Tis a gray day outside today, and feeling a wee bit damp. The oil burner man was coming this morning at 8 am, so Miss Tootsie and I had to get up earlier than we had planned to let him in. It's feeling very cool in the house now so I guess the cold weather can't be too far off. That's the only bad part about winter - the cold temperatures and the miserable weather conditions at times.
Last night I worked a bit on the Gemstone QP's. Actually, I worked on just one of them - the Garnet QP. This one took me over two hours. Maybe I'm just too picky for my own good. The frame took me most of the time. I like to use different types of frames, but sometimes it takes quite a while to make the frame usable.
Today I will look around for some Hiddenite information and pictures. If that doesn't work out so well, maybe I will look for something on Heliodor. These are both very pretty gemstones. I'm not too sure about what to use the finished QP's for - maybe as birthday pages? It doesn't matter, I'm enjoying doing them and that's what counts. Later on, you will be able to have them as freebies.
Have you visited my friend Kyra's blog lately? The poor dear is having a run of Murphy's Law. Seems nothing wants to go right for her. First, MSN gave her all sorts of problems by insisting that she update to a newer version, and then it still would not work. Makes me not want to update my MSN. Then, sadly, her eye glasses broke, and she won't have new ones for a few days. Not being able to see clearly makes life very difficult to say the least. Kyra, I hope things start looking up for you real soon.
This afternoon I have a much needed appointment at the nail salon. I have really neglected my nails and they look it. Whenever I think I might take some time to go and have my nails done, life just seems to have different ideas for me. Then I get side-tracked and end up with bandaids on my chipped fingernails. Wouldn't it be nice if this were all we had to worry about?
On a more serious note, I have already started my Holiday shopping. So far, I have gifts put away for four people. Pretty good, huh? Next, I really must get started on my calendar for next year. I need to go through all my photos from this year to see which ones will be good enough to use. Once the months are done, there is still the printing and packaging.
Well, I'm off now to get dressed and started on whatever today will bring my way. I will leave you with a little mini kit that I made, using the colors from a book cover. It is called "Thinking Of You." Hope you like it. Y'all have a great day now.
Hugs, Edna B.
"Thinking Of You"

And here are your download links for "Thinking Of You."
Hi again, Kyra is back ! We tried yesterday to get her back and it works with Yahoo messenger now - she has sent you details.
I'm just now chatting to her again. We have a grey morning as well here,and I'm a bit tired after last night(more explained in blog post.
Will be on PC most of the day, a lot of folders to sort and burn stuff.
Hugs Snowy
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 6 post on Sep. 18, 2009. Thanks again.
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