Today's the day the new windows are supposed to be installed in our kitchen. But we'll see, because it is rather gray and wet outside. Plus, wait till they hear they wont be allowed to stomp all over my flowers while they are doing the install. When I ordered these windows, none of my plants had come up yet. But it has taken quite a while for them to come, and now I have plants that I don't wish to have destroyed. Oh my.
Gosh, I was just about to leave for a few minutes and get dressed before the contractor gets here, and my eye caught a movement outside my window. You'll never guess!! It's him, and he's 45 minutes early. Gotta run, be back later.
Ah, I am back, and the windows are all in. If I do say so myself, they do look good. I wondered how they were going to get the old window off that is smack right over the flower bed, and I made sure to put the fear of God into them before they started. I think maybe they came early so they could tromp right into the little garden and remove the old window. But I was too quick for that.
So guess how they got the window out - including the old storm window that was screwed on from the outside? They had to do it from inside the kitchen. I did not want so much as one tiny little weed in my garden stomped on. Now that's a good contractor. Anything to please a cranky old lady. Well what can I say? When you get to this age, you have your ways about you. Mine is called - I want it my way.
Now there is so much light coming in through the nice new windows, we will have to put up new blinds and curtains. That's a good thing though. Next we will take care of the windows for my part of the house. Then maybe I can have new blinds and curtains too.
Today, I have a few more photos to share with you. The first one is a shot of our topsy turvy tomatoes. I don't understand - the ones on TV are about 4 feet long, while ours are struggling to gain any length. But we do have tomatoes.

Next, I have a couple of shots of the rose bush. It was big beautiful yellow roses when my daughter Kerri gave it to me many years ago, but then it went back to root stock I guess because for quite a few years it has been these lovely little white roses.
I have to separate these two photos because Mr Blogger is having a "Snit Day" today, and is re-arranging my blog all by himself. He's not letting me put both the photos up with any words typed beneath them.
Well, two can play that game too, Mr. Blogger!! Let's see if this works. Now I'm going to get busy around here. I still have a lot of work to do, both in the house and on the PC. I'm working on some CU kits for my store. Are any of you interested in CU freebies? Let me know and maybe I could be putting some on here for you. Till tomorrow, y'all have a magnificent day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Looks like your new 50mm 1.4 lens is working great....the bee is stopped in the air!
Mary Ann
I LOVE the clarity of hat bee! Wonderful shot! I'm still thinking about a tomato plnt. Wonder if it's too late now. I loo at yours and I'm jealous...and I have a teaste for some baked green tomatoes... :)
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