Yeah-h-h-h!!! Today Tootsie finished up her "every four weeks" chemo regime. Now we start every FIVE weeks. I am so happy for my little dog, I can't really put it into words. We have to more goals -- every six weeks, and NO MORE. If she can stay in remission and make to the light at the end of the tunnel, we'll have to figure out a way to celebrate. Maybe a party, and invite a couple of friends. This is something worth getting excited about.
I did sign up for the Supreme Team Contest at GDS, and today started Round One. Last time I entered, I only made it to round two. Whether I make it or not is not the reason I enter, although it's always nice to win, but I just love the "trying" part. That's how we learn. And the more I learn, the better I can get.
Tomorrow night, I'll post my entry for round one. Next week, I'll let you know if I go on to round two or not. The kit we were given to use for the layout is gorgeous. It's called "Mom's Garden" by Helen Ehrenhofer at GDS.
Before I post tonight's freebie, I want to mention that you should visit Bonnie at The Maltese Scrapper She has some beautiful QP's that would match "Cactus Sunset" beautifully. And they're free!!
My favorite program on TV is coming on now, (Project Runway) so Tootsie and I are going to snuggle up in bed and watch it.
Hugs, Edna B.
"Cactus Sunset" paper Set G

Here's your download link for "Cactus Sunset" paper Set G: Expired
Yay for Tootsie! Praying for her to stay snuggly in remission through every five weeks, every six weeks and "bye-bye chemo!"
TY so very much for todays FAB BGs!!!!!!!!!
Yipee for Tootsie!!!!!!!!!!
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