Happy Birthday to us, Happy Birthday to us!! Today is the big day, and we have lots of good stuff for you. First, our Magickal Scraps store is on sale all month starting today.
Then, of course, there are the free goodies that will be sprinkled throughout the store for a week. Today the clue for your first freebie is: "Go where imagination takes you and let your fantasies come true." Now all you have to do is find what part of the store this is. Your freebie is only good for ONE DAY, so hurry on over to http://www.magickalscraps.com/.
**Next we have a brand new Daily Download kit for you starting today. "Halloween Town" is a mega fantastic kit that all of us have worked on and are proud to share with you. The store add-on part of this kit is also quite large and only $1.50. So don't miss this one. Here is a preview of the store add-on, and remember, there is a lot more that isn't shown. How can you beat this bargain?

And here is a look at today's very first daily download, which just happens to be from me. We are very proud of our kit and hope you all enjoy it.

Now for my regular daily rantings. Yesterday, after the last of this round of chemo, Miss Tootsie's neurosurgeon had some good news for us. She tested Tootsie's eyes and seems to think that there is a tiny bit of sight returning to the right side of Tootsie's right eye. Well, now don't that beat all!!!!! It would really be fantastic if enough of her sight could be restored to at least make it easier for her to see where she is going and what she is trying to look at.
Uncle Moo is making great progress working on one of the bedrooms here. He had to remove lots of layers of old wallpaper and repair all of the plaster on the walls before he could do any actual painting. One by one, as we can, we have to go through all of the rooms and spiff them up a bit. This should bring us up into the end of Springtime. Maybe we can even get a different contractor out here in the Spring to do the rest of my windows. That would certainly be nice.
My daughter-in-law, Janet, came by and we had a marvelously relaxing visit until late last evening. We didn't do much of anything except sit back and relax and visit. Now this was a very nice surprise for me. We talk and catch up on the latest family happenings, enjoy a meal together and do jigsaw puzzles on the computer while we watch a favorite TV program. An all around nice evening.
Now I am off to put up the new slideshow, and maybe sort the clean laundry (rugs and blankets) and put them away. I need to get my bedroom ready for the new heater that is coming next week. Oh joy, oh joy!! Y'all have a fantastic day now.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good news all around,lol-fantastic !!! Lol- you can take pictures of the DIY man and use the Men at Work kit - perfect for that sort of of layout.PS:LOL-get Erik shots if he's helping.
Hugs Snowy
How kind you are! Where did you have your photo published? It is so special when this happens, eh?! Thanks for sharing that. I'm just glad that I came upon MS site one year ago, evidently, right after they opened.. It was in October when I joined and you ladies mean more and more to me all the time. I'm glad to know YOU! LOL
I just wish my crap was more together to come visit.
Who knows. Maybe, one day?
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