Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tis A Good Day To Go Shopping!

May 30, 2017

Good morning.  Today is another cloudy day here in New England, with temps in the low 60's.  Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer though.  Remember that song...Those April showers that come in May...well that's where we seem to be right abut now.  I'll stay positive about it and say that at least now our reservoirs, ponds and lakes are looking much healthier. 

Well, I took the day off from the computer yesterday.  I slept a little bit late, then the kids came by (Kevin and Janicee).  They brought me an iced coffee (Yum!) and offered to help me out around here.  Kevin cleaned out a lot of the garden on the other side of the house and Janice started re-organizing my food pantry.  And yes, I know how lucky I am! 

I did not do a lot of anything yesterday, but I did write out a few bills that I will give to the mailman when he comes today.  I also started working on a red, white and blue afghan.  Hmm, I might just keep this one for myself.  I love the colors.

Here's a photo of Pogo resting, and watching something fun on TV.  He's beginning to look like a wooly lion again so maybe it's time to make an appointment to have his hair trimmed.

Today is trash and recycle pickup day.  This will keep Pogo busy barking at the big trucks until the mailman gets here.  He really loves barking at the mailman. 

Dwarf Helen just came back from doing some errands and asked if Pogo and I would like to go shopping at the Christmas Tree store.  Well, yes we would!  So I'll have to get dressed soon so we don't keep her waiting too long.  This is one of my favorite stores.

When the sun was shining a few days ago, I took some photos of the yellow irises and my wax begonia plants.  It's so pretty around here when the sun is shining.

Deanne and Eddie have a chain link fence across the front of their property.  Yesterday, a car came crashing into the fence, destroying a whole section of it and even hitting a portion of their front porch.  Here's hoping the insurance companies don't drag their feet on having the repairs done. 

I remember my old house and all the times when a car or truck would hit, or almost hit, the side of the house.  I lived near a bar and the patrons weren't always sober when they came out to get in their cars and drive away.  One night one of their cars did hit my house right by a window.  My son was sitting in a chair (inside the house) by that window and could have been hurt. 

The next day I went to a salvage yard and bought a whole truck full of iron posts that were six feet tall and six inches wide.  The posts were filled with cement.  I had a construction crew install these ugly iron posts along the whole side of my house.  Now if any cars or trucks decided to hit my house, they would only be hurting themselves.

Well, it's time for me to get dressed now.  Pogo is looking forward to going for a ride in Dwarf Helen's car.   Me too!  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Tis A Beautiful Spring Day

May 28, 2017

Good morning.  The sun is shining and the temperature is already in the 60's.  It looks like we will get up to around 72 degrees later today.  Woo Hoo!  We'll have to spend some time out on the porch enjoying this gorgeous day because tomorrow is supposed to be rainy and only in the low 50's. 

Gosh, I'm thinking that Pogo isn't feeling so good this morning.  He went out in to the house to bark at Joe for his turkey treat, but when Joe got it Pogo refused to eat it.  Instead, he came running back out here to our place.  Right now, he's curled up inside his big fuzzy blanket.  I sure hope he did not catch a bug or a virus while we were out yesterday.

Yesterday, the sun came out, and Pogo and I went out to do some errands.  We ended up at Ocean State Job Lot, where we took our time going up and down all the aisles.  I decided not to buy a carpet for the porch yet, but I did pick up a few other things.  I now have two small garden shovels, (hand tools) a new copper knife and a new square copper fry pan.  I also stocked up on more birdseed. 

When Pogo and I got home, Joe vacuumed the inside of my car and washed all the windows.  My car looks new now!  Wow, can you believe I've had this car almost four years?   She's just as pretty now as she was the day I first got her!

You know, since I turned the heat off, I've been shivering cold every day and every night.  Yesterday, while wearing sweat pants and a sweat shirt under my flannel bathrobe, I tried to take a nap.  Under all this warm stuff, I still couldn't shake the chills, so I finally got up and turned the heat back on.  In a few hours, I stopped shivering.  Last night I was finally able to be warm enough to sleep comfortably. 

This is a strange year for weather.  It's almost June and I have the heat on to keep warm.  Then again, it could be due to the fact that I'm older and it takes me quite a while to get over being sick.  My body's resistance to things is down.  Maybe all of this makes me not able to handle the cooler temps.

Friday, I meant to post the last set of the recipe pages, but I forgot.  So I'll post them today.  I hope a lot of you were able to use them.

Here is your download link:

I had thought that Pogo and I might go out shopping again today, but I don't know if he's up to it.  Instead, I think I'll just take him out in the yard for a bit.  Hopefully, he'll feel better later and we can go out another day.

Well, now I'm going to catch up on a bit of blog reading.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Have A Great Memorial Day Weekend

May 26, 2017

Good morning.  Well, tis another gray and damp day.  However, there's hope that the sun will come out later today.  During the night we had thunder and a bit of lightning but it didn't last very long.  I got up once to go out and look at it, but then I went right back to sleep. 

The senior prom for Brockton High School was held last night at Gillette Stadium.  Our Jazzy was invited to attend with a friend.  My goodness, but she looked beautiful. 

It's sort of bittersweet when our little girls grow up.  Isn't it?  We've raised them to become responsible adults, but then we miss the little girl who needed us, and who confided with us about all her fears and growing pains.  It's all part of the joys and tears of motherhood. 

I recently finished another hat and scarf set.  The yarn for this set is called "Hot Stripes" but I like to call it chili pepper.  Actually, the colors are a lot prettier in person.

Tonight I'll finish off the other set I'm working on, then I'll take another photo.  I need to work on the baby blankets for a while now so that I can finish them before the baby gets here.  I'll have to ask the kids if there's anything special they need for the new baby.  I'm thinking they'll be needing another car seat.  Well, I'll see what they say.

Gosh, the sun came out for a few minutes, but now it's gray again.  Pogo and I will definitely wait until tomorrow to go out shopping.  I'm looking forward to it.  While we're out, I think I'll look for one of those outdoor rugs to put on the porch.  I've seen some pretty ones in the sales ads. 

This is Memorial Day weekend.  So, while you're enjoying your barbeques and family gatherings, don't forget the real reason behind this holiday.  It's a time to remember all the men and women who have died while serving in our country's armed forces.  God bless all our military personnel.

Now I'm off to make some lunch for Pogo and me.  So, till Sunday, Y'all have a fantabulous weekend. 

Hugs, Edna B.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

My Pogo Is An Awesome Little Fellow

May 25, 2017

Good afternoon.  I've been up all morning, but there were some things that needed to be done.  Today is wet and gray, and tomorrow should be the same except that the sun may come out tomorrow afternoon and chase away the rain.  Now if only the temps would warm up to the 70's.  Mid to upper seventies is about perfect. 

DIL Janet came by after work yesterday, and we had a really nice visit.  She brought her crochet project with her to work on while we watched TV.  I think I mentioned that she's making a queen size afghan for her sister (for Christmas).  It's really quite pretty.  Next week, I'll take a photo of it to share.

You know, Pogo has a little friend, Cisco, who lives in Texas.  Every now and then Pogo goes on the internet to Amazon and orders a little goodie to send to his friend.  A few days ago, he sent him some more cookies and a new bed.  Now when Cisco gets a box in the mail, he gets all excited and can't wait to see what's inside the box. 

Here are a few photos that Beth (Cisco's mom) took of Cisco and his "Baby" with his new goodies.  I have to say that watching a doggie get this excited and be this happy really warms my heart.  Pogo's too!

Well, we didn't go out yesterday, and it's supposed to be wet tomorrow too so I guess we'll be going out shopping on Saturday.  Meanwhile, I'll finish the Café Latte hat and scarf set, and maybe start a new one. 

As soon as I can get to the yarn store, I'm going to pick up some red yarn and try to make a few baby hats for next February.  I also need to pick up yarn for another baby blanket.  Hmmm, I guess my projects for this year will keep me busy right up until Christmas. 

Well, it's time to see about some lunch for Pogo and me.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Our Parking Lot Is Full Now

May 24, 2017

Good morning.  For another twenty minutes at least.  Not sure why, but I slept late this morning.  It must have been all that exercise and fresh air yesterday. 

Yesterday, Pogo and I and dwarf Mike went out to do errands.  We went to the bank and then on to the hardware store.  I got everything I needed except - yup, you guessed it! - a set of garden hand tools.  I totally forgot!  Then we went to buy me a new battery for my car.  And have it installed, of course. 

May be after lunch today, or tomorrow, we can go out again.  There's an Ocean State Job Lot near here and I'd love to poke around there for a while.  I'll look for the garden tools there.  I'll probably pick up more bird food there too.

Today is mostly cloudy with temps in the mid 60's.  According to the weather forecast, we have a couple days of rain coming our way.  I guess Spring was just not meant to be for me this year.  Maybe next year. 

Yesterday, while we were at the hardware store, I bought the wood sealer for the porch, along with a package of brushes.  I think I'll try to coat the wood on the porch, little by little.  If this proves to be too much, I'll get someone else to do it.  But first, I'll give it a try.

About the only other bit of news here is that dwarf Helen finally got herself a new car.  Now all our parking spots are full.  We have room for one more dwarf in the house, but hopefully when we get one, he or she will not have a car. 

Today I have another set of recipe pages for you.  There will be one more set after this to finish the whole set.

And here is your download link:

Now it's time for me to find some fun mischief to keep Pogo and me busy today.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have an awesome day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

It's Still Too Soon To Put Our Winter Clothes Away

May 23, 2017

Good morning.  Goodness, in less than a month it will be summer and I'm still wearing my flannel bathrobe to keep warm.  Brrrr!  When do the warm Spring temps get here?  I mean, to stay?  Last week we had three days with temps in the 90's.  Now we're struggling to get into the 60's. 

Well, yesterday was another of those "what in the world did I do all day?" days.  I seem to have a lot of them now.  Ah well, as long as Pogo doesn't mind, I guess it's okay.  Today though, we'll do something.  Later this morning, we are going to the bank so that some bills can get paid.  Then we're going to the hardware store to get some plant soil and maybe some metal garden tools. 

Dwarf Mike said that he would go with us.  Maybe we'll treat ourselves to lunch at Wendy's when we're done.  This will make Pogo happy because he's been eating doggie food for the last couple of days.  Actually, if I got a pizza and brought it home, that would probably make him even happier.  He gets all excited when he sees a pizza box, and can't wait to get at the pizza.  He only eats a little it, but it does make him happy.

I have another photo to share that I took a few days ago.  This one was taken near the shed, looking out at the driveway.  It's such a warm and pretty shot.

Today the sun is playing hide and seek with us.  It rained during the night and it's still damp and raw outside.  Ooooh, maybe I spoke too soon.  The sun just came out full and bright.  Maybe it will warm things up a bit before we go out to do our errands.   Let's hope so.

There's really not much news around here lately.  I'm waiting for a delivery from Amazon.  I ordered two pair of slippers for myself.  DIL Janet gave me a pair for Christmas and I love them.  I wear them outdoors as well as indoors.  They are Dearfoams and they are very comfortable. 

Well, I guess it's time for me to find some new mischief to get into.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Gray Skies Today

May 22, 2017

Good morning.  Tis quite gray and cool outside today.  I think we're supposed to be in the low to mid 50's all day, and then warm up a bit tomorrow.  Gosh, weather is really crazy nowadays.  The heat's been shut off so it's rather cool indoors too.  I guess today is flannel bathrobe day!

Well, yesterday Deanne took me grocery shopping at Walmart.  I have to say, things aren't looking so good at Walmart.  So many items were out of stock and no one was busy filling the shelves.  They did not have half the items on my list, and some items I just didn't bother looking for. 

One of the things on my list was a garden hand tool set.  Somehow, mine seem to disappear once they go out into the main house.  Surprise, surprise.  Walmart's garden tools were made of plastic.  Imagine trying to dig in the garden with a plastic shovel?  Obviously, I did not buy these.

I did get enough food though, to carry Pogo and me for a while.  I'm hoping to get out shopping again sometime this week to pick up some of the items that I could not get yesterday.  Obviously, I'll be going to a different store.

The other day I took photos of some of the blossoms in the yard.  Here, we have some yellow iris and some lilacs.  The iris plants are so tall and heavy that I'll have to find some props to keep them standing up.

The wisteria is blooming too.  Gosh, it is so pretty when it mingles in with the beautiful red of the maple tree.  The second photo was taken by looking up towards the sky (from beneath)  The colors all blending together are just beautiful.

I was hoping to go to the bank today so that I could pay some bills.  If I don't make it out today, I'll have to go by tomorrow.  Maybe I'll be able to make it to the hardware store too, so that I can pick up some more planting soil and a new set of hand tools for the garden. 

While I was at Walmart, I looked at different kinds of wood sealer (for my porch) but there was no one around to ask for help in choosing the right kind of stuff.  It's different at the hardware store.  There is always someone to help you choose the right products.

Well, the morning is flying by and I haven't accomplished much of anything except to feed Pogo his breakfast.  I think it's time I tried to get just a little busy around here.  So, on that happy note, I'll take my leave.  Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Some Folks Are So Very Talented

May 21, 2017

Good morning.  Tis sunny, but a wee bit cool this morning.  It is nice though.  Inside the house is a bit cool too, but once it warms up some I'll be able to get a few things done.  Well, at least that's the plan.

I have some photos to share.  This past week Audrey and Mac (her hubby) have been working at the World's Taxidermy Convention in Peoria, Illinois.  They are members of the association, and Mac entered a piece in the art competition.  It was a sculpture of one their taxidermy friends who had passed away.

Mac's entry did not take a ribbon, but it was an awesome piece, and we're all quite proud of him.  First, I'll post a photo of his sculpture in its early stages.  Beside the sculpture is a photo to show what the piece will look like when it is finished.  As far as I know, this is Mac's first sculpture.  Awesome work, Mac!

My friend Beth called me Friday evening to let me know that I had forgotten to post a download link for the recipe pages.  Sorry 'bout that!  Some days my mind just goes on vacation without me.  I did fix the error right away. 

I did not sleep much Friday night so Saturday was a very quiet day for me.  I took care of Pogo and tried to catch a nap.  I couldn't have gone shopping if I wanted to.  But today I just might make it to Walmart to do a bit of grocery shopping.  Deanne said she would come by later to take me to the store.  Woo Hoo!

Tomorrow I really must make it to the bank.  I have bills waiting to be mailed out.  Pogo will be very happy about this because he's only had one very short car ride since we got home from Florida.  This ride will be short too, but at least it's a ride.  My Pogo is really easy to please.  Except for food.  haha.

Today I have another set of the recipe pages for you.  These last three sets have the same designs as the first three sets, but they are in different colors.  Enjoy.

Here is your download link:

Now it's time for me to slip into some shopping clothes.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Oops, sorry there was no link posted.  It's been fixed now.  Enjoy.
Hugs, Edna B.

A Long Cool Down Headed Our Way

May 19, 2017

Good afternoon.  It wasn't so warm last night, so I caught up on some sleep till mid morning.  I went to make my morning coffee and got side-tracked a bit.  I filled a bag half full of junk mail just from this week's mail.  Later I'll go through it and tear out my personal information for shredding and the rest will go to the recycle bin.

Today is another warm (not steamy hot) day with temps around 90F degrees.  The cool down starts tonight, with temps dropping down into the 50's.  For the next five days, temps will range from the upper 50's to the low 70's.  Night time temps will be in the 40's and low 50's.  Good for sleeping!

Well, I've been trying to think of what I may have accomplished yesterday, but nothing seems to come to mind.  It was a steamy hot day outside, so I kept my door and windows shut.  Today though, Pogo and I are going to try spending some time out on the porch.  As I look out my door, the flag is dancing merrily, so perhaps the breezes will keep it comfortable for us.

Oh, now I remember!  I spent a few hours on my laptop and made a new quick page.  Gosh, how could I forget that?  I was having such fun.  Little by little, I'm trying to fill my QP folder.  I have three done so far.  I'm getting there, slowly.

Late yesterday afternoon, I went out on the porch to water my plants, and OH NO!  It has been so hot that they were flopping over and barely alive.  My gorgeous hanging pansy plant looked utterly dead.  I poured so much water on them I thought I may have drowned them.  But no, they really needed this water. 

This morning as I look out, my pansy plant is looking so much better.  Of course, there are a lot of dead blossoms on it that I will have to pick off, but it is going to survive.  Lesson learned here.  Always soak the plants really well in the morning on a hot day.

If I don't do much of anything else today, I really need to put together my grocery shopping list.  I am hoping to make it to the store tomorrow.  I'm getting really low on a lot of things, and out of other things.

Today I have another set of recipe cards for you.   Next week, there will be three more sets to finish them off.  Have fun with them.

Here is your download link:

Seeing as how Pogo and I had such a late breakfast, maybe we'll skip lunch.  This afternoon, I want to go out on the porch to work on my potted plants.  After that I'll sit for a while and work on that bag of junk mail from this morning. 

On that happy note, I'll take my leave.  So, till Sunday, Y'all have an awesome weekend.

Hugs, Edna B.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

We're Having A Mini Heatwave

May 18, 2017

Good morning.  Wow, be careful what you wish for!  I wanted some warmer temps, but this is a bit too much.  Yesterday the temperature reached 93F degrees here and it felt like almost one hundred degrees.  Too hot for me.  Today will be a bit warmer.  Ooooweee! 

Well, I had plans of spending most of the day yesterday and today out on the porch, but not now.  All is not lost though.  Pogo and I can always sit out there tonight after supper when the temps start cooling down.  Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit cooler (in the 80's) and then even a bit cooler (70's) for several days after that.

When Pogo and I were out in the yard yesterday (only for a few moments - potty call), I noticed that the columbine plant was blooming.  On this side of the yard, there are only a few blooms in the gardens.  A few tulips, some lily of the valley and this little columbine plant.  I'll have to check the bigger garden on the other side of the house to see if anything is blooming out there.  Here's a photo of the columbine plant.

DIL Janet came by last night and we ordered Pizza for supper.  This time we ordered the spinach pizzas to try, and oh boy were they delicious!  Janet brought me a Car Cane and a pair of Copper Hands gloves.  The gloves really do make your hands feel more comfortable, and I'm hoping to try the Car Cane this weekend.  Gosh, it's fun to be spoiled!!

Today is probably going to be another lazy day for Pogo and me.  We have the ceiling fan on, and the window on the storm door will stay closed until tonight when it gets a bit cooler.  After I wash the dishes, maybe I'll crochet a while on the scarf and hat sets.  Maybe I'll even spend some time playing on my laptop.  Hmmmmm.

Here's a selfie that Pogo and I took yesterday.  He's watching a fly from the safety of Mommy's lap.  I have a fly swatter, so that pesky fly won't bother him here!

Well, that's my news for today. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

More Peanuts Please??

May 17, 2017

Good morning.  Woo Hoo, today temps get into the 80's..  I love it!  Tomorrow will be a bit warmer, then temps will drop down a bit.  Have you noticed that summer is only a little more than a month away?  Jeesh!

I went out into the main house the other day to water the house plants, and as I passed by one of the windows, something outside caught my eye.  I grabbed my phone to take a picture.  One of our little yard critters was just sitting there looking at the window and wondering where his peanuts were.  It's not a great photo, but you can see my little friend.

Well, yesterday was quite a busy day for me.  I can't really say that I did very many things, but I did update all the folders on my hard drive.   Usually, I just merge the new folders into the old folders.  But then I found that the new folder was just being dumped into the old folder and not merged.  Now I had to go through all the folders, merge the contents and dump the duplicate stuff.   This whole process took hours, but at least now it is done. 

DIL Janet will be coming by later after work and I don't have a clue what to make for our supper.  I'm thinking that maybe we can get some take out.  Perhaps some Chinese food or maybe something from Wendy's.  Hmm, we'll see.

Today I have another set of the recipe pages for you. 

Here is your download link:

I had thought that I might try going food shopping today but I don't think so now.  Maybe tomorrow.  I'll have to see if dwarf Helen wants to go too.  If not, I can wait until this weekend.  I've already ordered more food for Pogo and it should arrive tomorrow. 

I've picked out a color, Café Latte, for the next scarf and hat set.  It's a pretty medium brown and will be nice for a boy.  I have another set half done. (Hot Stripe)  I ran out of yarn for it, but yesterday I found another skein of the yarn in my stash so I'll finish up that set too this week.

There's really no more news today so I'll take my leave here.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Sun Is Shining And I'm Perking Up!

May 16, 2017

Good morning.  Goodness, I've been having all sorts of problems with my laptop this morning.  I finally had to shut it off for a while and then start over.  I hope it's not time to be thinking about a new laptop.  Change and I don't get along so well, and all the new laptops come with a newer version of Windows than I'm used to using.

I guess it's time to start backing up all my files again.  Yesterday I bought some new scrap kits and I don't want to lose them.  So I guess that will be a project for today.  I did get to play with some of the new kits for a while and made one new quick page.  Little by little I'm getting back into my old groove, or at least trying to. 

Today I'll post photos of my new plants and my gorgeous orange roses.  When I get out to shop, I'm going to pick up a couple more hangers for my new plants.  I also want to pick up some petunias to plant in the little kiln by the shed.  That always looks so pretty when it is filled with blossoms.  So, here are my begonias and roses.  Aren't they pretty?

Today the sun is shining and there's a breeze.  Temps are a bit warmer so I think Pogo and I can spend some time out on the porch.  I still have to finish planting the new bulbs.  I'd like to get them finished soon.   I also want to get my new rain guage set up outside.  Then I'll take a photo of it to share. 

One of these days, I need to pick up some stuff to treat the wood on the porch.  That will require a trip to Home Depot.  Oh my goodness, that's also a chance to look in their fabulous garden center.  Hmmm, perhaps I see some petunias coming up really soon?

Well, I'm not going to talk a lot today because I really have a lot of stuff to try to do today, including backing up my files on this machine.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a super day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Looks Like The Rain May Be Almost Over.

May 15, 2017

Good morning.  Yup, it's still raining, just lightly now.  The weatherman  says it should end by mid day.  Awesome!  Temps will be warming up, and we'll even have one or two hot days this week.  I think I can handle that.

I had a really nice Mother's Day, and I hope all you ladies did too.  Today I'll take some photos of my beautiful new flowers and plants.  Yesterday was also the last performance of "Sister Act, the Musical."  I've heard from everyone how awesome it was.  This morning I posted a short clip of the finale on Facebook. {If you'd like to see it, my page is Franny Loud}

With all the rain we've been having, you know I've been busy on the porch taking photos (with my phone) of the raindrops on my flowers.  Sounds silly maybe, but I think those sparkly drops of rain are really beautiful. 

First, here's a photo of my pansy plant before the rains came.

Now comes the rain, and all the blossoms are weighted down with sparkly beads of water.

After dark last night, I went out to take a couple photos of the raindrops, just to see how they would come out.  I just used the flash on my phone. 

I guess this is just one way to make the rain a fun thing.  If I could go out and splash in puddles, I would.  Unfortunately, the neighbors would think I was crazy and probably call the cops on me.  They have no sense of humor. 

I can remember from when I was a little girl (during WW II) when lots of us little kids would go out in the summer rain with a bar of soap and get all washed up.  We thought it was fun and had ourselves a grand time.

Today I think I'll start working on my new blog book.  All downloads through the end of April will be expired.  Now I just have to pick out a couple photos for the front and back covers. 

It's also "cranky call day" again.  It seems that the newspaper carrier is having problems getting my daughter Deanne's papers to her.  If I call to complain, she will get a paper, then nothing again.  It used to be that we could call directly to the distribution office when papers were not delivered.  But now things have changed (progress, I guess) and you cannot call there anymore.  Instead, you leave your complaint with whoever answers the phone, and hope for a call back from distribution and a solution to the problem. 

Ah well, now it's time to wash the dishes and think about what's for lunch.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mothers Day

May 14, 2017

Good afternoon.  Well, I tried to sleep late, but so far I haven't had much luck with it so I thought I'd just get up and post here.  Today is cool and wet.  It rained all night and it hasn't stopped yet.  There's also quite a nice breeze, strong enough to blow the tree branches about. 

Today is Mothers Day, and Pogo and I want to wish Moms (and fur moms) everywhere a beautiful day filled with love and happiness.  Happy Mothers Day Y'all!

I did not drive to the store yesterday because it was cloudy and damp outside.  Joe said that today was going to be a nice day so we decided to go today.  Aha!  Well, I'm not taking any chances.  I'll wait for a nicer day to try my luck at driving that far. 

Pogo and I did drive to Wendy's last evening and bought some goodies for our supper.  Then we drove straight home and enjoyed our dee-lish-ush! meal.  It felt really good to be able to do this, even though Wendy's is just down the street a little ways.  It's a beginning!

Later in the evening, Pogo took a nap while I watched TV and did a few Find A Word puzzles.  Unfortunately, a fly came along and spoofed poor Pogo.  He hates flies!!  He came running to me and I held him for a while.  Then he went back to his little sofa, scrunched up his blankies, crawled under one and went back to sleep.

Are you like me?  I love watching Pogo sleep, so I can't help taking lots and lots of photos of him.  Seeing him feeling so safe that he can fall into a deep sleep makes my eyes and my heart ever so happy.  And I absolutely love the sounds he makes when he is snoring.  It's comfort food for my soul.

I finally have a photo of the Jade scarf and hat set that I finished a couple days ago.  The color is actually a little deeper than is showing here. 

Today I think I'll grab another skein of yarn out of my stash and start another set.  The little blanket that I'm working on is a granny square and I tend to lose interest after one or two rows.  Working on the scarf set helps to keep my interest up and keeps my hands busy.

I spent all of Friday afternoon repackaging the recipe pages that I made a while ago.  There are forty eight pages so I've put them into folders of eight each.  I made previews for each of the folders and uploaded them.  The pages are 12x12.  I resized mine to 8x8 when I had them printed to give as a gift.  Then I put them into a scrap album.  I hope you can make use of them.

Today I have the first folder, and I'll be posting another one in two or three days.

Here is your download link:

I got a package daughter Audrey.  In it was two jars of homemade orange marmalade (yum, yum!!}and a new rain tube to put in my garden.  I've been meaning to get one of these for quite a while.  Thank you Audrey.  I love it!!  When the rain stops I'll set it out in the garden and take a photo.

Now I think I'll wash my breakfast dishes.  Daughter Deanne is on her way here.  Pogo must have been reading my text messages because he's sitting by the storm door watching for Auntie's car to pull in.  He is soooooo smart!

On that happy note, I'll take my leave.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have an awesome day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Feeling A Bit Perkier Now

May 12, 2017

Good afternoon.  No, I did not sleep late.  I started going through a lot of the folders on my laptop and, well, you know.  I open one folder and have to look at everything before I close it and go on to the next folder.  Gosh, I found a lot of things that I had forgotten about. 

I came across some of my older kits that I can re-package and post here, plus I have a set of recipe pages that I made as a gift for someone quite a few years ago.  There are forty eight pages, and I am in the process of re-packaging them so that I can post these here too.  Plus I found a lot of my old scrap resources that are enticing me to make a few more pages. 

I seem to be feeling quite a bit better now.  Today, I even have a bit more energy, and I'm hoping that it lasts till tomorrow.  Joe says that he will go with me to Sears to buy a new refrigerator for the main house.  I want to try driving my car but I'm not ready to set out alone yet. 

Tonight is the big night for the Drama Club at Jazzy's high school.  Their performance of "Sister Act, The Musical" starts tonight.  They will perform tomorrow and Sunday too.  Here are a couple photos taken by Marc Vasconcellos (photographer for The Ledger newspaper) at the dress rehearsal.  Jazzy is the sister at the far right in both photos.

Today is another gray day here with temps in the mid 50's.  The good news is that it looks like things will begin to warm up the beginning of next week.  Yeahhhhhh!!

It's way after lunch time so I need to rustle up some food for my little guy.  He's been sitting here patiently waiting for me to finish this post.  So on that happy note, I'll see you on Sunday.  Y'all have a fantabulous weekend.

Hugs, Edna B.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Spring Is In The Air

May 11, 2017

Good morning.  Gosh, I've been so busy working on a scarf and hat set that the morning almost got away from me.  Plus, I watched Miss Congeniality and now I'm watching Miss Congeniality 2.  I've seen both movies several times, but they are enjoyable and worth watching again. 

Well, yesterday I did a load of laundry and attacked one pile of magazines.  DIL Janet came by last evening and brought her crochet project with her.  She's making a queen size afghan for her sister.  Goodness, this is a huge project but it will be beautiful when it is finished.  When she gets some of it done, I'll take a photo to share.

Today is cloudy, but Spring is definitely in the air.  I went out on the porch a little while ago, and there were two little sparrows sitting in my rose bush working on making a baby sparrow.  I'd best put out some yarn bits because they'll be wanting to build a nest soon.

This weekend we'll all be celebrating Mother's Day.  Even if you don't have your Mom to celebrate with, give a hug and a smile (and maybe some flowers) to someone nearby who won't have anyone to celebrate the day with.  Folks, it's such an easy thing to do and you'll bring a world of happiness to someone.  And you'll feel so good about yourself too!

I found this wonderful little image on the web and borrowed it to share here with you.   Life is short, and tomorrow is a gift.  I raised my family this way, and they've passed it along to their families.

I am working on a download for you for tomorrow.  For now, I'm off to wash the breakfast dishes that are in the sink waiting for me.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day. 

Hugs, Edna B.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

How Healthy Is Airplane Travel?

May 10, 2017

Good morning.  Wow, I think today the temperature is going to hit 60.  The nights still drop down to the very low 40's so it's not quite feeling like Spring yet.  The sun is shining so it looks like it might be really nice today.

Do any of you get the Reader's Digest magazine?  It's a little thinner than it used to be, but it is still a very interesting magazine.  The April issue had an article that could be very useful for folks who travel by airplane.  It listed eight things that you should never do on a plane.  I found these three most interesting.

Close The Air Vent.  Doctors recommend opening the overhead air vent and setting it on low to medium in order to keep germs from lingering in your personal space.

Order Tea Or Coffee.  The water used to brew hot drinks comes from an onboard tank, and it's not the most pristine part of the plane.  A report found that 12 percent of airplanes carried water that tested positive for coliform, an indicator that other harmful bacteria could be present.  (I drink bottled water)

Touch That Tray.  Your seat-back tray is by far the most bacteria loaded surface on the plane.  A study found that trays harbor an average of 2,155 colony forming units of bacteria per square inch, compared to 265 units on the lavatory flush button.  Keep your food on your plate.

Ouch!  That part about the tray was something I never thought about!  I don't put food on that tray anyway, but now I'll be even more careful. 

The sun has gone behind some clouds so I guess this is going to be another lazy day for me.  I found this adorable cartoon on the web, and I thought "Gosh!  This is me!"  haha

 The mailman just brought the mail and the new issue of Reader's Digest.  Guess what I'll be doing today?  On that happy note, I'll take my leave now.  So till tomorrow, Y'all have an awesome day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

It's "Be Kind To Animals" Week

May 9, 2017

Good morning.  Tis cloudy today with temps in the low 50's.  There is a breeze, and my flag looks lovely waving against a bright green background.  The leaves on the trees are full size now, so it's quite pretty when I look out my door.

Before I forget, (I'm very good at forgetting lately) this is "Be Kind To Animals" week.  I think it should be like this every week all through the year.  So, do something nice for the animals around you.  You'll feel ever so good when you do.

Last night's newspaper ran an article that brought back so many memories for me.  I grew up as a teenager in Weymouth, MA, and my first job (other than babysitting) was as the cashier at the local theatre.  A couple has bought the theatre and has refurbished it, leaving a lot of the original design.  Of course, today it has comfortable recliners instead of the old seats.  I'm not a movie goer anymore, but gosh this makes me almost want to go back to the Cameo Theatre to watch a movie.  (photo is from the Ledger newspaper)

Today I think I'll do some laundry.  Then maybe I'll go through a couple new piles of magazines and junk mail.  Gosh, they build up so fast!  My bag of shredding stuff is beginning to fill up again so it's time to do a bit of shredding too.  Goodness, if I make it through all of these chores I'll be surprised.

This is a very busy week for Deanne with last minute fund raisers for the Drama Club, taking Jazzy back and forth to rehearsals and working her own job.  The high school will be putting on their big performance "Sister Act - the Musical" this coming weekend.  I would love to go but there is a lot of walking and a lot of stair climbing involved.  Hopefully, the school will have a video made, and I can get a copy of the DVD to watch.

Well that's about it for today.  If I don't start these chores now, they won't get done.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have an awesome day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Monday, May 8, 2017

My Kids Have A Great Sense Of Humor!

May 8, 2018

Good morning.  The sun is shining brightly and there is a breeze, but it is only 50F degrees.  Except for one day, I think this whole week will only have daytime temps in the low to mid 50's.  A couple nights will see temps in the 30's.  Brrr!!

Yesterday, I did type a post here and I thought it was posted, but it was set aside as a draft.  This morning I made sure that it was finally posted.  I realize that it will look like there are two Monday posts, but one is really from yesterday.

I thought I was getting back into a design mode, but sad to say I haven't been very creative at all lately.  I will try harder this week to make a new quick page or two.  No promises, just that I will try.  It seems my biggest accomplishments lately are just making sure that the bills get paid on time.  And, every couple of days, I go out and start my car and let it run for a little bit. 

Today, I have a fun photo to share.  Deanne sent this to me yesterday.  It's a photo of her and Eddie at the Kentucky Derby party this weekend.  It gave me such a wonderful giggle. hahaha.  (If you have read yesterday's post, you will see the humor.)

Today, I will try to pot another plant.  I really need to get them all into pots soon so that they can start to grow.  I think I'll need a couple more bags of potting soil though.  Perhaps I'll see if one of the dwarfs wants to go shopping with me (one day this week), and I can try driving myself to the store.  Hmm, we'll see.

First though, I have a few dishes in the kitchen sink waiting to be washed.  So that will be my first project for this morning.  Then maybe I'll make a bowl of Jello.  I can have this tonight with whipped cream for dessert.  Mmmmmm!!

Enough of my dribble.  Now I'm off to start on those dishes.  So till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.

And The Winner Is..."Always Dreaming"!!

This is really my post from yesterday, Sunday, May 7, 2017.

May 7, 2017

Good afternoon.  Even though today is rather lovely, I'm not finding it easy to get out of my own way.  It must be from too much cool weather.  My body is yearning for the warmer temps.  I guess as we get older, our blood thins.  This will explain why I'm always cold lately.

So, did everybody watch the big race yesterday?  Did your favorite horse win?  "Always Dreaming" is such an awesome name for the winning horse.  I have photos to share of two of my favorite "hat" ladies.  This first one is Elena.  (Audrey's granddaughter)  She looks ever so glamorous as she watches the race and cheers on her winning pick.

Daughter Deanne had earlier promised to take Jazzy to see a performance of Grease at a local college.  Of course, this meant that she would not be able to go to their annual Derby party.  So, Deanne made up an alternate date to go to the Derby party with hubby Eddie.  My goodness, Deanne!  Such awesome creativity!!  She's downright gorgeous!!

Well, yesterday I finally broke down and cooked up some hamburger or Pogo.  It was good to see him so excited and happy as he ate his dinner.  I gave him a plateful, and he only ate half of it.  Pogo never overeats.  The rest was saved for his late night snack and this morning's breakfast. 

I cooked some extra hamburger, wrapped it in individual servings and put it in the freezer.  Now if I don't feel like cooking, Pogo can still enjoy his favorite dish.  I'll have to pick up a new box of the Minute Rice that comes in a pouch.  Just boil it in water, and Voila!  Pogo will have rice to go with his hamburger.  (oh yes, I know I'm lazy!!)

Here's a cute tee shirt that I found on the web.  Just reading the saying on it sort of lifts my spirits.  Pogo definitely lifts my spirits when I'm feeling down in the dumps.

Well, I got a really late start today, and Joe just pulled in the driveway.  Pogo will be wanting to go out into the house now to get his turkey treat, so I'll take my leave.  Till tomorrow, Y'all have an awesome day.

Hugs, Edna B.

Friday, May 5, 2017

New Planets, New Worlds?

May 5, 2017

Good morning.  Tis gray outside my door, and I think we have a few days of damp and gray coming up now.  At least that's what the weather forecast says.  Ah well, my new pots and plants are on the porch so I can still get them potted, or at least try to. 

I already started the potting, but had to stop to get rocks to put in the bottom of the new pots.  I have a bag with some rocks, but will need to get some more.  Daughter Deanne says that she will pick some up for me at the Dollar Store after work today. 

I found out why I had such a bad case of the chills yesterday.  It seems that during the night before, the heating pipes in the house were rattling and keeping Joe awake, so he went downstairs and shut off the heat from the main source.  The only heat that was on was mine, so that meant that now I had no heat at all.  Once my place cooled down, I got the chills.  I did not learn of this until after three in the afternoon when Joe got home from work, and I had him put the heat back on.  (In my place) 

This morning I had the heating fuel tank filled again.  Most likely, this will be all we need until late next Fall.  Pogo was out on the porch, barking ferociously at the delivery man.  My little guy takes his job of protecting me and the house quite seriously. 

Here's a picture that I borrowed from the web that I found quite interesting.  Mainly, because of it's name.  (DeeDee - actually stands for DD)   I did not even realize that there were dwarf planets.

I did look it up on Google and found a lot of really interesting information.  There's even talk of another planet.  They call it planet #9 and say that it is much larger than earth.  If you have any interest in the sky and what is up there, do look this up.  It's amazing to think that there might even just be another world out there somewhere.

Pogo seems to be on strike against doggie food.  No matter what I give him, he won't eat it.  He's decided that he'll eat most anything that might come off my plate though, as long as it is not doggie food. This is new because he doesn't really like most people food, just hamburger and steak.  Ah well, considering the price of the dog food that I've been buying for him, I might just have to go back to cooking him hamburgers. 

Now it's time for me to wash a few dishes and find some mischief to get into.  So, till Sunday, Y'all have an awesome weekend.

Hugs, Edna B.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

A Little Brain Nourishment

May 4, 2017

Good morning.  Well, I thought I was going to be able to sleep in late this morning, but Pogo had other ideas.  He started running to the door and barking ferociously and would not stop.  Finally I got up and looked out to see that the fellow was here spraying the yard for ticks and mosquitos. 

Gosh, this morning I have a wicked chill.  I just can't seem to get warm.  Please, oh please, don't let this be the beginning of a cold or some other bug.  Gosh, I haven't even shut off the heat yet because a lot of nights are just not warm enough without it. 

This morning, I've been looking through one of my books, "America's Forgotten History" by Reader's Digest.  This is really a most interesting book.  Did you know that a gentleman named Edward Payton Weston earned the title of the world's best long distance walker?  At the age of 69, he walked from New York to San Francisco and then back again, a round trip accomplished in a record 181 days. 

Did you know that Bingo was once called "housey housey" or that when the Hula Hoop came on the market in 1958 it sold an estimated 80 million to 100 million in only four months?  Or how about the fact that the colonists made their clothes to be durable and comfortable, not fashionable.  And, they did not wear underwear!!

My goodness, this book is just packed full with a wealth of interesting facts and history.  I just checked, and you can find copies of this book at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  Second hand copies can be bought for as little as $1.99. 

Today, I thought I would share a photo of Pogo's little friend Cisco.  Cisco lives in Texas, and this is a photo of him with two of his toys.  Isn't he just a cutie??  (photo taken by his mom, Beth)

Say, want to have some fun?  Do you know someone who has a pet and could use a little help?  Or maybe an elderly person who has a pet?  Why not pick up a toy and some pet food and deliver it to that person.  Or maybe drop some off at a pet shelter.  They will be ever so happy and appreciative, and you will feel extra good about yourself.  I read somewhere that some of the "meals on wheels" volunteers are also bringing some pet food along with the person's meal.  This is AWESOME!!!

Well, now that I've nourished your brain, I think I shall take my leave.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day. 

Hugs, Edna B.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A Day For Crabby Phone Calls

May 3, 2017

Good morning.  Tis another cloudy day today, with the sun poking in and out from behind the clouds.  Temps today and for the next few days, will be in the high 50's and low 60's.  Now if only those temps could creep a wee bit higher, I'd be a happy camper.

Oh gosh, I just picked a tiny tick off my Pogo's ear.  A couple nights ago, I picked one off the back of my neck.  I guess the season is in full bloom.  The Lawn Doctor called this morning to say that they would be spraying my yard tomorrow. 

I called back to find out why they are just getting around to spraying my yard when they started spraying back in March.  Their excuse was that they have so many customers that it takes much longer to get to everyone now.  I told them their excuse was not good enough.  We have had mosquitos and ticks for quite a while now.

 I also had to call Driver's Elite.  (similar to AAA)  I renewed my membership back in March, and then got a letter welcoming me to their program.  Hmmm???   I've been a member for many many years.  Then a couple weeks ago, I got a bill from them asking for my renewal fee.  Silly me, I almost paid it!!  On the phone I'm being told that the system automatically sends out three notices to customers asking for their renewal fee.  Even once you pay the fee, you will still get notices until all three have been sent.  What kind of system is this?

So I guess today is my crazy crabby phone calls day.  They say that into each life some rain must fall.  Although this isn't wet rain, I hope it ends soon.  I still have to deal with the letters from the health insurance about all the parts of the hospital bills that they are not going to pay.  If it looks like I'm going to be paying the bulk of all these bills, then I may just have to drop the health insurance altogether.  Jeesh!  When it rains, it pours!!!

Today I have a cute photo of Pogo out on the porch.  He's studying the mat in front of the storm door.

Here's a photo of my Bird Of Paradise plant.  So far, I've manage to keep it alive long enough to put it out on the porch.

And finally, here's a close up of the new leaves on my Red Japanese Maple tree.  They really are quite interesting.

I started this post hours ago, but those phone calls took up quite a lot of my time.  So I think I'll make a quick lunch for Pogo and me before it gets too late.  DIL Janet is supposed to be coming by later after work.  On this happy note, I'll take my leave.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.