Thursday, November 24, 2016


November 24, 2016

Good morning.  Tis quite cloudy here and 36F degrees.  The weather forecast says we might even make it up to 40 degrees by noon.  Sounds like a good day to stay in and crochet and watch TV.  Some of the dwarfs have already gone to be with their relatives, while others have gathered in the kitchen to start preparing a turkey dinner. 

I have a different sort of rooming house.  Everyone cooks and eats in the big kitchen, and a lot of the dwarfs gather in the den to watch TV together.  We all look after each other and celebrate life together, just like a family. 

Today is a day for giving thanks for our family and friends, everything we have, and every new day.  I am very thankful for all my many blessings.  This morning, my little Pogo licked my cheek.  This is a special blessing because for most of his life no one ever kissed this little fellow or showed him any love at all.  I spoil him shamelessly, and enjoy every bit of it.

While surfing the web,I found a list of  human foods to show what dogs can and cannot eat, and thought it might come in handy today.  If you click on the image, the printing will be bigger and easier to read.

Last night, I spent some time online making a Christmas gift for someone special on my list.  It took most of the evening to get it finished but I am quite pleased with it.  Needless to say, I did not do any crocheting last night.  When I finished my gift project, it was time to curl up under my blanket and call on the Sandman.

Before I take my leave now, I have a Thanksgiving Card for all of you.  Pogo and I wish you all a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving Day.

Now I'm going to watch a bit of TV and work on my afghan for a while.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.

Hugs, Edna B.


The Queen Jester said...

That's a lovely thanksgiving card you created. We're having dinner with Pete's sister and a bunch of other people from the park soon. It will be fun meeting some more people and forming more friendships. In a way your boarding house is similar to our park - it's all extended family that have their own areas to retreat to.

Here's wishing you and Pogo the best Thanksgiving yet.

Unknown said...

Hi Edna,
Wow it is another day already. Friday early morning. 12:44 am. I wish that I could say that I was able to get online more today but the fact is that it was hit and miss. Too much going on for more than a few minutes at a time. As soon as my kids left I headed straight for my room and collapsed. That is for me a good thing.

Your card is gorgeous and Thank You for making it for us. I really love the sweet little look on Pogo's face. Thank you Edna and what an awesome treat that you had today with kisses from Pogo. They may be rare but what treasures those moments are.

I love how your boarding house is such an extended family. That has to be fantastic that they can come together and do things with one another. Friendships are formed in many ways.

Cisco is sleeping peacefully in bed. We had a long nap together today and he snuggled up to me, head on pillow too. He had a little bit of Thanksgiving treats but not much as we had the non traditional but he got a piece of sausage and some toast.

I think that I am headed to bed for now. It is late and I want to be able to go out tomorrow as they are having small event at the club house in the morning. I hope that I don't over sleep. I am setting my alarm just in case.
I hope that you had a nice Thanksgiving. Love Beth and Cisco

smiekeltje said...

So lovely of Deanne she brought you a cooked dinner.
Saved you a lot of work and was of course better for the arm.
Yesterday Jan and I stayed in, and we had a real lazy day.
I still had enough food from last night so I only had to warm it up in the oven.
and I did a lot of work at the computer, almost finished a kit,also surfed a bit on the net,and so and in he evening there was tv, of course.
But today U really should move around more Perhaps I will go into ccity town for a while this afternoon,
And this weekend I also want to try to do some celaning in the house , so that I can start decorating without problem in about 1 1/2 week,
Have a lovely day,