It's been a busy day today, and still more to do yet. This morning I read some of my email while enjoying a cup of coffee. Then it was time to get ready for Physical Therapy. today wasn't too bad. They started out by putting a wonderful hot pillow under my feet. Ooooooooooooooooo. I could have stayed like that for hours. Boy, that felt soooooo good!
Then came the work part. Up down, up down, toes first, heels next. The first ten ups and downs on each were not so bad, the last ten ups and downs on each were torture. It must be nice to have a PAYING job where you can torture poor folks like me.
After therapy, I made a run to Walmart. Time to stock on doggie dinners seeing as how we have none left. I realize that Tootsie would much rather I had stocked up on roasted chicken and roast beef, but they didn't have either of those at our Walmart. Too bad Tootsie.
Next, it was time to scoot on over to Costco and pick up all our meds. One of Tootsie's meds ran out yesterday so this was a must do trip. Of course, you can't just go in and pick up meds, you have to browse through all the other good stuff too. I had enough free food taster samples to make up for no lunch, so this was a plus.
I did manage to find a few groceries that we needed, and stopped by the magazine rack for the latest issues of whatever Photoshop or Digital Photography magazines that might be there. i found three, and promptly put them in my basket. On to the check-out counter, where I got the surprise of my life. Can you imagine? $30.00 for a magazine??????? I asked the girl at the register if the magazine were lined with gold or platinum. She only remarked "Would you like me to put it back?" Hell, no! I'll keep it, but it better be damn good for that price!
Then I headed for home, rather tired and getting hot. Ah, but I forgot I still have to stop at the Post Office and mail a box to my son. When I saw what the little box was going to cost me to mail, the lady behind the counter took pity on me and tried to find "one rate" boxes that my box might fit into. Unless I opened the box and emptied the contents out into another box, it wasn't going to work. But I thanked her for trying.
May I give you all a word of advice? When your friends and family come visiting, and cannot fit all their stuff back into their suitcase, just go out and buy another inexpensive suitcase and pay the airlines $25.00 for shipping. It is definitely much cheaper and time saving, and they end up with an extra suitcase for their next trip.
So far the rain is holding off, so it looks as if my grandson will have his baseball game tonight. This means that I will now take my leave and get ready to go the game. Of course, I'll be bringing Tootsie with me. My poor little baby with the dog face. Y'all have a fantastic night.
Hugs, Edna B.
"Pink Peony"

1 comment:
I started Physical therapy for my knee yesterday, so I can really relate to things that start easy and then get tough! I felt pretty good yesterday afternoon, but oh, I was stiff and sore this morning! I guess that’s why my doctor wanted me to have days in between!
I love the clarirty of the bugs in your photos! (As long as they are cute, colorful, SIX legged bugs):)
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