Well, today has certainly been busy. I'm going to take part in the November daily downloads at Magickal Scraps forum, so I needed to make all my pieces to the kit, wrap it up, and send it off.
Next, I had to finish wrapping up and sending off into cyberspace for a link, my posting gift for the Inspiration Challenge that I am going to host at same forum. Here is what you get if you participate. If you want it, hop on over to http://www.magickalscraps.com/ and take part in the challenge.
In between all this fun, (which it was) I had an appointment with the carpet salesman to make plans to have my carpet taken up and replaced with a nice new one. That alone took more than two hours. Who'da thunk?
Today I will share another new layout I did for a challenge at Scraphead. We had to make Christmas baubles, so I hope I did this right. Then Tootsie and I are going to go into the kitchen and make us some supper. This will be an early night because we have to get up early for the first of Tootsie's chemo appointments this week. This is a big week for her as this is her first time going FIVE weeks. That's my girl!! Till tomorrow,
Hugs, Edna B.
"Christmas Baubles"

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