Do you want the good news or the bad news first? I'll givre you the bad news - there's no freebie for you tonight. I really truly was working on a couple of them, when my little e-mail dog popped up on my screen with a letter in his mouth.
Can you guess what was in the envelopes? Pictures of Zachary Draygon, my newest great grandson, and Audrey and Mac's first grandchild. Talk about a cutie. I know, I know, we all say that about our babies. But he really is a cutie.
I made a layout for him with Snow Raven's new kit "Dragon Lair." Kind of fits the name, yes? So without further ado, here's Zack, and I'll be back tomorrow with goodies for you. Till then,
Hugs, Edna B.
"Dragon Lair" kit by Snow Raven

Aww what a sweet little cutie he is! And look at that full head of hair! =)
He looks so sweet, and yes, all sleeping babies look sweet, but he is just the picture of peaceful slumber! I love the layout! Yes, very fitting with his name.
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