Thursday, June 25, 2015

Sometimes Medicine Makes Things Worse

June 25, 2015

Good morning.  It's a beautiful morning, with sunshine and a light breeze.  The temps are in the mid 70's, but will get up into the low 80's later today.  For now, though, I can have the bottom window on Pogo's door raised up so that he can enjoy the cool breeze.

Last night, I had another of those cough/choking episodes, and it was a wicked bad one.  I'll have to ask my doctor if there is a different way to take the medicine that I need for breathing.  Right now, it is a powder form (Advair) and breathing it in brings on the cough/choke episode. 

Yesterday, after Joe came home from work, we finally made it to the Post Office so that I could get some boxes mailed out.  Then last evening, I put a few rows on the Country Blue afghan.  That was about the extent of my excitement for the day.  Gosh, retirement is sometimes a bit boring.

I've been asked why I don't drink tap water, and instead pay for bottled water.  To be honest, I suppose the tap water is safe, but I just don't like it for drinking.  I cook with it, but that's it.  I don't like the taste of it, and too often we are not given advance notice when the water mains are being flushed or repaired.  At these times, the color of the water is a turn off.  I'd rather pay for clean, refreshing Poland Springs spring water.

I don't have any new photos, so I went into my archives again.  On June 25, 2012, it was pouring rain here.   These photos were taken while I was standing on our front porch.  The first two photos show the rain falling from the porch roof and in front of the porch.

We are supposed to get some rain here tonight and tomorrow morning.  We haven't had much rain here lately, so we'll see.   According to the weather man, we have more rain coming on Sunday, and then again on Tuesday.  Hmmm.

Well, it's getting close to lunchtime, and I think I'll have a look in the refrigerator to what looks tasty.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a magnificent day.

Hugs, Edna B. 

1 comment:

Mat's Merry Memoirs said...

Good Morning Miss the rainy photos...were are supposed to have the "cold" (dropping our temps maybe 5 degrees, but more importantly dropping the humidity) front come through tonight and leave us some rain. Enjoy your lovely temps we haven't officially hit the triple digits yet(but with the heat index we have last 3 days)! You and Pogo have a marvelous weekend. Hugs, Mat & fur-babies!