Wow, we just can't get a day in without rain. Yesterday afternoon, the gray clouds rolled in bringing with them the thunder and a bit of lightning. After a spell of grumbling, down came the rains. And did they come down!! After an hour or so, it dwindled down to light rain and drizzle through the night. And today too!
The gardens are becoming water logged, and flowers are rotting - some even before their blossoms open. However, the day lilies seem to be doing okay. Every here and there is a beautiful little patch of color and it's usually a day lily.
This morning at work, I got a glimpse of a most beautiful bright orange tanager. He was just too quick for me to get a photo. I sure hope he comes back (when I'm there) so that I can get a nice photo.
Last night was not a good night for designing. For some reason, I just could not get in the mood. Could be, it was the tme. It was after 9pm before I was able to play on the laptop, and by then the creative part of my brain was a bit tired. Hopefully tonight I will do better.
Before I leave you to go have me a nice nap, I will share a pretty photo that I took a couple of days ago. It was raining, but one of the deer had come out in the field across the street to graze. Considering the distance, and the rain, I thought the photo was quite nice. Enjoy, and y'all have a really grand day.
Hugs, Edna B.

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