Saturday, October 5, 2013

It's Quite Pretty Around Town

October 5, 2013

It's cloudy this morning but it is still quite nice.  Today's temp should reach around 67F.  It's still warm enough to keep the door open for a while to let in the fresh air.  Yesterday, it rained on and off throughout the day.  According to the weather man, we will be having rain showers today, tomorrow and Tuesday.

I am not complaining though.  The weather elsewhere in the country is wicked horrible.  Some places in  the Mid West already have three and half feet of new snow and the snow is still falling.  Definitely not for me!   Aside from storm Atlas, there is tropical storm Karen in the South, wicked high winds on the west coast threatening to spark new fires and tornadoes touching down in the central and mid-west part of the country.

Joe went out to the garden this morning and planted all our new bulbs.  Colors should be popping next spring and summer.  The new bulbs were lilies and irises.  Next we will cut back the butterfly bushes.  They are getting quite big and any heavy snowfall will surely ruin them.  We may even have to move at least one of them because they take up so much room in the garden. 

Driving around town, I am loving all the beautiful Fall colors.  This is a photo of one very pretty street corner.  Seeing things like this around town make me happy to be living here. 

There are so many beautiful places around town that have been designed and planted by various organizations to keep our town looking nice.  I'll have to drive around and take more photos.  A lot of our residents also delight in decorating their property according to seasons and holidays.  Have a look at this fabulous fellow resting along the roadside.  Just don't get too close.  That's a pretty scary looking blade in his hand.

Yesterday, I got out the new mattress covers and decided to start putting things back together.  Well, let me tell you!!  I struggled for twenty minutes trying to close up the chair bed after I put the new foam topper and mattress cover on it.  This is a chair that opens to a twin sized bed, and it's perfect for when Audrey comes for a visit.

Next I tackled my bed.  This mattress was just too much for me to handle.  I wasn't able to lift it and hold it up so that I could get the mattress cover on, and after a while I gave up and called for Eddie to come and help me. I'm lucky to have my son in law nearby.  He's been so very helpful to me.

Well, tonight it's back to work.  I was only able to get the one day off this week (yesterday) to get started on putting my rooms back together.  I'll be doing it a little bit each day for quite a while.  I'm contemplating calling in a professional to clean my living room carpet.  It might be a good idea to do it now while the room is still fairly empty. 

Yesterday was "Be Good To Your Pets" day.  Well, I'm always good to my little guy.  The night before last I went online looking for a play yard tent for him.  I found a couple, but the best price was at   I thought this might be good for him when we are out and he wants to be on the ground without his leash.  I have to be careful because he runs ever so fast and always heads straight for the street.  This play yard will keep him safe.

Now I think I will make Pogo and myself some lunch.  After lunch I'll put a few more of my clothes away in the bureaus and play a bit with Pogo.  Then it will be time to get ready for work.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all be safe and have a fabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.


Kathy said...

The trees are so beautiful there. They haven't even started to turn color here in Pennsylvania. And our temperatures are in the high 80s.

You are one busy lady. Glad your SIL was able to help you.

Nani said...

Edna, your colors are starting to look gorgeous in the photos from yesterday and today! We’re starting to see some color to too, we really need more maples the neighborhood the oats just aren’t as pretty as some of the other trees but we have a lot of things that turn yellow. It still pretty to go out for a ride.

We’ve had pretty much rain all day, bleh. It makes me crave coffee. Rain just has Always done it to me. Hey, at least I’m not craving drugs. :-)

I absolutely love sleeping Mr. Pumpkinhead! I wouldn’t wake him up either.

I tried really hard to be good to my pets yesterday. After the Red Sox and Tigers both won they were getting bonus cat treats. They just didn’t feel like being in the same room at the same time. Cats! (Shakes head)

Have a great day and I hope the Mrs as a good night.

Hugs, Nani

smiekeltje said...

You were quite busy! Chaning matra covers is hard work!But you have you fantastic Eddie nearby, he's a wonderful guy!
Sounds a good idea to buy a tent for Pogo, so he can be out, but cannot run towards the street.
Or may be you can find a kind of gate, that you can put up when necessary, that is just high enough he cannot jump over it and you can stick it into the grass, in a shaded area? Heidi had one for the rabbit, and it's a great solution.
That Mr.Pumpkin head figure is awesome!
Good to see some people have still some imagination and fantasy!
Hope your shift will be a quiet one, with may be a few winks

The Queen Jester said...

Oh you really need a "Be good to your pet day"...ha ha ha. Pogo is so spoiled every he should be!