Today is my grandson's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JEREMY! May all your wishes and dreams come true.
It's quite nice outside right now, but we do have rain coming later, and then lots more for tomorrow. Supposedly, that's it till later in the week where it looks like a few more days of rain for us.
For my friends in and around Georgia, may God watch over you and keep you safe. A lot more rain is expected for that part of the country, and they are already devastated. Too bad we can't pipe all this extra water to California where it is badly needed. If we can build an oil pipeline as long as the Alaskan Pipeline, why can't we build a national water pipeline. We could siphon off flood waters from one place, and send it to a more needy area.
Can you explain to me why it is more important to spend huge amounts of money studying things like the sex life of a cockroach, how often do red ants mate, which color underwear is most popular in Angola, do spankings make us retarded, is one cup of coffee better than two, etc., etc.. Get the picture? Couldn't we instead spend all this money on a water pipeline?
That's it!! I'm done ranting. Today I have new goodies to play with. I went on a shopping spree last night for some new scrapping stuff. Now I just want to play, play, play. Unfortunately, things are getting in my way - like laundry, dirty dishes, and vacuuming. Hmmmmph! Life can be so unfair at times.
Yesterday I did not see many birds while I was at work. I did manage to get up close to a couple of big fat bumble bees - I mean eyeball to eyeball close. So today I will share a couple of new close-up photos. I really do have to get serious about shopping for a telephoto lens. There are so many, that it confuses me. I'm not really sure which one is best for the photos I would like to shoot. Ah well, such a problem!!
Time to make the donuts here. Have to get dressed and make friends with the mop. Y'all have a really grand day.
Hugs, Edna B.

Wow ! Talk about detail on them close-ups ! My poor little camera can't do that- I really think I will have to invest in a decent one soon ! Your ranting makes me laugh-you have such funny things brought up there , that I was in bits giggeling here. I have been lazy with housework this morning- got everything done yesterday , so I can relax mostly- been scanning old photos for hours today- now I can make some cool layouts,lol.Greetings to the boys and hope you are all having a nice weekend !
Hugs Snowy
Did you use your new camera and your 50mm lens. I have been so busy that believe it our not I have only taken 150 photos and not printed a single one! I did work up that rose on my blog however. I'm going to get a 50mm for my Nikon...can't live without that lens. It was a year ago you were here...what fun. Love your rantings..can hear your accent as you type! see ya' Mary Ann
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