Tonight you get the rest of the background papers for "Halloween 2008", and tomorrow, the elements. By now, you must be inundated with Halloween kits. BUT! You cannot have too many.
I spent most of the afternoon trying to package up my portion of the December daily downloads for Magickal Scraps. Boy oh boy! I didn't realize the work involved. God bless Snow Raven because she's been doing all this work by herself. It's no wonder things have to be done up a month or two in advance. Goll-ee-ee-e!
I also wanted to make sure my November Bonus Kits for my two challenges on Magickal Scraps were ready to be sent into cyber space for their links. I will be sponsoring the "Inspiration Challenge" and the "Recipe Challenge." Don't forget to come in to the forum and take part in them. Try the other challenges, too. We really do have some nifty ones.
Needless to say, while I have been busy on the computer most all day, my poor neglected little waif has been moping about quietly. I tell you, if dogs could pout, SHE IS! So I think I had best skedaddle on out and find her tennis ball and start tossing it around for her.
Did I mention that I cut up some of my steak and mixed it into her Beneful Prepared Doggie Dinner tonight? See, I really do love her a lot.
Enough of my blabbering, here's your Part Two of "Halloween 2008." Enjoy.
Hugs, Edna B.

And here is your download link for Part Two "Halloween 2008."
Thank you for part two too! They are perfect!
TY so very much for these AWESOME 2nd DL of BGs!!!!!!!!!!!!
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