Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What Does Fate Have In Store For Our New Mailbox?

August 7, 2013

Good morning.  It's nice outside this morning, but it is getting hot and sticky already.  I have been outside chatting with the mail lady about our new mail box.  It seems that I will have to check with the Post Office to make sure it is on the "accepted" list.  I would think that the Post Office would have made the stores that sell these mail boxes to first make sure they are "acceptable" before selling them to the customers.  I shall call in a while to learn the fate of the new mail box.

I want to thank all of you for your caring thoughts and concern for my health.  Yesterday I started logging my BP readings, and by tomorrow I will probably be calling to reschedule my next appointment (to make it earlier).  I also will start checking my salt intake more closely.  I don't add salt to my cooking or foods, but there is usually salt already in the food. 

Audrey called me last week all excited about something new she came across on the web for cars.  They are eyelashes!  Imagine.  Eyelashes and jewels for eyeliner to dress up one's automobile.  Well, I did look them up and they really are rather cute.  I gave it some thought too, but I don't want to be gluing anything on Baby Blue Eyes just yet.  Here's a photo from the web that shows the eyelashes.

Another photo that I have to share is one that I took out in the yard last week.  I was taking photos of some new blooms when this one caught my eye.  I thought it was quite pretty the way the pink rose was snuggled up close with the white butterfly bush blossom.

Over the past weekend I got some new photos of clouds that I thought were quite interesting, and I made a couple of new textures from them.  Here's the original photo of the clouds first, then a preview of the textures.  The textures look similar, but come from different parts of the cloud photo.

Here is the download link for the textures:

There's really not much news for today.  Thank goodness, a lot of my life is nice and dull.  When you reach my age, you can't always handle a lot of excitement in your daily life.  Pogo keeps me busy with his little "no no's" so I get enough excitement.  (It's really sad to think that cleaning up a little dog's poop can be called excitement!) 

Now I'm off to make a big pot of pasta and meat sauce.  Janet will be here later this afternoon and we will have this for supper.  I will also be sharing some of it with the dwarfs.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all be safe and have a wonderful day.

Hugs, Edna B.


The Queen Jester said...

I love the eyelashes! I've never seen anything like that before. They'd be especially cute on a VW bug. I always wanted to get the giant toy windup thing added to the back on the hitch. You can even get a motorized one so it turns when you drive. Alas, Left Brain does not share the same warped sense of humor that I have.
The textures are nice - thank you for sharing them. You have a good day and if you don't hear from us for a while it's because we'll be in Canada and I'm not sure of Wi-fi availability and it's too expensive to use the hot spot on the phone.

smiekeltje said...

Good that you keep track for a whie your BP rates. Yeah, in prepared meals and such often is a lot of salt added. I use for cooking a special salt, that has a lot less of natrium in it, Also try to not use a lot, Jan has to be careful with salt too, because of his water retaining.
Think you are doing the right things to advance a bit you doctor appointment.

How funny, that you have to check with the mail if your new mailbox is okay for them! Would indeed be more sense if companies who sell all kind of mailboxes would consult the post office first, and when they get permittance only then produce and seel the boxes LOL.
How nice it is to have not too much excitement, I can fully agree ROFL!
Have a wonderful day

Anonymous said...

Edna -- if I remember, you once told me you used sea salt because there was no or lower sodium. I knew at the time that was not correct, but didn't want to contradict. There is basically no difference. If you are watching your salt intake -- please be careful ----- hugs, Donna