it was beginning to turn color so I picked it and brought it into the house.  I put it a paper bag so that it can ripen.  Obviously, I can't leave the bag lying around because then the resident mouse will get it.  So, I hide it in the microwave.  I'll have to take a photo to share here.

I wonder why I plant tomatoes every year.  Whatever manages to grow gets eaten by the yard critters.  It's cheaper to feed them bird food and peanuts.  And a lot less work.  Ah well, I guess the critters need veggies every now and too. 

Now I'm going to make another cup of coffee and do a bit of blog reading.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day, hugs, Edna B.


Steve Reed said...

We don't have much luck with tomatoes, either. Either it doesn't get hot enough for them to really prosper, or the squirrels eat them! We just put our heat on for the season -- just an hour in the morning and evening, but it makes a big difference!

Angelicastar said...

We are still using air and it's too hot to go outside. I did pull the weeds out of my garlic bed yesterday. The wind was blowing and I went out later in the evening and did that. If it ever get cool my garlic will start back growing. It regrows itself each year but I still have to keep the grass out of the bed. My tomatoes was only cherry tomatoes this year. I believe home depot got those plants mixed up. I thought I was planting larger tomatoes but they end up to be cherry tomatoes. The critters doesn't bother mine because I keep them sitting closer to the house in containers and I am always in the back yard doing something with my fur babies. That is when it's not too hot. (lol) I watch my camera to make sure they are not eating up my veggies. So far, I've been very lucky. I haven't tillered my fall garden yet but I am thinking about not having one this fall and maybe Spring I will be much better. I hope you and Pogo have a great day.

Theresa said...

We are still running the air conditioner here, it is supposed to be 97 degrees tomorrow, GEEZ! But... the weather folks say we will get some relief this weekend into Monday. I try to enjoy the moment but this heat with no rain is not good. Enjoy that one tomato and plant them again next year:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!