Thank God for children. Yesterday, my daughter in law, Janet, spent the day helping me to pack up and move out most everything in my living room. I did as much as I could to help, which wasn't really all that much, but boy oh boy, did my legs and back ever growl and kick up such a fuss!
When Janet went home, I fed my little Tootsie, and then we went straight to bed. By 4 am this morning, I was finally walking much better. I hope I don't have to do that again any time soon.
Tomorrow is D Day for the new carpet. I just hope they get here early, so that I can put a few things back before evening sets in. Then I have a whole week to finish the room.
Tonight I made a new layout using Snow Raven's new kit "Sweet Wine." You can purchase this kit at It' a picture of me getting ready to photograph the beautiful Mississippi River in Wisconsin.

Tonight is the season finale of my favorite TV program, "Project Runway." I hope they never cancel this show, because I just love to watch how the designers start with an idea, and then turn it into a beautiful piece of clothing.
Right now, it's time to play a little ball with Tootsie before we settle in to watch TV. Have a great night.
Hugs, Edna B.
p.s. Please forgive me if my paragraphs aren't spaced too good. I've re-done this several times, but blogspot delights in creating havoc with the posts. It rearranges paragraphs, changes spacing formats - it's just not too bright. Sorry.
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