Thursday, December 12, 2019

Counting The Days Till Vacation Time

December 12,2019

Good morning.  The sun is shining and the temperature is 27F degrees.  We may get up to 31F degrees later today.  Brrr.  I'm thinking, only 70 more days and we'll be in Florida.  Here's a photo of my car that I took through the kitchen window yesterday.

Yesterday, the mailman brought me a package with my new boots.  Oh my, I love my boots!  They fit beautifully and they are so warm!  I guess I'm going to have to break down now and buy myself a pair of slippers. 

I wear flip flops year round (indoors in the winter), but after wearing my warm boots yesterday for a while, I'm thinking that warm slippers might feel really good.  Gosh, if I keep this up, I'll start being like a normal person.  Coat, boots, slippers, what's next?

Oh my, the mailman just came and brought me another Christmas card.  This one is so funny, it has the Grinch on it.  He's peeking out from behind a wreath.  Don't you just love getting cards?  I do.  They are so much better than getting an email card. 

I guess everyone at Deanne's job forgot that yesterday was supposed to Candy Land day at work.  Deanne and the general manager were the only two who showed up dressed for the occasion.  I hope they gave Deanne a lot of extra raffle tickets for participating.  She really did look cute.  Did you notice the lollipop in her hair?

I have another cute photo to share.  This one is Deanne's little dog Sassy.  She's curled up with her Teddy Bear, dreaming of hmmmmm, Santa?  chewy treats?  maybe a new toy?  Santa told me one thing that he's bringing to her.  I think she's going to really love it!

Yesterday I got another surprise in the mail.  My new electric bill.  Can you imagine my shock to find that it is more than five hundred dollars higher than last month's bill?  How can this be legal?  I can just imagine what next month's bill will be like.  We light the Christmas tree every evening.  Pretty soon we won't be able to afford to use any electricity.  The cost is getting out of hand. 

I'm off now to do a bit of blog reading.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.


Brenda said...

How can an electric bill be 500.00?????

Theresa said...

Oh the snow is SO pretty and yes, boots and scarves is a must:) Deanne is adorable and I bet she had a fun day in Candy Land:) That electric bill sounds like highway robbery!!! Seems like that is TOO much! I think it would cause me to faint:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Steve Reed said...

Five hundred dollars HIGHER than last month's bill?!?! I have NEVER received an electric bill that high. I don't know anything about your electricity use, obviously, but that just seems wrong. Maybe you should check with the power company and see if that bill is correct.

Love the photo of Sassy. Very cute!