October 31, 2019
Good morning. Happy Halloween everybody! I love Halloween. Not that I do anything special anymore. I don't even decorate for it anymore. But most years I do get to meet up with lots of my witchy friends and we travel the skies together.
Tonight is our big ride. My daughter Audrey is here so she will be flying with Pogo and me. I have an extra broom that she can use. Her husband thinks that if she can fly on a broom with us, then she ought to be able to fly home on a broom and save the cost of airfare. He forgets that it is too dangerous to try to carry suitcases on the broom while you are flying. There's really no safe place to put them so that they don't fall off. Besides, they add extra weight that the broom can't handle very well.
I tried all Tuesday evening and yesterday morning to make my new blog book and kept losing it all because of some sort of error. (computer error) Out of frustration, I finally had to use the "chat" box from the printing site to get some help. Then Audrey showed me how to empty all the history and cache on my laptop. This was something that I never did learn how to do. However, it did fix the problem and I was able to order my new book.
I had to remake my new blog book more than once because it was taking up too many pages for the one book. I guess I had posted more photos than usual. I'll have to stick to no more than four photos a post. Because the books are hard bound, they can only hold a certain number of pages. These are my new book covers.
Yesterday, Audrey and I mostly just relaxed and enjoyed the day. Last evening, my nephew came by for a visit. This was my brother's son Jamie. The one I posted about some time ago. He was adopted out as a baby and we never got to see him again. (till just a couple years ago) Therefore, Audrey never got to meet him before. So last evening's visit was extra special.
I dug out a couple quick pages from an old collab kit that my friend Sue and I made back in 2012. I thought you might be able to use them for some of your scary Halloween photos.
Here is your download link: (if there is a problem with this link, let me know and I will get a new one.)
Now it's time to go attack a pile of blankets. We are going to sort through them and pack some into bags for the Good Will. Four hands is so much better than two. If I've missed your blog this week, I will catch up soon. So, till tomorrow, keep an eye on your friendly skies tonight. You never know if we'll be flying over your house. Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Not Posting Today
October 30, 2019
Good afternoon. Today there will be no post. Well, not much of a post. I spent all last evening, and all morning today till just a few minutes ago trying to make and order my new blog book. I won't go into details now, but it is finally done. I would post a photo of the covers, but at the moment, my laptop is not playing nice nice.
I'm off now to get as far away from this laptop as I can. I'll be back tomorrow with a normal post. Thank you for being patient with me. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good afternoon. Today there will be no post. Well, not much of a post. I spent all last evening, and all morning today till just a few minutes ago trying to make and order my new blog book. I won't go into details now, but it is finally done. I would post a photo of the covers, but at the moment, my laptop is not playing nice nice.
I'm off now to get as far away from this laptop as I can. I'll be back tomorrow with a normal post. Thank you for being patient with me. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Making Lots Of Progress
October 29, 2019
Good morning. Tis gray outside and my phone app says it's raining. Not so! The app isn't showing any sunshine for today, just temps in the lower fifties. It's a good day to be doing stuff indoors.
Yesterday, we dug out a few boxes of photos that I had stored away in the computer room. I sat and looked a few of them. I'll have to drag them all out one of these days and have me a good look at all of them. I did pull out a few memories to share.
Many moons ago, between 1989 and 1991, the first digital cameras were being introduced to the public by Casio. They were very expensive and they promised to be a source of wonderful fun. When the first ones came on sale for only $2000, my hubby took me to the store and bought one for me. Imagine that, all that money for such a small thing! Here are photos of the brochure that came with the camera.
I know you can't read the print on that second image, but it gives an idea of how they were showing us ways to have lots of fun with our new camera. And I DID have fun with it! You could turn the view finder around so that folks did not know they were being photographed. I took this camera everywhere with me. This was the beginning of my adventures into photography and ways to enjoy it. Our digital cameras have come a long way baby!
I also came across some photos that my girl friend and I took on one of our trips to Nashville, Tennessee for Fan Fair. I had this photo taken there. Us girls had loads of fun and got to meet lots of the country music stars.
Do I love country music? Oh yes! I grew up with it. My mother always had country music playing on the radio. When we were tiny, she would even teach us to dance to it. We would stand on her toes and hold her hands, and off we went. Twirling and gliding to the music. I did the same to my kids when they were tiny.
Today, country music is still my favorite. The old style country music, not the newer stuff. I enjoy other kinds of music too, but country is my love. I have a huge collection of it. That, and the "oldies but goodies" from the forties to the seventies.
Today Audrey and I are going to re-organize my yarn stash. This should be fun. We're also going to fill up a big suitcase with some of the yarn for Audrey to take home with her. This way she'll be all set to make lots of new things.
Well, that's our progress so far. Now I'm off to get started on this new day. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. Tis gray outside and my phone app says it's raining. Not so! The app isn't showing any sunshine for today, just temps in the lower fifties. It's a good day to be doing stuff indoors.
Yesterday, we dug out a few boxes of photos that I had stored away in the computer room. I sat and looked a few of them. I'll have to drag them all out one of these days and have me a good look at all of them. I did pull out a few memories to share.
Many moons ago, between 1989 and 1991, the first digital cameras were being introduced to the public by Casio. They were very expensive and they promised to be a source of wonderful fun. When the first ones came on sale for only $2000, my hubby took me to the store and bought one for me. Imagine that, all that money for such a small thing! Here are photos of the brochure that came with the camera.
I know you can't read the print on that second image, but it gives an idea of how they were showing us ways to have lots of fun with our new camera. And I DID have fun with it! You could turn the view finder around so that folks did not know they were being photographed. I took this camera everywhere with me. This was the beginning of my adventures into photography and ways to enjoy it. Our digital cameras have come a long way baby!
I also came across some photos that my girl friend and I took on one of our trips to Nashville, Tennessee for Fan Fair. I had this photo taken there. Us girls had loads of fun and got to meet lots of the country music stars.
Do I love country music? Oh yes! I grew up with it. My mother always had country music playing on the radio. When we were tiny, she would even teach us to dance to it. We would stand on her toes and hold her hands, and off we went. Twirling and gliding to the music. I did the same to my kids when they were tiny.
Today, country music is still my favorite. The old style country music, not the newer stuff. I enjoy other kinds of music too, but country is my love. I have a huge collection of it. That, and the "oldies but goodies" from the forties to the seventies.
Today Audrey and I are going to re-organize my yarn stash. This should be fun. We're also going to fill up a big suitcase with some of the yarn for Audrey to take home with her. This way she'll be all set to make lots of new things.
Well, that's our progress so far. Now I'm off to get started on this new day. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Monday, October 28, 2019
We're Busy Re-Organizing The Computer Room
October 28, 2019
Good morning. The sun hasn't come out yet, but give it some time. Today is supposed to be sunny with some clouds. The temperature is 48F degrees, and will clime to the mid fifties. Not too shabby I guess for an Autumn day.
Yesterday, Audrey did a lot of re-organizing in my computer room. And yup, it's already looking much better. Today we'll do a lot more of the same. While we were shopping yesterday, we picked up quite a few plastic shoe box type containers to put things in. This will make it easier for storing away different years of tax stuff.
I also get a lot of freebie stuff in the mail. Some of it I give away, and some of it I keep. This can be sorted into these containers too, making it easier to find things, should I want to use them. Audrey is very good at organizing.
Last night I started to make a pan full of meat sauce. Sad to say, I went in the other room for just a few minutes to help out. As soon as Audrey said that she could smell something burning I hot tailed it back to the kitchen in time to toss out a whole pan of burnt meat. Wouldn't you think I'd have learned my lesson by now to never leave the kitchen when I'm cooking? I'll try again later to make my sauce.
I don't have a new quick page to post so today I'm going to post a couple of rather pretty Dover coloring pages. I hope you can use them for a few relaxing moments.
Today, we're going to do a bit more work on the computer room. Hopefully, by tomorrow, we'll have it all straightened out. There are two desks in there, and I'd like to get rid of one of them. It's getting old and rickety and needs to be replaced with a newer one. I have an older desktop PC that I keep on this desk . It's for company that feels like playing games or doing puzzles on it. I'd get rid of this desktop but it still works.
The next project we're going to do is to go through all my yarn stash and send a whole lot of it home with her. Then I'll get to arrange the rest of into my big yarn totes. It all used to be arranged by color lots, but over time things get moved around and my organizing goes right out the window.
A few days ago, Deanne got a tick on her neck. It wasn't spotted right away and it started burrowing in to stay. Soon, it was getting infected. Eddie did get the tick out and Deanne went to the clinic to have it checked. She was given a strong dose of medicine and now has to wait and watch to see what happens. Hopefully, nothing is going to happen.
Lately I've been doing a bit of research online to find a new replacement for my little laptop. I've also been looking at the Samsung tablets that act like mini laptops. So far it's looking like the tablets aren't good for programs like Photoshop. I would need to use this software, so I guess I won't be getting one of the newer tablets. I still have a lot of researching to do.
Now it's time for me to get busy here. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. The sun hasn't come out yet, but give it some time. Today is supposed to be sunny with some clouds. The temperature is 48F degrees, and will clime to the mid fifties. Not too shabby I guess for an Autumn day.
Yesterday, Audrey did a lot of re-organizing in my computer room. And yup, it's already looking much better. Today we'll do a lot more of the same. While we were shopping yesterday, we picked up quite a few plastic shoe box type containers to put things in. This will make it easier for storing away different years of tax stuff.
I also get a lot of freebie stuff in the mail. Some of it I give away, and some of it I keep. This can be sorted into these containers too, making it easier to find things, should I want to use them. Audrey is very good at organizing.
Last night I started to make a pan full of meat sauce. Sad to say, I went in the other room for just a few minutes to help out. As soon as Audrey said that she could smell something burning I hot tailed it back to the kitchen in time to toss out a whole pan of burnt meat. Wouldn't you think I'd have learned my lesson by now to never leave the kitchen when I'm cooking? I'll try again later to make my sauce.
I don't have a new quick page to post so today I'm going to post a couple of rather pretty Dover coloring pages. I hope you can use them for a few relaxing moments.
Today, we're going to do a bit more work on the computer room. Hopefully, by tomorrow, we'll have it all straightened out. There are two desks in there, and I'd like to get rid of one of them. It's getting old and rickety and needs to be replaced with a newer one. I have an older desktop PC that I keep on this desk . It's for company that feels like playing games or doing puzzles on it. I'd get rid of this desktop but it still works.
The next project we're going to do is to go through all my yarn stash and send a whole lot of it home with her. Then I'll get to arrange the rest of into my big yarn totes. It all used to be arranged by color lots, but over time things get moved around and my organizing goes right out the window.
A few days ago, Deanne got a tick on her neck. It wasn't spotted right away and it started burrowing in to stay. Soon, it was getting infected. Eddie did get the tick out and Deanne went to the clinic to have it checked. She was given a strong dose of medicine and now has to wait and watch to see what happens. Hopefully, nothing is going to happen.
Lately I've been doing a bit of research online to find a new replacement for my little laptop. I've also been looking at the Samsung tablets that act like mini laptops. So far it's looking like the tablets aren't good for programs like Photoshop. I would need to use this software, so I guess I won't be getting one of the newer tablets. I still have a lot of researching to do.
Now it's time for me to get busy here. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
An Awesome Night Out With My Girls
October 27, 2019
Good morning. Today is a bit gray and wet, with a high temp of 51F degrees.. But that's okay. We need the rain to fill up the reservoirs and ponds. And if my phone weather app is correct, we're in for a lot of wet days this week.
Friday, Pogo and I picked Audrey up at the shuttle bus station. She takes a shuttle from the airport to the bus station so that I don't have to drive into Boston. Which I just don't do. It's scary driving in Boston. Too much traffic, too many one ways, and just to chaotic for me.
We had a fun afternoon and evening. On the way here we stopped to pick up some beer. Yup, I got me a six pack of Sam Adams Light, and enjoyed a cool one that evening. Yesterday, we spent most of the day trying to re-organize the computer (turned store-all) room. We even managed to fill a bag for the Good Will, mostly musical plush toys. Some kids will get to enjoy them.
Then last evening, Deanne, Audrey and I went to the Paris Cabaret for a delicious meal and a super performance. The Starliners performed "Carousel" and they did an awesome job! For our meal, we all ordered the same, medium rare Prime Rib au Jus. Yum! Yum! This was an awesome night out with my girls.
Jazzy was not there, she was in Connecticut for a Phi Theta Kappa convention. She is the student president of Phi Theta Kappa at the college which is why she was invited to attend the convention. She was also asked to be commencement speaker at the upcoming graduation in the Spring. She is also now in the running for valedictorian. She's hoping she doesn't get it. We're all hoping that she does. (yup, we're all so very proud of her.)
Today, we are going to WalMart to pick up a few things, Then we'll get back to re-organizing the computer room. We call the room this because Michael and I both had our desks and computers in this room and we spent many many evenings in there playing (or working) on our computers.
While perusing the web, I found a couple of fantastic ideas that I thought I'd pass along to you. This first is a Coloring Box. Now what a great idea to keep a little one busy for a while.
And then I thought that this next idea was really quite ingenious. Oh my, the things we do for our fur babies! I have a door just like this one, only mine wasn't installed upside down.
Before I leave to get started on this awesome new day, I have one more image that I borrowed from the web to share with you. Take note, this is how we're supposed to be treating our fur babies.
Now I'm going to finish up my cup of coffee and get busy here. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. Today is a bit gray and wet, with a high temp of 51F degrees.. But that's okay. We need the rain to fill up the reservoirs and ponds. And if my phone weather app is correct, we're in for a lot of wet days this week.
Friday, Pogo and I picked Audrey up at the shuttle bus station. She takes a shuttle from the airport to the bus station so that I don't have to drive into Boston. Which I just don't do. It's scary driving in Boston. Too much traffic, too many one ways, and just to chaotic for me.
We had a fun afternoon and evening. On the way here we stopped to pick up some beer. Yup, I got me a six pack of Sam Adams Light, and enjoyed a cool one that evening. Yesterday, we spent most of the day trying to re-organize the computer (turned store-all) room. We even managed to fill a bag for the Good Will, mostly musical plush toys. Some kids will get to enjoy them.
Then last evening, Deanne, Audrey and I went to the Paris Cabaret for a delicious meal and a super performance. The Starliners performed "Carousel" and they did an awesome job! For our meal, we all ordered the same, medium rare Prime Rib au Jus. Yum! Yum! This was an awesome night out with my girls.
Jazzy was not there, she was in Connecticut for a Phi Theta Kappa convention. She is the student president of Phi Theta Kappa at the college which is why she was invited to attend the convention. She was also asked to be commencement speaker at the upcoming graduation in the Spring. She is also now in the running for valedictorian. She's hoping she doesn't get it. We're all hoping that she does. (yup, we're all so very proud of her.)
Today, we are going to WalMart to pick up a few things, Then we'll get back to re-organizing the computer room. We call the room this because Michael and I both had our desks and computers in this room and we spent many many evenings in there playing (or working) on our computers.
While perusing the web, I found a couple of fantastic ideas that I thought I'd pass along to you. This first is a Coloring Box. Now what a great idea to keep a little one busy for a while.
And then I thought that this next idea was really quite ingenious. Oh my, the things we do for our fur babies! I have a door just like this one, only mine wasn't installed upside down.
Before I leave to get started on this awesome new day, I have one more image that I borrowed from the web to share with you. Take note, this is how we're supposed to be treating our fur babies.
Now I'm going to finish up my cup of coffee and get busy here. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Bit Of History On Pogo
October 25, 2019
Good morning. The sun is shining today, and the temperature is 51F degrees. Later, the temps will rise to the mid sixties. Starting tomorrow though, it looks like we may have a few days of the wet stuff. According to my phone app, that is. We'll just have to wait and see.
Some of you were not with me when I first got Pogo, and I get a few questions about why his tongue is always hanging out in his photos. Pogo spent his first six years with a breeder. He lived in a tiny cage with no toys or cuddles. He was an asset. And he was very badly neglected.
When the rescue shelter got him, he was in tough shape. He only had four teeth, and his mouth was so badly infected that he required a lot of surgery. Because of this, he has no teeth, and no bottom jaw. With nothing to hold his tongue in, it hangs out all the time.
When I got him, he weighed three and a half pounds. Since then, I've fattened him up a bit. Now he weighs around five and a half pounds. It takes him quite a while to eat his food because he can't bite it. He has to pick it up with his tongue. This isn't always very easy, but he does his very best. Did I mention that I spoil him rotten? I just can't help myself.
Today I have photos that I took in Florida a few years ago of trees with lots of moss lace hanging from them. They are really so beautiful to look at.
Good morning. The sun is shining today, and the temperature is 51F degrees. Later, the temps will rise to the mid sixties. Starting tomorrow though, it looks like we may have a few days of the wet stuff. According to my phone app, that is. We'll just have to wait and see.
Some of you were not with me when I first got Pogo, and I get a few questions about why his tongue is always hanging out in his photos. Pogo spent his first six years with a breeder. He lived in a tiny cage with no toys or cuddles. He was an asset. And he was very badly neglected.
When the rescue shelter got him, he was in tough shape. He only had four teeth, and his mouth was so badly infected that he required a lot of surgery. Because of this, he has no teeth, and no bottom jaw. With nothing to hold his tongue in, it hangs out all the time.
When I got him, he weighed three and a half pounds. Since then, I've fattened him up a bit. Now he weighs around five and a half pounds. It takes him quite a while to eat his food because he can't bite it. He has to pick it up with his tongue. This isn't always very easy, but he does his very best. Did I mention that I spoil him rotten? I just can't help myself.
Today I have photos that I took in Florida a few years ago of trees with lots of moss lace hanging from them. They are really so beautiful to look at.
This next photo was taken in a parking lot at the old Kissimmee WalMart parking lot. It's a barren tree that is used as a popular lookout spot. This bird sat there for quite a while, preening and enjoying the warm sunshine.
I was going to post a few more Blue Laws here, but I'll save them for Sunday's post. Instead, I have a gorgeous photo to share with you. My daughter is in flight, on her way here from Virginia. She just sent me this photo that she took around seven o'clock this morning as they flew over New York. Oh wow, Audrey. This is beautiful!
I've been watching Shop LC on TV this morning. Wow, some of the bargains are just awesome. If you're looking to do a bit of Holiday shopping, you might want to look these folks up. If you don't have the channel, you can always find them on Google and then download their app to your phone or tablet. Today everything is $9.99 or less.
An update on the little white doggie from yesterday....His owner came by to pick him up. She was very happy to have him back. And, guess where she lived?? Right next door to me! I never even knew they had a little dog over there. (I mostly stick to my own business)
Last evening, Deanne and Eddie came by and Eddie fixed my toilet. Now it can be flushed just by touching the handle. No more sticking my arm into the tank to find the chain that has to be pulled up. Thank you Eddie. I really do appreciate this.
Now I'm off to do a few things around here before my daughter gets here. So, till Sunday, Y'all have a fantabulous weekend.
Hugs, Edna B.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Few Late Bloomers
October 24, 2019
Good morning. The sun is shining and the temperature is 51F degrees. Later it should warm up to the mid sixties, then back down into the forties for the overnight. I'm hoping that this Fall weather lasts way up into late November. Fat chance, you say? Well, I can dream.
Yesterday there were workmen here to make a few adjustments to the new gutters on the house. Later, when they had finished, Joe and I went outside so that he could do a bit of pruning to some of the rose bushes. I pointed to what had to go, and he did the trimming. We did pick a few pretty colorful blooms for me to take indoors.
Oh my, a little white dog has just run into my yard. He has a collar, but no leash. His tag has a phone number, which I just called, trying to reach his owner. I hope someone calls me soon because I can't bring him in.
Well, now I have to go out and clean my porch. It seems my new little visitor has just decorated it. Plus he has sprayed a bit here and there to let folks know he was there. And now, ring ring ring. The phone is ringing...........That was his owner, a neighbor who is coming to pick up my little visitor. All is well that ends well.
Well, getting back to yesterday, it was a beautiful day. Lots of sun and a brisk breeze every now and then. I took this little video of the beautiful trees out front. Enjoy.
Today, I have a lot to do. I'm not sure how much I'll get done, but I'll do as much as I can. This afternoon, Deanne and Eddie will be by after work so that Eddie can fix my toilet. The handle broke a while back and I don't know how to fix it. Later, I will cook up a pan of pasta and meat sauce. This way I won't have to cook tomorrow evening. Audrey will be here tomorrow and supper will already be made.
A friend of mine posted this awesome decorating idea on the web, so I borrowed it to share with you. I think this is just a fabulous way to turn some space into a reading nook.
Well, that's all my news for this morning. I'll try to have some more Blue Laws for you tomorrow. Now I want to get busy with a few chores around here. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. The sun is shining and the temperature is 51F degrees. Later it should warm up to the mid sixties, then back down into the forties for the overnight. I'm hoping that this Fall weather lasts way up into late November. Fat chance, you say? Well, I can dream.
Yesterday there were workmen here to make a few adjustments to the new gutters on the house. Later, when they had finished, Joe and I went outside so that he could do a bit of pruning to some of the rose bushes. I pointed to what had to go, and he did the trimming. We did pick a few pretty colorful blooms for me to take indoors.
Oh my, a little white dog has just run into my yard. He has a collar, but no leash. His tag has a phone number, which I just called, trying to reach his owner. I hope someone calls me soon because I can't bring him in.
Well, now I have to go out and clean my porch. It seems my new little visitor has just decorated it. Plus he has sprayed a bit here and there to let folks know he was there. And now, ring ring ring. The phone is ringing...........That was his owner, a neighbor who is coming to pick up my little visitor. All is well that ends well.
Well, getting back to yesterday, it was a beautiful day. Lots of sun and a brisk breeze every now and then. I took this little video of the beautiful trees out front. Enjoy.
Today, I have a lot to do. I'm not sure how much I'll get done, but I'll do as much as I can. This afternoon, Deanne and Eddie will be by after work so that Eddie can fix my toilet. The handle broke a while back and I don't know how to fix it. Later, I will cook up a pan of pasta and meat sauce. This way I won't have to cook tomorrow evening. Audrey will be here tomorrow and supper will already be made.
A friend of mine posted this awesome decorating idea on the web, so I borrowed it to share with you. I think this is just a fabulous way to turn some space into a reading nook.
Well, that's all my news for this morning. I'll try to have some more Blue Laws for you tomorrow. Now I want to get busy with a few chores around here. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A Short Post Today
October 23, 2019
Good morning. Well, this is my second time typing this post. I was halfway done when everything just disappeared. Poof! Gone, just like that!
Well, I'm not going to try to re-type everything. I have lots of things to do today and I need to get started. But I did want to post a couple photos of my little Pogo. This first photo was taken shortly after he finished eating his supper a few nights ago.

Poor little guy, he was out like a light. Then last night, after supper, I took this photo of him. His favorite way to sleep is to tuck his nose into the blanket.
Good morning. Well, this is my second time typing this post. I was halfway done when everything just disappeared. Poof! Gone, just like that!
Well, I'm not going to try to re-type everything. I have lots of things to do today and I need to get started. But I did want to post a couple photos of my little Pogo. This first photo was taken shortly after he finished eating his supper a few nights ago.

Poor little guy, he was out like a light. Then last night, after supper, I took this photo of him. His favorite way to sleep is to tuck his nose into the blanket.
I do have a page for you to color if you'd like to sit for a while and relax. This one is from Dover Puiblications.
Before I leave, let me post a few more state laws, this time for New York. It's illegal to slurp your soup in public. There's also the death penalty for those who jump off a building. Really? Also, parties who seek to dissolve their marriage for irreconcilable differences can do so -- only if they agree to it. Hmmm.
Now I'm off. First I'll do a bit of blog reading, then I'll get started on a few chores around here. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Anyone Have Beanie Babies?
October 22, 2019
Good morning. Today is rather lovely, with lots of sunshine and temps in the fifties. My phone app says that it is going to rain tonight and warm up to sixty degrees. I love a warm rain. It brings back memories from my childhood of playing and washing in the summer rain.
Before I get started here, let me say that I so appreciate all the comments that you leave here and in the C-Box. They really start my day off with a huge smile. So thank you, thank you.
Well, yesterday I never did get to do the laundry, but I was busy most of the day going through blankets and filling a Good Will bag. When I get done with this, I really should go through all my clothes and get rid of everything that isn't being worn.
Downsizing and getting rid of things really isn't all that easy to do. About a year or so ago, I tried to downsize my collection of purses. Oh wow, now that was difficult. Each one was a favorite of mine and I didn't really want to give it up. Eventually, I did fill up a bag to donate to Good Will. (It was fun though, replacing all of them with new ones.)
I guess one of these days I'll even have to decide what to do with my Beanie Baby collection. Oh yes, I fell in love with them and did my best to collect as many as I could. Do any of you have a collection of these? If so, what did you do with yours?
I don't have any photos to post today so I thought I would share some fun and giggle stories that I borrowed from the web. I hope they brighten your day a bit.
That middle one reminded me of a time many years ago when I actually did cut a lot of my lawn with a pair of kitchen shears. It was painful, and I got wicked blisters on my hand. Obviously, I never did that again.
Now I'm off to do a bit of blog reading. After that, I just might get some of that laundry done. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. Today is rather lovely, with lots of sunshine and temps in the fifties. My phone app says that it is going to rain tonight and warm up to sixty degrees. I love a warm rain. It brings back memories from my childhood of playing and washing in the summer rain.
Before I get started here, let me say that I so appreciate all the comments that you leave here and in the C-Box. They really start my day off with a huge smile. So thank you, thank you.
Well, yesterday I never did get to do the laundry, but I was busy most of the day going through blankets and filling a Good Will bag. When I get done with this, I really should go through all my clothes and get rid of everything that isn't being worn.
Downsizing and getting rid of things really isn't all that easy to do. About a year or so ago, I tried to downsize my collection of purses. Oh wow, now that was difficult. Each one was a favorite of mine and I didn't really want to give it up. Eventually, I did fill up a bag to donate to Good Will. (It was fun though, replacing all of them with new ones.)
I guess one of these days I'll even have to decide what to do with my Beanie Baby collection. Oh yes, I fell in love with them and did my best to collect as many as I could. Do any of you have a collection of these? If so, what did you do with yours?
I don't have any photos to post today so I thought I would share some fun and giggle stories that I borrowed from the web. I hope they brighten your day a bit.
That middle one reminded me of a time many years ago when I actually did cut a lot of my lawn with a pair of kitchen shears. It was painful, and I got wicked blisters on my hand. Obviously, I never did that again.
Now I'm off to do a bit of blog reading. After that, I just might get some of that laundry done. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Goodies In The Mail Today
October 21, 2019
Good morning. Temps have warmed up a little bit. Tis 55F degrees and headed for the mid sixties before dropping again. According to my phone's weather app, we're supposed to be having rain today. Right now, the sun is doing it's darndest to peek out from behind the clouds.
I'm not going out today, so let it rain. Today I'm planning on bagging some more blankets. And, maybe fill up another Good Will bag. I may even do a load of laundry. I was going to do laundry yesterday, but I let my friend do her laundry here instead.
My friend Ellen came by and we had a wonderful visit. She had laundry in her car so that she could stop at a laundramat on her way home. I let her do her laundry here and we got to enjoy a much longer visit. A win win for both of us!
With bits of rain that we've been having lately, we have puddles for the birds to enjoy. Here's a photo of one of the little sparrows enjoying some playtime in one of the puddles.
I peek in at Facebook quite often. Not to post anything (I don't post anything personal other than Jazzy's music videos), but I do enjoy some of the crafts and other info that is shared there. Here's another super idea that I saw there and downloaded to share here with you.
Oh my, the mailman just came and brought me a few of the packages that I've been waiting for. Inside one of them is a Christmas present for Pogo's friend Sassy. Inside another is a new purse to take to Florida with me next year.
I have this thing about purses. I love them. Is that strange? I know some folks collect shoes and fancy clothes, but I have a nice collection of purses. Such a silly thing, but it puts a big smile on my face. There's just something about a new purse!
Maybe I'll take my new purse with me this weekend when my girls and I go to the Paris Cabaret to see Carousel. We'll see.
Want some more silly laws? In Utah, it's against the law to fish from horseback. It is, however, legal to marry your cousin when you are fifty. Oh my, it is illegal to detonate any nuclear weapon in Utah. You can have them, but you just can't detonate them. Really? (more tidbits from AMAC magazine)
Now I'm off to do a bit of blog reading before getting started on this new day. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. Temps have warmed up a little bit. Tis 55F degrees and headed for the mid sixties before dropping again. According to my phone's weather app, we're supposed to be having rain today. Right now, the sun is doing it's darndest to peek out from behind the clouds.
I'm not going out today, so let it rain. Today I'm planning on bagging some more blankets. And, maybe fill up another Good Will bag. I may even do a load of laundry. I was going to do laundry yesterday, but I let my friend do her laundry here instead.
My friend Ellen came by and we had a wonderful visit. She had laundry in her car so that she could stop at a laundramat on her way home. I let her do her laundry here and we got to enjoy a much longer visit. A win win for both of us!
With bits of rain that we've been having lately, we have puddles for the birds to enjoy. Here's a photo of one of the little sparrows enjoying some playtime in one of the puddles.
I peek in at Facebook quite often. Not to post anything (I don't post anything personal other than Jazzy's music videos), but I do enjoy some of the crafts and other info that is shared there. Here's another super idea that I saw there and downloaded to share here with you.
Oh my, the mailman just came and brought me a few of the packages that I've been waiting for. Inside one of them is a Christmas present for Pogo's friend Sassy. Inside another is a new purse to take to Florida with me next year.
I have this thing about purses. I love them. Is that strange? I know some folks collect shoes and fancy clothes, but I have a nice collection of purses. Such a silly thing, but it puts a big smile on my face. There's just something about a new purse!
Maybe I'll take my new purse with me this weekend when my girls and I go to the Paris Cabaret to see Carousel. We'll see.
Now I'm off to do a bit of blog reading before getting started on this new day. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
This Month Is Slipping Away
October 20, 2019
Good morning. Oh my gosh, do you realize that it is already the 20th of the month? Is it me or is time speeding up a bit? Wow, this month just started a little while ago, and now it is almost over.
It's sunny and 39F degrees. Temps should get up around sixty later today for just a bit, then drop again. We've already had to put the heat on in the house. The nights get too cool to go without heat.
This weekend so far has been half and half for me and Pogo. Half of the time I was busy, and half of the time I was lazy. Pogo and I watched a lot of TV yesterday. He's been having problems with his trachea collapsing. It seems to be happening more frequently lately. His appetite has been way off these past two days. However, this morning he finally had something to eat.
My friend Ellen is coming by today for lunch, so I won't be gabbing very long here. I have a few things that I want to get done before she gets here. Top of my list is "wash the breakfast dishes." I may even do a load of laundry.
Before I forget, let me post another "oldie but goodie" quick page. Considering all the rain that is falling all over the country, this might be rather appropriate. Have fun with it.
Here is your download link:
While I was checking my email this morning, I found the cutest pattern for a poncho that is made from all your scrap yarns. If anyone is interested in getting the pattern, try going to the web address on the image. It's called "Scrap Happy Poncho."
Another interesting tidbit that I found on the web (and borrowed) is a crafty cooking tip that my daughter Audrey posted on Facebook. This would be such a tasty dessert. Just fill the muffin cup with your favorite ice cream, drizzle a bit of chocolate sauce over it, and Yum Yum!
Before I leave, let me leave you with some unusual laws. In Pennsylvania it is forbidden to sing in the bathtub. And it is also illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator! Plus, Pennsylvania ministers may not perform marriages when either the bride or groom is drunk! Now how about that! (Information is from the AMAC magazine)
Now I'm off to do some blog reading before getting started on those dishes. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. Oh my gosh, do you realize that it is already the 20th of the month? Is it me or is time speeding up a bit? Wow, this month just started a little while ago, and now it is almost over.
It's sunny and 39F degrees. Temps should get up around sixty later today for just a bit, then drop again. We've already had to put the heat on in the house. The nights get too cool to go without heat.
This weekend so far has been half and half for me and Pogo. Half of the time I was busy, and half of the time I was lazy. Pogo and I watched a lot of TV yesterday. He's been having problems with his trachea collapsing. It seems to be happening more frequently lately. His appetite has been way off these past two days. However, this morning he finally had something to eat.
My friend Ellen is coming by today for lunch, so I won't be gabbing very long here. I have a few things that I want to get done before she gets here. Top of my list is "wash the breakfast dishes." I may even do a load of laundry.
Before I forget, let me post another "oldie but goodie" quick page. Considering all the rain that is falling all over the country, this might be rather appropriate. Have fun with it.
Here is your download link:
While I was checking my email this morning, I found the cutest pattern for a poncho that is made from all your scrap yarns. If anyone is interested in getting the pattern, try going to the web address on the image. It's called "Scrap Happy Poncho."
Another interesting tidbit that I found on the web (and borrowed) is a crafty cooking tip that my daughter Audrey posted on Facebook. This would be such a tasty dessert. Just fill the muffin cup with your favorite ice cream, drizzle a bit of chocolate sauce over it, and Yum Yum!
Before I leave, let me leave you with some unusual laws. In Pennsylvania it is forbidden to sing in the bathtub. And it is also illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator! Plus, Pennsylvania ministers may not perform marriages when either the bride or groom is drunk! Now how about that! (Information is from the AMAC magazine)
Now I'm off to do some blog reading before getting started on those dishes. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Time, It Passes So Quiickly And Is So Precious
October 18, 2019
Good morning. The temperature today is 51F degrees. The sun keeps peeking out from behind the clouds and temps might get up into the mid to high fifties. The colder temps are sneaking in ever so quickly.
I got a late start this morning. I just did not want to come out from beneath my warm covers. I guess Pogo didn't either because he was still asleep when I got up. We are both sun bunnies.
Daughter Audrey is coming to visit for a week in just one more week. Woo Hoo! I only get to see her once or twice a year and I'm really looking forward to our time together. She's going to help me straighten out my computer room. It used to be the computer room, but over time it became a place to put everything else.
Last night, a mayoral debate was held at our local community college. Jasmine was on the panel of speakers who would be asking the candidates questions. Here are some of the shots from the debate. (The newspaper photographer is Marc Vasconcellos) I downloaded these photos from the Enterprise website. This first image is the poster for the debate.
Jasmine asking one of the candidates a question.
The mayoral candidates, left to right: Robert Sullivan and Jimmy Pereira.
Deanne and Eddie attended this debate meeting, but I haven't had a chance to find out what they thought about the candidates and how the meeting went. I imaging it was quite interesting. I will be interested to see how the November election turns out.
Jasmine is involved in a lot of the happenings at the college and in the community. I'm not sure but I do believe she will be majoring in Political Science when she transfers next year to the next college. I had so hoped to see her on Broadway, but I guess it won't be happening. Boo Hoo.
Where has all the time gone? Our little girl grew up right under our noses! First she was holding on to Papa's knees for support to stand up, then she was twirling around the kitchen in her princess dresses. Next came the saxophone lessons, and all the frightful Halloween costumes that she made. Besides excelling in school, she entertained us all on the stage.
She still entertains us on stage, attends college, has a job at Old Navy, is an active member of Phi Theta Kappa and participates in everything else that comes along. Has it really been so many years that I can't imagine them slipping by me so quickly?
I did start a bag yesterday for the Good Will but I did not finish it. That will be today's project. And, hopefully, I can make that two bags. We'll see. Well, that's my news for today. Now I'm off to do a bit of blog reading. So till Sunday, Y'all have a fantabulous weekend.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. The temperature today is 51F degrees. The sun keeps peeking out from behind the clouds and temps might get up into the mid to high fifties. The colder temps are sneaking in ever so quickly.
I got a late start this morning. I just did not want to come out from beneath my warm covers. I guess Pogo didn't either because he was still asleep when I got up. We are both sun bunnies.
Daughter Audrey is coming to visit for a week in just one more week. Woo Hoo! I only get to see her once or twice a year and I'm really looking forward to our time together. She's going to help me straighten out my computer room. It used to be the computer room, but over time it became a place to put everything else.
Last night, a mayoral debate was held at our local community college. Jasmine was on the panel of speakers who would be asking the candidates questions. Here are some of the shots from the debate. (The newspaper photographer is Marc Vasconcellos) I downloaded these photos from the Enterprise website. This first image is the poster for the debate.
This is the panel from left to right: Mark Linde, Ed Cabellon, Marc Larocque and Jasmine.
Jasmine asking one of the candidates a question.
The mayoral candidates, left to right: Robert Sullivan and Jimmy Pereira.
Deanne and Eddie attended this debate meeting, but I haven't had a chance to find out what they thought about the candidates and how the meeting went. I imaging it was quite interesting. I will be interested to see how the November election turns out.
Jasmine is involved in a lot of the happenings at the college and in the community. I'm not sure but I do believe she will be majoring in Political Science when she transfers next year to the next college. I had so hoped to see her on Broadway, but I guess it won't be happening. Boo Hoo.
Where has all the time gone? Our little girl grew up right under our noses! First she was holding on to Papa's knees for support to stand up, then she was twirling around the kitchen in her princess dresses. Next came the saxophone lessons, and all the frightful Halloween costumes that she made. Besides excelling in school, she entertained us all on the stage.
She still entertains us on stage, attends college, has a job at Old Navy, is an active member of Phi Theta Kappa and participates in everything else that comes along. Has it really been so many years that I can't imagine them slipping by me so quickly?
I did start a bag yesterday for the Good Will but I did not finish it. That will be today's project. And, hopefully, I can make that two bags. We'll see. Well, that's my news for today. Now I'm off to do a bit of blog reading. So till Sunday, Y'all have a fantabulous weekend.
Hugs, Edna B.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Tis Wicked Windy Today
October 17, 2019
Good morning. A rain and wind storm crept in during the night. Half of my parking area is a huge puddle and the rest of the yard is covered with leaves. The sun is shining and doing it's best to calm the winds, while the temperature sits at 50F degrees. And that is our high for the day.
Yesterday, my friend Ellen came by for a visit, and she brought me a tall cup of iced coffee. Mmm, mmm, mmm! We had a grand time getting caught up on all our personal news and gossip. Deanne stopped by before work and spent a little time with us. It was so nice, and I hope to do this again soon.
Today I'm hoping to gather enough energy to at least fill up a Good Will bag. If I can accomplish that, I'll be happy. My days of energetic accomplishments have dwindled down to just a few, every now and then. So I try to make them as productive as possible.
I also chatted with my friend Beth for a while yesterday. She said that she might be able to go home soon. That would really be nice. This has been quite a year for health problems for both of us. It's time for us to be healthy now. That Florida vacation isn't very far off, and we're both looking forward to it.
Here is something that I took out of one of my magazines. It's so pretty that I thought I'd like to share it here. I love cardinals. No, I did not buy this, but I do think it is quite lovely.
Yesterday, I finally finished potting a few new plants. Next, I'll put them out in the house with the other house plants to see if they can make it through the winter. After that, I'll move them outside during the good weather.
A few days ago, I took this photo of a furry caterpillar. I'm not sure what type of winter weather it stands for but I thought it was rather pretty.
That's about all my news for today. Now I think I'll refresh my cup of coffee and do a bit of blog reading before getting started on that Good Will bag. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. A rain and wind storm crept in during the night. Half of my parking area is a huge puddle and the rest of the yard is covered with leaves. The sun is shining and doing it's best to calm the winds, while the temperature sits at 50F degrees. And that is our high for the day.
Yesterday, my friend Ellen came by for a visit, and she brought me a tall cup of iced coffee. Mmm, mmm, mmm! We had a grand time getting caught up on all our personal news and gossip. Deanne stopped by before work and spent a little time with us. It was so nice, and I hope to do this again soon.
Today I'm hoping to gather enough energy to at least fill up a Good Will bag. If I can accomplish that, I'll be happy. My days of energetic accomplishments have dwindled down to just a few, every now and then. So I try to make them as productive as possible.
I also chatted with my friend Beth for a while yesterday. She said that she might be able to go home soon. That would really be nice. This has been quite a year for health problems for both of us. It's time for us to be healthy now. That Florida vacation isn't very far off, and we're both looking forward to it.
Here is something that I took out of one of my magazines. It's so pretty that I thought I'd like to share it here. I love cardinals. No, I did not buy this, but I do think it is quite lovely.
Yesterday, I finally finished potting a few new plants. Next, I'll put them out in the house with the other house plants to see if they can make it through the winter. After that, I'll move them outside during the good weather.
A few days ago, I took this photo of a furry caterpillar. I'm not sure what type of winter weather it stands for but I thought it was rather pretty.
That's about all my news for today. Now I think I'll refresh my cup of coffee and do a bit of blog reading before getting started on that Good Will bag. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Brrrr! It's Getting Rather Nippy!
October 16, 2019
Good morning. Brrr. Tis 37F degrees this morning. The sun isn't out yet, but it should be out later this morning. The temps should rise to about 60F degrees later today. Tonight though, the storm should be creeping into our area with lots of rain. That should last all through the night and all day tomorrow. We're supposed to be getting a lot of wind too.
They say there may be a lot of power outages and trees down. I hope not here. Please not here. I think I've about had all the disasters that I can handle for this year. Of course, as I look around me, I'm a lot better off than a lot of other folks.
I just got a phone call from my friend Beth. She's in the hospital, and hopefully on the mend. Her blood pressure sky rocketed and now they are trying to get it back down to normal,. Beth, Pogo and I love you and we're praying that you heal quickly so that you can go home.
Yesterday, Audrey sent me a couple photos that the wedding photographer sent to her. One is a very unique photo of the bride and groom on a covered bridge, and the other is Alena in her pretty outfit. Audrey, thanks for sharing these. I love the photo on the bridge.
Oh dear, I just got word that another friend has been in an accident, and has been rushed to the hospital. It's really rough out there for broom riders in the daytime. Just too many darn cars!
Now I really have to get going. A friend is coming by for a visit and I want to at least get the breakfast dishes washed. I only get to see this friend once or twice a year, so I'm really looking forward to seeing her. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. Brrr. Tis 37F degrees this morning. The sun isn't out yet, but it should be out later this morning. The temps should rise to about 60F degrees later today. Tonight though, the storm should be creeping into our area with lots of rain. That should last all through the night and all day tomorrow. We're supposed to be getting a lot of wind too.
They say there may be a lot of power outages and trees down. I hope not here. Please not here. I think I've about had all the disasters that I can handle for this year. Of course, as I look around me, I'm a lot better off than a lot of other folks.
I just got a phone call from my friend Beth. She's in the hospital, and hopefully on the mend. Her blood pressure sky rocketed and now they are trying to get it back down to normal,. Beth, Pogo and I love you and we're praying that you heal quickly so that you can go home.
Yesterday, Audrey sent me a couple photos that the wedding photographer sent to her. One is a very unique photo of the bride and groom on a covered bridge, and the other is Alena in her pretty outfit. Audrey, thanks for sharing these. I love the photo on the bridge.
Oh dear, I just got word that another friend has been in an accident, and has been rushed to the hospital. It's really rough out there for broom riders in the daytime. Just too many darn cars!
Now I really have to get going. A friend is coming by for a visit and I want to at least get the breakfast dishes washed. I only get to see this friend once or twice a year, so I'm really looking forward to seeing her. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Cooler Temps Are Here To Stay
October 15, 2019
Good morning. Tis a lovely, cool, day here in New England. The sun is shining and the temps have left the low forties and made into the low fifties. Later we'll even get to see the low sixties. Woo Hoo!
When I first woke up this morning, I thought it felt rather cool so I checked the weather app on my phone. Yup! It was 40F degrees. Outside. Gosh, I don't think I'm quite ready for these much cooler temps. I decided to go back to sleep and hope that it would be warmer the next time I woke up. It was, by a few degrees.
Well, yesterday was a busy day for me. I'm not sure what it was that I was accomplishing, but I was very busy all day. As for the junk mail, there was some lurking in dark places and I found it. Not one bag, but two of them! I obliterated them! And I bagged a few blankets. Oh wait, I did two loads of laundry. Yup, I was busy.
Joe picked up my order at WalMart, so now Pogo has a new supply of doggy food. Enough to last for at least ten more days. We're still offering him his turkey treat, but so far he still is not interested. He does enjoy barking at Joe though, as he pulls into the driveway after work. And of course, he still enjoys barking at the mailman.
Today I thought I would share the rest of the foliage photos that I took a few days ago. They're not the greatest because I took them through the car window with my phone, but you can see the colors.
The last photo was taken as we were passing the train station. These beautifully colored trees line the whole side of the parking lot.
I've been a bit lax about washing the dishes, so there's a batch of them in the sink waiting for me to wash them. That will be my first project today. After that, well I'll play that by ear. Making plans is for mice, not old women.
Did I say that? Old women? Wow, I never thought the day would come that I would be an "old woman". How did this happen? I've been so busy all my life that I never really gave much thought about being old. Well at least I'm thankful that I made it to this place in my life. A lot of folks never do make it here.
Well, that's my news for this morning. It's time for me to get started on this new day. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. Tis a lovely, cool, day here in New England. The sun is shining and the temps have left the low forties and made into the low fifties. Later we'll even get to see the low sixties. Woo Hoo!
When I first woke up this morning, I thought it felt rather cool so I checked the weather app on my phone. Yup! It was 40F degrees. Outside. Gosh, I don't think I'm quite ready for these much cooler temps. I decided to go back to sleep and hope that it would be warmer the next time I woke up. It was, by a few degrees.
Well, yesterday was a busy day for me. I'm not sure what it was that I was accomplishing, but I was very busy all day. As for the junk mail, there was some lurking in dark places and I found it. Not one bag, but two of them! I obliterated them! And I bagged a few blankets. Oh wait, I did two loads of laundry. Yup, I was busy.
Joe picked up my order at WalMart, so now Pogo has a new supply of doggy food. Enough to last for at least ten more days. We're still offering him his turkey treat, but so far he still is not interested. He does enjoy barking at Joe though, as he pulls into the driveway after work. And of course, he still enjoys barking at the mailman.
Today I thought I would share the rest of the foliage photos that I took a few days ago. They're not the greatest because I took them through the car window with my phone, but you can see the colors.
The last photo was taken as we were passing the train station. These beautifully colored trees line the whole side of the parking lot.
I've been a bit lax about washing the dishes, so there's a batch of them in the sink waiting for me to wash them. That will be my first project today. After that, well I'll play that by ear. Making plans is for mice, not old women.
Did I say that? Old women? Wow, I never thought the day would come that I would be an "old woman". How did this happen? I've been so busy all my life that I never really gave much thought about being old. Well at least I'm thankful that I made it to this place in my life. A lot of folks never do make it here.
Well, that's my news for this morning. It's time for me to get started on this new day. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Today We Celebrate Christopher Columbus
October 14, 2019
Good morning. Tis another lovely Fall day here in New England. The temperature is 50F degrees, but will climb to the upper sixties later today with the sun popping in and out.
Today is Columbus Day here in the States. It commemorates the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas, and is celebrated every second Monday of October and has been a federal holiday since 1937.
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who set sail across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a faster route to the Far East, only to land at the New World. His first voyage to the New World on the Spanish ships Santa Maria, Nina, and La Pinta took approximately three months. I wonder, if he never came here, would we all be here today? Hmmmm, food for thought.
I've been enjoying the Warehouse Clearance Sale on Shop LC. It's now down to the last forty hours. Wow, some of the bargains are awesome! Nope, I haven't ordered anything else. Yet. While I'm watching the TV, I'm cleaning out all the junk mail. I think I've got it all, but you never know. There just might be another bag of it lurking somewhere.
I also filled a bag and put it out on the porch to save for Good Will. (Actually, the Good Will is Big Brother, Big Sister, BBBS) Today I'm hoping to put another bag out there. Gosh, it's just so hard sometimes to decide what will go and what will stay. It took me so long to collect everything, and now a lot of has to go. Sighhhhhhhhhhh.
Let me show you something I found while poking around on the web. And yes, I did order it. It's battery operated, and will be very useful for when I'm crocheting. Especially with dark colored yarn. It was only $10 so I ordered me a pink one. (It's a light that you wear around your neck)
Today, I want to get a few birthday gifts packaged and ready for mailing. One of them is only half ready, so I'll have to try to get the rest of it today. My baby girl, Laura Jean, is going to be fifty four in just three weeks. I already have some music CD's for her, music from the fifties an sixties. Now I'd like to find a really pretty (and warm) outfit for her.
This morning, Pogo and I slept a bit later. No three a.m. breakfast today. But he did have quite an appetite, and licked his plate clean. This is what he's been eating. I am really surprised, considering all the expensive doggie food I've bought for him over the years, and he turned his nose up at all of it. So far, I've only found it in two flavors, beef and chicken.
We've almost finished the whole box of the Bella that I ordered a few days ago, so I put in a new order for more. Joe will pick it up for us today. Pogo hasn't eaten any of his turkey treat yet, but yesterday he stood in the doorway and barked when Joe got home from work. Afterwards, he even went out to the house to get his treat. However, he did not eat it. I'm thinking a lot of this could be because of the meds he's taking. Maybe in time, all things will get back to normal.
I realized this morning that I forgot to post a quick page yesterday, so I have it for you today. It's another of my "oldies but goodies." I hope you can use it.
Here is your download link:
Now I want to do a bit of blog reading before I get started on filling up another Good Will bag. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. Tis another lovely Fall day here in New England. The temperature is 50F degrees, but will climb to the upper sixties later today with the sun popping in and out.
Today is Columbus Day here in the States. It commemorates the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas, and is celebrated every second Monday of October and has been a federal holiday since 1937.
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who set sail across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a faster route to the Far East, only to land at the New World. His first voyage to the New World on the Spanish ships Santa Maria, Nina, and La Pinta took approximately three months. I wonder, if he never came here, would we all be here today? Hmmmm, food for thought.
I've been enjoying the Warehouse Clearance Sale on Shop LC. It's now down to the last forty hours. Wow, some of the bargains are awesome! Nope, I haven't ordered anything else. Yet. While I'm watching the TV, I'm cleaning out all the junk mail. I think I've got it all, but you never know. There just might be another bag of it lurking somewhere.
I also filled a bag and put it out on the porch to save for Good Will. (Actually, the Good Will is Big Brother, Big Sister, BBBS) Today I'm hoping to put another bag out there. Gosh, it's just so hard sometimes to decide what will go and what will stay. It took me so long to collect everything, and now a lot of has to go. Sighhhhhhhhhhh.
Let me show you something I found while poking around on the web. And yes, I did order it. It's battery operated, and will be very useful for when I'm crocheting. Especially with dark colored yarn. It was only $10 so I ordered me a pink one. (It's a light that you wear around your neck)
Today, I want to get a few birthday gifts packaged and ready for mailing. One of them is only half ready, so I'll have to try to get the rest of it today. My baby girl, Laura Jean, is going to be fifty four in just three weeks. I already have some music CD's for her, music from the fifties an sixties. Now I'd like to find a really pretty (and warm) outfit for her.
This morning, Pogo and I slept a bit later. No three a.m. breakfast today. But he did have quite an appetite, and licked his plate clean. This is what he's been eating. I am really surprised, considering all the expensive doggie food I've bought for him over the years, and he turned his nose up at all of it. So far, I've only found it in two flavors, beef and chicken.
We've almost finished the whole box of the Bella that I ordered a few days ago, so I put in a new order for more. Joe will pick it up for us today. Pogo hasn't eaten any of his turkey treat yet, but yesterday he stood in the doorway and barked when Joe got home from work. Afterwards, he even went out to the house to get his treat. However, he did not eat it. I'm thinking a lot of this could be because of the meds he's taking. Maybe in time, all things will get back to normal.
I realized this morning that I forgot to post a quick page yesterday, so I have it for you today. It's another of my "oldies but goodies." I hope you can use it.
Here is your download link:
Now I want to do a bit of blog reading before I get started on filling up another Good Will bag. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Got Me A Burst Of Energy Today
October 13, 2019
Good morning. Tis sunny outside and the temperature is 55F degrees. By mid afternoon, temps should rise to the upper sixties. It's a rather nice Autumn day.
Pogo has been doing just great. The only big change is his reaction to his turkey treat. He is not interested in it. Of course, it could be the meds he is taking. His appetite is great. And the big news is that he is enjoying his doggie food. It's the only food that he will eat. Hmmm, interesting!
Well, we got up early this morning. About four o'clock I think. We both had some breakfast, and then Pogo went back to napping. I decided to try to get rid of a lot of the junk mail that is piling up. So far, I've tackled at least half of it. In a little while, I'll get back to finishing up the rest of it.
Today I think I'll bag up all my extra blankets and put them out on the porch until I decide where to send them. I noticed at the hospital that all the cages had blankets in them. I'm thinking that maybe they can use the blankets. I'll give them a call later today.
The foliage in my yard has slowly been beginning to change color from green to yellow. Here are a couple photos. The trees out front are changing from bright green to a yellowy green. Soon, they will be all yellow.
The hedge by my living room window is also getting ready for Winter. It is growing lots of red berries.
I've been trying all morning to find something interesting to watch on TV, but there's really not very much on that interests me. None of the programs that I usually watch will be on for another hour or so. However, I did find a channel with "Golden Girls" reruns and I put that on.
I just took a short break to give Pogo his meds, and he's not happy with me. I think they made him hungry because now he's looking for food. Be right back........Oh my what a happy little guy Pogo is now. He's eating his doggy food with a gusto. Wow, one would think I never feed him!
I think I mentioned before about the huge warehouse clearance sale on Shop LC. Well, I've been watching that quite a bit and I have to confess that it finally got the best of me and I made a purchase or two. I just couldn't help it. And Pogo kept urging me to buy something. Ah well, at least one of the items that I ordered will be a gift for someone.
Now I think I should get back to the pile of junk mail. Tomorrow's mail will bring a whole new batch of it. Aye yi yi! So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. Tis sunny outside and the temperature is 55F degrees. By mid afternoon, temps should rise to the upper sixties. It's a rather nice Autumn day.
Pogo has been doing just great. The only big change is his reaction to his turkey treat. He is not interested in it. Of course, it could be the meds he is taking. His appetite is great. And the big news is that he is enjoying his doggie food. It's the only food that he will eat. Hmmm, interesting!
Well, we got up early this morning. About four o'clock I think. We both had some breakfast, and then Pogo went back to napping. I decided to try to get rid of a lot of the junk mail that is piling up. So far, I've tackled at least half of it. In a little while, I'll get back to finishing up the rest of it.
Today I think I'll bag up all my extra blankets and put them out on the porch until I decide where to send them. I noticed at the hospital that all the cages had blankets in them. I'm thinking that maybe they can use the blankets. I'll give them a call later today.
The foliage in my yard has slowly been beginning to change color from green to yellow. Here are a couple photos. The trees out front are changing from bright green to a yellowy green. Soon, they will be all yellow.
The hedge by my living room window is also getting ready for Winter. It is growing lots of red berries.
I've been trying all morning to find something interesting to watch on TV, but there's really not very much on that interests me. None of the programs that I usually watch will be on for another hour or so. However, I did find a channel with "Golden Girls" reruns and I put that on.
I just took a short break to give Pogo his meds, and he's not happy with me. I think they made him hungry because now he's looking for food. Be right back........Oh my what a happy little guy Pogo is now. He's eating his doggy food with a gusto. Wow, one would think I never feed him!
I think I mentioned before about the huge warehouse clearance sale on Shop LC. Well, I've been watching that quite a bit and I have to confess that it finally got the best of me and I made a purchase or two. I just couldn't help it. And Pogo kept urging me to buy something. Ah well, at least one of the items that I ordered will be a gift for someone.
Now I think I should get back to the pile of junk mail. Tomorrow's mail will bring a whole new batch of it. Aye yi yi! So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Oh, What A Beautiful Morning
October 11, 2019
Good morning. And a good morning it is indeed! I want to thank everyone for your prayers. They worked and my baby is back home. (It's raining outside and 51F degrees, but just beautiful here on my sofa.)
Yesterday morning, the doctor called me around 9:30 and said that Pogo was looking good. He was breathing good but still in the oxygen tent. However, he had been throwing up all his meds, and not eating. She was hoping that he would stop throwing up so that he could come home.
At eleven o'clock, Deanne and I went to the hospital to spend some time visiting with Pogo. Gosh, it felt so good to hold him in my arms and cuddle him. He felt so tiny, but oh so good. Here's a photo that Deanne took of us. I guess he was happy too because he peed all over the front of me. I took that as a sign of good luck.
While we were there, Pogo drank a lot of water and held it all down. That was definitely a good sign. I had taken some food with me but he wasn't interested in it. I held him for as long as I dared before putting him back in the oxygen tent. (It's really an enclosed cage with doors and holes to put your hands inside.)
Later in the afternoon, around four o'clock, the doctor called to say that Pogo could come home. Oh joy! Oh joy! Deanne picked me up around five o'clock and we went to the hospital to get my boy. The nurse gave me some more meds that Pogo has to take and went over the instructions with us. I paid the bill (Yes, it was huge!)
In just a little bit, she brought Pogo out to us. I wrapped him in another new blanket and we headed home. Can you guess? Yup, he peed on me on the way home. I just know this a sign of good luck. Once we got home and settled on the sofa, I made him a plate of food. My little guy was super hungry and ate it all up.
It's not a great photo, but I took it with my phone and the lighting was from a lamp. Plus he was moving and the photos kept coming out blurry. Pogo has trouble getting the food up off the plate and into his mouth (because he has no lower jaw) but he kept at it till he had licked the plate clean.
After supper, I started him on his new meds. I could only give him one of them because I could not get the cover off one of the bottles. When Joe gets home from work later today, I'll see if he can get the bottle cap off.
Later in the evening, when I thought his breathing might be a little off, I hooked my oxygen cannula up near him. He snuggled up near it and went right off to sleep. I do have a regular concentrator and the portable concentrator, so we can both use the oxygen at the same time if we need to. When Pogo woke up to make a potty trip to his pee pads, I took the oxygen away. He slept the whole night peacefully without it.
Through all of this, my daughter Deanne was like a trouper. Between taking care of her family, taking care of Bobby and doing his errands, looking after me and running me and Pogo around, I don't know how she held up. But she did. I am so thankful for her, and I do love her so. Pogo loves you too, Auntie!
On the way home from the first trip to the hospital yesterday, I took a few photos of the foliage with my cell phone. These photos were taken through the windshield too, but at least you can see some of the beautiful colors that our trees are showing. Here are just a couple of them.
I have more photos, but I'll save some for tomorrow's post. Right now, Pogo is sleeping. I'm curious to see how he will act later today when Joe comes home. He hasn't had his turkey treat these past couple of days so I'm wondering if he misses it.
I'm off now to make a cup of coffee and do a bit of blog reading. Again, thank you for all your prayers. Till Sunday,, Y'all have a fantabulous weekend.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. And a good morning it is indeed! I want to thank everyone for your prayers. They worked and my baby is back home. (It's raining outside and 51F degrees, but just beautiful here on my sofa.)
Yesterday morning, the doctor called me around 9:30 and said that Pogo was looking good. He was breathing good but still in the oxygen tent. However, he had been throwing up all his meds, and not eating. She was hoping that he would stop throwing up so that he could come home.
At eleven o'clock, Deanne and I went to the hospital to spend some time visiting with Pogo. Gosh, it felt so good to hold him in my arms and cuddle him. He felt so tiny, but oh so good. Here's a photo that Deanne took of us. I guess he was happy too because he peed all over the front of me. I took that as a sign of good luck.
While we were there, Pogo drank a lot of water and held it all down. That was definitely a good sign. I had taken some food with me but he wasn't interested in it. I held him for as long as I dared before putting him back in the oxygen tent. (It's really an enclosed cage with doors and holes to put your hands inside.)
Later in the afternoon, around four o'clock, the doctor called to say that Pogo could come home. Oh joy! Oh joy! Deanne picked me up around five o'clock and we went to the hospital to get my boy. The nurse gave me some more meds that Pogo has to take and went over the instructions with us. I paid the bill (Yes, it was huge!)
In just a little bit, she brought Pogo out to us. I wrapped him in another new blanket and we headed home. Can you guess? Yup, he peed on me on the way home. I just know this a sign of good luck. Once we got home and settled on the sofa, I made him a plate of food. My little guy was super hungry and ate it all up.
It's not a great photo, but I took it with my phone and the lighting was from a lamp. Plus he was moving and the photos kept coming out blurry. Pogo has trouble getting the food up off the plate and into his mouth (because he has no lower jaw) but he kept at it till he had licked the plate clean.
After supper, I started him on his new meds. I could only give him one of them because I could not get the cover off one of the bottles. When Joe gets home from work later today, I'll see if he can get the bottle cap off.
Later in the evening, when I thought his breathing might be a little off, I hooked my oxygen cannula up near him. He snuggled up near it and went right off to sleep. I do have a regular concentrator and the portable concentrator, so we can both use the oxygen at the same time if we need to. When Pogo woke up to make a potty trip to his pee pads, I took the oxygen away. He slept the whole night peacefully without it.
Through all of this, my daughter Deanne was like a trouper. Between taking care of her family, taking care of Bobby and doing his errands, looking after me and running me and Pogo around, I don't know how she held up. But she did. I am so thankful for her, and I do love her so. Pogo loves you too, Auntie!
On the way home from the first trip to the hospital yesterday, I took a few photos of the foliage with my cell phone. These photos were taken through the windshield too, but at least you can see some of the beautiful colors that our trees are showing. Here are just a couple of them.
I have more photos, but I'll save some for tomorrow's post. Right now, Pogo is sleeping. I'm curious to see how he will act later today when Joe comes home. He hasn't had his turkey treat these past couple of days so I'm wondering if he misses it.
I'm off now to make a cup of coffee and do a bit of blog reading. Again, thank you for all your prayers. Till Sunday,, Y'all have a fantabulous weekend.
Hugs, Edna B.
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