Tootsie and I are up early this morning, and it's coffee and treat time. A greenie for her and a cup of coffee for moi. I just ransacked the freezer to find meals for tonight and tomorrow night. How does ham steaks one night and cubed steak sound for the other? Hmmmmm? Done.
We share here, Moo and I, and usually one or two of the dwarfs. When we shop or cook, we plan the meals to feed three or four. And, of course, we share the cooking. This works out quite well for us. Although I must say, Moo does do most of the cooking and shopping.
Gosh, I just don't know these young gals do it. I spent quite a few hours yesterday afternoon and last night trying to put my new kits into the store. Just two of the kits!! And I had to enlist Snow Raven's help. In the midst of uploading the kits, my dear friend went to bed to have a nap. Of course, as soon as she left me, I managed to mess things up quite a bit and had to wait till she was up again and refreshed.
I spent the evening the other night making up the preview for a third new kit. After hours of much thought and work, I went to click on the save button and for the life of me, don't know what I hit instead, but all my work went Poof!!! Just like that !! Right to trash heaven!! Here is where I taught myself a few new choice words that would make a saint's ears curl.
This morning I am going to attempt to reconstruct the missing preview. I also want to finish up some CU things I am working on. This will be a newie for me. As long as I am learning the fine art of digi-design, I may as well get my feet wet in both ends of the business. But to be fair, it is exciting to learn new things, so I am really one happy little puppy.
On my way home from physical therapy the other day, I stopped by a cemetery that had a lovely little pond to shoot some photos. It was such a peaceful scene that I could not help myself. There were trees for shade, the pond was surrounded by irises, and filled with floating lily pads, and it was just so pretty. I will share one of the photos with you today.
I will also post a preview of the bonus QP's that you will get when you buy my new kit "And I Love You So." This is a very romantic kit that is perfect for those photos of your "Honey." It's also great for wedding photos.
Well, Tootsie and I are off now to see what kind of mischief we can cook up for today. Till tomorrow, y'all have a fantastic day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Bonus QP's "And I Love You So"

And here is that lovely scene at the cemetery.

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