September 30, 2011
Good morning. It's going to be a gorgeous day today. Of course, I'm at work and won't be able to go out and enjoy much of it. Tomorrow and Sunday are supposed to be quite rainy, so I don't think the photo walk is going to be much fun. Yesterday started out gloomy and wet, then turned out pretty good. So maybe theres still a bit of hope for tomorrow. We'll see.
I've been working on my photo class lessons, and learning quite a bit. This last lesson was about adjusting the exposure for backlit photos. Here is what I got when I took a photo of my TV which is against the windows. There was quite a bit of light coming in through the windows.
I also have a photo of another new blossom on the Mrs' hibiscus plant. This one is so pretty!
Today is the last day of September, and I must say that I hate to see it go. I am not a snow baby, nor do I like the cold weather. Spring and Fall are most comfortable for me, especially in the breathing department. However, I would settle for summer over winter. Of course, Mother Nature really doesn't care one little bit about what I think.
Tomorrow, I will be posting the new October GI Blog Train list, along with my contribution. This one is called "Thriller" so it should have lots of scary goodies for your Halloween photos.
The Mrs is beginning to wake so I will have to get busy here. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
The Soggies Are Here! The Soggies Are Here!
September 29, 2011
We had another good day yesterday, but this morning the soggies are back. And yes, they are now saying that we will have some rain this Saturday for the Photo Walk. So what else is new?
At least yesterday, Janet and Tootsie and I went to the park for a while and got some new photos. Our commorant is still there. I wonder if it will winter over here or move closer to the seashore. It will be interesting to see.
Tomorrow is the last day of September. I am still trying to figure out where it all went. As a child, seasons lasted for quite a long time. As a senior citizen, the only season that lasts very long is Winter, and that just never seems to want to leave. All the good seasons just whiz right by.
On the news, they are talking about a coffee chain (Starbucks, I think) that is offering a T-shirt with a large coffee stain covering the logo and dripping all down the front of the shirt. And guess how much for this wondrous piece of fashion? Only $85. Now folks, really! Are people really nuts enough to pay all that money for a nasty looking shirt? Not me! I already have a couple of shirts like that and it didn't cost me anything at all.
How about a photo of one of the newest visitors to the bird feeder at work. I've watched how this little guy gets up to the feeder, and it is just amazing. The feeder is at least six feet off the ground, and this little chipmunk is only around four inches long.
And here's another pretty photo of seed pods. I'm not sure what the flower was, but the pods are quite interesting. They just don't last very long. One good breeze, and poof!! they fly away.
Tootsie and I slept a bit late this morning. Gosh, that really felt good! But now it is time to stuff my plump little body into some clothes and go food shopping. My grandson is in need of new food supplies, and I could use a few things too. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
We had another good day yesterday, but this morning the soggies are back. And yes, they are now saying that we will have some rain this Saturday for the Photo Walk. So what else is new?
At least yesterday, Janet and Tootsie and I went to the park for a while and got some new photos. Our commorant is still there. I wonder if it will winter over here or move closer to the seashore. It will be interesting to see.
Tomorrow is the last day of September. I am still trying to figure out where it all went. As a child, seasons lasted for quite a long time. As a senior citizen, the only season that lasts very long is Winter, and that just never seems to want to leave. All the good seasons just whiz right by.
On the news, they are talking about a coffee chain (Starbucks, I think) that is offering a T-shirt with a large coffee stain covering the logo and dripping all down the front of the shirt. And guess how much for this wondrous piece of fashion? Only $85. Now folks, really! Are people really nuts enough to pay all that money for a nasty looking shirt? Not me! I already have a couple of shirts like that and it didn't cost me anything at all.
How about a photo of one of the newest visitors to the bird feeder at work. I've watched how this little guy gets up to the feeder, and it is just amazing. The feeder is at least six feet off the ground, and this little chipmunk is only around four inches long.
And here's another pretty photo of seed pods. I'm not sure what the flower was, but the pods are quite interesting. They just don't last very long. One good breeze, and poof!! they fly away.
Tootsie and I slept a bit late this morning. Gosh, that really felt good! But now it is time to stuff my plump little body into some clothes and go food shopping. My grandson is in need of new food supplies, and I could use a few things too. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
I'm On My Bandbox Again!!
September 28, 2011
Good morning. Well, yesterday eventually turned into a gorgeous day. The sun came out and brought with it some warm temperatures. I guess the only way we can figure out the weather here is to stick around and wait to see what happens. It's not raining right now either. I hope this is not a bad omen for the weekend. It's not going to be much fun walking around taking photos in the rain.
On the news, they are talking about all sorts of new taxes on everything from hotels to flights. There is talk of adding the deposit on all bottles including water. Someone somewhere thinks that this will make people do more recycling. This does not make sense to me. The people who throw away all their bottles, including the ones that they paid a deposit on, will continue to throw them away. So, I guess this only hurts the rest of us who do recycle.
The experts are saying that heating fuel prices will start around $4.00 a gallon. I'm wondering just how they think we will be able to keep our homes warm at these prices. Fuel prices don't go up a little at a time, they go up in big jumps. Last year, the cost of heating fuel was triple what it was just a few years earlier. This new price is another huge increase. When will it stop?
How about some photos? Yesterday, I bought a new plant for our garden. It's a "Lavender Chiffon" Rose of Sharon. Oh, it is so so pretty! Have a look.
I also found this little critter on my door step. He's quite fat and fuzzy, so I'm hoping he's not trying to warn us of a long cold winter!
Well, now it's time to get started on this new day. Plus, it's time for Tootsie's meds. This is where we start playing "Hide And Seek". She hides, and I seek. You know, in just a few more days, my Tootsie will have been with me for eight years! Wow, where did all that time go?
Eddie just called and said he will be here soon, so I suppose it's also time to get dressed! Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. Well, yesterday eventually turned into a gorgeous day. The sun came out and brought with it some warm temperatures. I guess the only way we can figure out the weather here is to stick around and wait to see what happens. It's not raining right now either. I hope this is not a bad omen for the weekend. It's not going to be much fun walking around taking photos in the rain.
On the news, they are talking about all sorts of new taxes on everything from hotels to flights. There is talk of adding the deposit on all bottles including water. Someone somewhere thinks that this will make people do more recycling. This does not make sense to me. The people who throw away all their bottles, including the ones that they paid a deposit on, will continue to throw them away. So, I guess this only hurts the rest of us who do recycle.
The experts are saying that heating fuel prices will start around $4.00 a gallon. I'm wondering just how they think we will be able to keep our homes warm at these prices. Fuel prices don't go up a little at a time, they go up in big jumps. Last year, the cost of heating fuel was triple what it was just a few years earlier. This new price is another huge increase. When will it stop?
How about some photos? Yesterday, I bought a new plant for our garden. It's a "Lavender Chiffon" Rose of Sharon. Oh, it is so so pretty! Have a look.
I also found this little critter on my door step. He's quite fat and fuzzy, so I'm hoping he's not trying to warn us of a long cold winter!
Well, now it's time to get started on this new day. Plus, it's time for Tootsie's meds. This is where we start playing "Hide And Seek". She hides, and I seek. You know, in just a few more days, my Tootsie will have been with me for eight years! Wow, where did all that time go?
Eddie just called and said he will be here soon, so I suppose it's also time to get dressed! Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Crazy Wet Weather
September 27, 2011
It's looking quite gray outside and the weatherman says we will likely have rain every day through Friday. Gosh, he is just too full of good news! I hope the sun comes back out for the weekend because I'm looking forward to that Photo Walk.
Nature is really strange sometimes. If you look at the weather map for our country, you will see that is raining almost everywhere except Texas. Unfortunately, Texas really needs that rain, and a lot of the rest of us are floating from too much water! Go figure!
I was really hoping to sleep in this morning, but my phone hasn't stopped ringing since 7:30 am. I haven't answered the calls because I had already asked the person nicely not to call before 9:30 so that I could sleep a bit late. My caller ID shows up on the TV screen, so you don't have to answer the phone in order to find out who is calling. Some folks just don't listen!
Yesterday, Tootsie and I spent a little time out in the yard, soaking up some of that wonderful sunshine. There were new roses blooming, so I took a few photos to share. This is such a beautiful rose bush. The blooms have all shades of peach with bits of fuschia pink.
I played with a couple of the photos in Photoshop and tried a few new techniques. After separating the rose from the background, I applied a bit of bevel and shadow before merging it back into the background. Interesting.
Hmmm. I think it makes the rose pop just a little bit more. What do you think? Actually, I think that today I need to stop playing with my flowers and my laptop and get busy with the vacuum. Not really my cup of tea, but it needs to be done. Sighhhhhhh!
Later, before I settle down to watch some TV with Tootsie, I want to try finishing up my parts of the October collab kit. Once it's all put into folders and uploaded, I will have more free time to spend on my photo class lessons.
Now it's time for Moi to get dressed and ready to start my day. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
It's looking quite gray outside and the weatherman says we will likely have rain every day through Friday. Gosh, he is just too full of good news! I hope the sun comes back out for the weekend because I'm looking forward to that Photo Walk.
Nature is really strange sometimes. If you look at the weather map for our country, you will see that is raining almost everywhere except Texas. Unfortunately, Texas really needs that rain, and a lot of the rest of us are floating from too much water! Go figure!
I was really hoping to sleep in this morning, but my phone hasn't stopped ringing since 7:30 am. I haven't answered the calls because I had already asked the person nicely not to call before 9:30 so that I could sleep a bit late. My caller ID shows up on the TV screen, so you don't have to answer the phone in order to find out who is calling. Some folks just don't listen!
Yesterday, Tootsie and I spent a little time out in the yard, soaking up some of that wonderful sunshine. There were new roses blooming, so I took a few photos to share. This is such a beautiful rose bush. The blooms have all shades of peach with bits of fuschia pink.
I played with a couple of the photos in Photoshop and tried a few new techniques. After separating the rose from the background, I applied a bit of bevel and shadow before merging it back into the background. Interesting.
Hmmm. I think it makes the rose pop just a little bit more. What do you think? Actually, I think that today I need to stop playing with my flowers and my laptop and get busy with the vacuum. Not really my cup of tea, but it needs to be done. Sighhhhhhh!
Later, before I settle down to watch some TV with Tootsie, I want to try finishing up my parts of the October collab kit. Once it's all put into folders and uploaded, I will have more free time to spend on my photo class lessons.
Now it's time for Moi to get dressed and ready to start my day. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Learning New Stuff!
September 26, 2011
It's a lovely morning here in my little part of the world. The sun is shining, and it looks like it will be a warm day. Just what my soul needs! Sunshine and warmth! Tootsie and I will definitely get out for a little while today. Maybe we'll take a ride to the park to see if our friendly commorant is still there.
The other night I worked on a photo lesson about HDR. Because I don't have my HDR program installed in my laptop, I did it the long way in Photoshop. It's not my best, but you can see the difference in the photos. I'm also learning how to do a "mouseover." Here's my first try. Roll mouse on the picture to see the "BEFORE". It's very subtle, mostly in the brightness of the greens.

I hope this thing worked. You have to post the blog before you can click on it. This opens up all sorts of new things that I can do. This makes me happy because I just love learning new things.
I also have a couple of photos to share of a really interesting seed pod. In it's heyday, this was a gorgeous white clematis climbing all around the mailbox.
See, if you look you can find beauty just about anywhere! I took photos of other pods, but I'll save them for another day. This week I want to try more of the HDR. I'll have to use my tripod though. It makes it easier to get all the photos exactly the same. Handheld does not do this. At least for me.
Now I'm off to get Tootsie her morning meds. She's already looking for a place to hide! You just gotta love her! Till tomorrow, Y'all have a magnificent day.
Hugs, Edna B.
p.s. If you would like to learn how to "mouseover" visit Kim Klassen's blog.
It's a lovely morning here in my little part of the world. The sun is shining, and it looks like it will be a warm day. Just what my soul needs! Sunshine and warmth! Tootsie and I will definitely get out for a little while today. Maybe we'll take a ride to the park to see if our friendly commorant is still there.
The other night I worked on a photo lesson about HDR. Because I don't have my HDR program installed in my laptop, I did it the long way in Photoshop. It's not my best, but you can see the difference in the photos. I'm also learning how to do a "mouseover." Here's my first try. Roll mouse on the picture to see the "BEFORE". It's very subtle, mostly in the brightness of the greens.
I hope this thing worked. You have to post the blog before you can click on it. This opens up all sorts of new things that I can do. This makes me happy because I just love learning new things.
I also have a couple of photos to share of a really interesting seed pod. In it's heyday, this was a gorgeous white clematis climbing all around the mailbox.
See, if you look you can find beauty just about anywhere! I took photos of other pods, but I'll save them for another day. This week I want to try more of the HDR. I'll have to use my tripod though. It makes it easier to get all the photos exactly the same. Handheld does not do this. At least for me.
Now I'm off to get Tootsie her morning meds. She's already looking for a place to hide! You just gotta love her! Till tomorrow, Y'all have a magnificent day.
Hugs, Edna B.
p.s. If you would like to learn how to "mouseover" visit Kim Klassen's blog.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
It's Another Great Morning
September 25, 2011
Good morning. The sun isn't out just now, but it's not raining yet either. It's right around 70 degrees F, so it's quite comfortable. It will probably rain in a while, but that's okay because I'll be tucked in my bed having a nap.
Next weekend is "Photo Walk" weekend. You can read more about it on Scott Kelby's blog. Scroll down to the August 22, 2011 post. I just learned that they also have great tee shirts with special logo's on them for the walk. I think next year, I'll get me a shirt.
I've re-arranged my work schedule next weekend so that I can go out and have some fun with my camera. I think I will call my sister in law, Edie, and see if she wants to join me. Maybe daughter in law, Janet, will come too. The more, the merrier. Here's hoping Mother Nature cooperates with the weather. I will get me a plastic raincoat for my camera just in case. You can't be too careful with your toys.
Yesterday morning at work, I spotted something across the street towards the back of the field. It looked like a fox, so of course I got my camera and took some photos. Poor thing looks a bit scrawny to me.
You know, it's such a pleasure to come home from somewhere. As soon as Tootsie hears my car door, she comes running to the door to greet me with lots of kisses and her tail is just a waggin away. You just can't beat that!! I gave her an extra treat this morning just because!
Last night after the Mrs went to bed, I was able to do a couple of my photo class lessons. Actually, I did three of them, but I want to do the third lesson over. This one was about HDR, which I love to play with, but I don't have my HDR program in my laptop. I will have to take care of that little problem this week.
Now I'm off to enjoy a cup of coffee, and spend some time with Tootsie. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a magnificent day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. The sun isn't out just now, but it's not raining yet either. It's right around 70 degrees F, so it's quite comfortable. It will probably rain in a while, but that's okay because I'll be tucked in my bed having a nap.
Next weekend is "Photo Walk" weekend. You can read more about it on Scott Kelby's blog. Scroll down to the August 22, 2011 post. I just learned that they also have great tee shirts with special logo's on them for the walk. I think next year, I'll get me a shirt.
I've re-arranged my work schedule next weekend so that I can go out and have some fun with my camera. I think I will call my sister in law, Edie, and see if she wants to join me. Maybe daughter in law, Janet, will come too. The more, the merrier. Here's hoping Mother Nature cooperates with the weather. I will get me a plastic raincoat for my camera just in case. You can't be too careful with your toys.
Yesterday morning at work, I spotted something across the street towards the back of the field. It looked like a fox, so of course I got my camera and took some photos. Poor thing looks a bit scrawny to me.
You know, it's such a pleasure to come home from somewhere. As soon as Tootsie hears my car door, she comes running to the door to greet me with lots of kisses and her tail is just a waggin away. You just can't beat that!! I gave her an extra treat this morning just because!
Last night after the Mrs went to bed, I was able to do a couple of my photo class lessons. Actually, I did three of them, but I want to do the third lesson over. This one was about HDR, which I love to play with, but I don't have my HDR program in my laptop. I will have to take care of that little problem this week.
Now I'm off to enjoy a cup of coffee, and spend some time with Tootsie. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a magnificent day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
A Grass Munching Visitor
September 24, 2011
Good morning. Well, it will soon be good afternoon. Tootsie and I stayed in bed this morning and just relished in the warm comfy coziness of our little bed. Plus, we didn't have to get up for any particular reason which felt pretty good.
At the moment it's not raining, so it's really nice outside. My roses are all blooming again, and the chipmunks and squirrels are busy gathering up food to put away for the winter. Oh my, I just looked up for a moment and the sun is peeking through the clouds a bit. I can see a shadow of the rose bush on the outside of my house. NICE!
Tootsie and I will definitely get outside for a little bit, even if it's only to walk around the yard. I think we'll use her stroller. This way, she won't have so much trouble walking around out there. It's a big scary world when you can't see where all the different noises are coming from.
Yesterday at work, there was a visitor in the back yard. A big ole woodchuck was munching it's way through the grass. But let me tell you, it sure moved pretty fast when it saw me with my camera. It only took about a minute for it to run and hide in the wooded area at the back of the yard.
I have another little kit for you. It's made up of all my contributions to a collab kit that I took part in at the old Magickal Scraps forum. Before I pack up a lot of my older work and put it away, I thought I would re-package my parts and present them here as freebies. Enjoy.
Here are your download links:
Now I'm off to get dressed and take my little girl outside to enjoy some of this fantastic day. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. Well, it will soon be good afternoon. Tootsie and I stayed in bed this morning and just relished in the warm comfy coziness of our little bed. Plus, we didn't have to get up for any particular reason which felt pretty good.
At the moment it's not raining, so it's really nice outside. My roses are all blooming again, and the chipmunks and squirrels are busy gathering up food to put away for the winter. Oh my, I just looked up for a moment and the sun is peeking through the clouds a bit. I can see a shadow of the rose bush on the outside of my house. NICE!
Tootsie and I will definitely get outside for a little bit, even if it's only to walk around the yard. I think we'll use her stroller. This way, she won't have so much trouble walking around out there. It's a big scary world when you can't see where all the different noises are coming from.
Yesterday at work, there was a visitor in the back yard. A big ole woodchuck was munching it's way through the grass. But let me tell you, it sure moved pretty fast when it saw me with my camera. It only took about a minute for it to run and hide in the wooded area at the back of the yard.
I have another little kit for you. It's made up of all my contributions to a collab kit that I took part in at the old Magickal Scraps forum. Before I pack up a lot of my older work and put it away, I thought I would re-package my parts and present them here as freebies. Enjoy.
Here are your download links:
Now I'm off to get dressed and take my little girl outside to enjoy some of this fantastic day. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Friday, September 23, 2011
It's Going To Be Soggy, Soggy, Soggy!
September 23, 2011
Good morning. Well, it's gray and wet here, and it's going to be that way for a while. According to the weatherman we will have rain six of the next seven days. That's not counting the last couple of days. Oh joy, oh joy! If we had water pipelines, we could be sending all this extra water to Texas!
We had a good night last night. Tootsie made it through the whole night without any of the "D" stuff. I know I was glad, but I'm sure she was more comfortable too. After I get home later today, I will be making a trip to the market to pick up more rice and hamburg. As long as she will eat it, I'll cook it.
Yesterday, I took some photos of the rose bush outside my door, and then played a bit in Photoshop. I should be more specific - I took photos of the rain drops on the rose bush and then played around with different filters and different colored background layers.
In the first photo, I used the "vivid light" filter. In the second one, I used "linear light." The next three are done with "luminosity" and different colored background layers. I think it's fascinating how you can change a photo by just using filters and colors.
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I enrolled in a photography class at Hummie's World. Each month we are responsible for finishing five lessons. To date, I have finished my September lessons, and this weekend I can start on the next five lessons. So far, it's been very interesting, and I have learned something new with each lesson.
Now it's time for me to get busy. I'm at work and the Mrs will be awake soon. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. Well, it's gray and wet here, and it's going to be that way for a while. According to the weatherman we will have rain six of the next seven days. That's not counting the last couple of days. Oh joy, oh joy! If we had water pipelines, we could be sending all this extra water to Texas!
We had a good night last night. Tootsie made it through the whole night without any of the "D" stuff. I know I was glad, but I'm sure she was more comfortable too. After I get home later today, I will be making a trip to the market to pick up more rice and hamburg. As long as she will eat it, I'll cook it.
Yesterday, I took some photos of the rose bush outside my door, and then played a bit in Photoshop. I should be more specific - I took photos of the rain drops on the rose bush and then played around with different filters and different colored background layers.
In the first photo, I used the "vivid light" filter. In the second one, I used "linear light." The next three are done with "luminosity" and different colored background layers. I think it's fascinating how you can change a photo by just using filters and colors.
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I enrolled in a photography class at Hummie's World. Each month we are responsible for finishing five lessons. To date, I have finished my September lessons, and this weekend I can start on the next five lessons. So far, it's been very interesting, and I have learned something new with each lesson.
Now it's time for me to get busy. I'm at work and the Mrs will be awake soon. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
I'd Rather Have Sunshine
September 22, 2011
It's raining here in New England. At least in my part. I don't dislike the rain, but it makes for a very gloomy day. I do have lots of laundry to keep me busy though. Tootsie has been having bouts of diarrhea for the last couple of days, and I have been quite busy cleaning up. Poor little thing, she's probably getting sick of baths too.
Her doctor will be back from vacation Monday, so I think we will be visiting her then. Meanwhile, I have been able to get Tootsie to eat some hamburger and rice a couple times a day. This in itself is an improvement. As for the blindness, I am not going to put her through any more of the chemo treatments. I think she's had enough.
I do have a couple of photos to share this morning. Both were taken last week at work. The first is a photo of a rose. The shrub that this rose was planted near has grown quite large and now the rose plant is hidden inside the shrub. This one branch works really hard to work it's way through the branches to meet the sun and blossom.
Another of my favorite things to photograph is the dragonfly. I find them to be quite fascinating, but not always easy to photograph. Some days, the dragonfly will just sit still on a branch or twig and let me click away. Other days it keeps moving around when it sees me with my camera. Do you think it knows that I am trying to take it's picture?
That's it for now. I have to check on the laundry, and then cook up some lunch for Tootsie and me. This afternoon, I'll work on the October collab kit for a while. Till tomorrow, Y'all stay dry and have a great day.
Hugs, Edna B.
It's raining here in New England. At least in my part. I don't dislike the rain, but it makes for a very gloomy day. I do have lots of laundry to keep me busy though. Tootsie has been having bouts of diarrhea for the last couple of days, and I have been quite busy cleaning up. Poor little thing, she's probably getting sick of baths too.
Her doctor will be back from vacation Monday, so I think we will be visiting her then. Meanwhile, I have been able to get Tootsie to eat some hamburger and rice a couple times a day. This in itself is an improvement. As for the blindness, I am not going to put her through any more of the chemo treatments. I think she's had enough.
I do have a couple of photos to share this morning. Both were taken last week at work. The first is a photo of a rose. The shrub that this rose was planted near has grown quite large and now the rose plant is hidden inside the shrub. This one branch works really hard to work it's way through the branches to meet the sun and blossom.
Another of my favorite things to photograph is the dragonfly. I find them to be quite fascinating, but not always easy to photograph. Some days, the dragonfly will just sit still on a branch or twig and let me click away. Other days it keeps moving around when it sees me with my camera. Do you think it knows that I am trying to take it's picture?
That's it for now. I have to check on the laundry, and then cook up some lunch for Tootsie and me. This afternoon, I'll work on the October collab kit for a while. Till tomorrow, Y'all stay dry and have a great day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Just A Tad Bit Foggy This Morning
September 21, 2011
This morning has started out very foggy. In a couple of hours though, it should be quite nice and sunny. The sun has been out, but the fog has been hiding it. I stopped on my way home from work this morning to take a photo of the sun as soon as I was able to find it. Pardon me for the electric wires, but I had no choice. This was the only place to pull over.
I also took a photo of one of Mrs' flowers this morning while it still had dew on it. For some reason, I find flowers with water on them quite fascinating.
My update on Tootsie isn't so good. In the past few days, she has lost her sight again. She does her best to get around without bumping into too many things. I have to keep reminding the dwarfs to be very careful around her and not to move too quickly or move things around. I did get her to eat most of a hamburg yesterday between lunch and supper along with some rice. Hopefully, today she will eat more.
Now it's time to put in a load of laundry and make a cup of coffee. My little girl is curled up in her little bed near my feet, so it's a good day. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
This morning has started out very foggy. In a couple of hours though, it should be quite nice and sunny. The sun has been out, but the fog has been hiding it. I stopped on my way home from work this morning to take a photo of the sun as soon as I was able to find it. Pardon me for the electric wires, but I had no choice. This was the only place to pull over.
I also took a photo of one of Mrs' flowers this morning while it still had dew on it. For some reason, I find flowers with water on them quite fascinating.
My update on Tootsie isn't so good. In the past few days, she has lost her sight again. She does her best to get around without bumping into too many things. I have to keep reminding the dwarfs to be very careful around her and not to move too quickly or move things around. I did get her to eat most of a hamburg yesterday between lunch and supper along with some rice. Hopefully, today she will eat more.
Now it's time to put in a load of laundry and make a cup of coffee. My little girl is curled up in her little bed near my feet, so it's a good day. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
An Amazing Man, Tony Bennett
September 20, 2011
I'm sitting here with my cup of coffee, watching "Let's Make A Deal" on TV. There are new hosts (replacing Bob Barker) and there are a few minor changes, but it's just not the same. The TV offerings are just as blah as the weather. And trust me, today's weather is blah too. Gray, cool, and promises of the wet stuff.
Yesterday, I couldn't get enough sleep (or at least rest in bed), and today is looking about the same. It must be the change in the weather. The weatherman is saying that this winter is going to be colder than average. Not what I wanted to hear! I can already feel the cold. Brrrrr!
On a bright note, I'm looking forward to getting Tony Bennett's newest album "Duets II". This man is awesome! He is celebrating his 85th birthday with a new music album. He was belting out number one hits when I was a teenager, and he's still doing it 60 years later! His first big hit was "Because Of You" in 1951.
What I did not know was that he is an established painter. I went online to look up some of his artwork, and found this beautiful painting. Just looking at it makes me feel warmer.
Tootsie seems to be holding her own, but her appetite is not very good. I have been tempting her with everything I can think of. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't work. I think her doctor is on vacation this week, but I will call tomorrow anyway.
Now I'm off to see what I can come up with to tempt my Tootsie into eating. Dog food is definitely out of the question! Hmmmmm! I'll have to check what's in the freezer. I just might have hamburgers in there. Maybe she'll eat that? We'll see. Till tomorrow folks, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
I'm sitting here with my cup of coffee, watching "Let's Make A Deal" on TV. There are new hosts (replacing Bob Barker) and there are a few minor changes, but it's just not the same. The TV offerings are just as blah as the weather. And trust me, today's weather is blah too. Gray, cool, and promises of the wet stuff.
Yesterday, I couldn't get enough sleep (or at least rest in bed), and today is looking about the same. It must be the change in the weather. The weatherman is saying that this winter is going to be colder than average. Not what I wanted to hear! I can already feel the cold. Brrrrr!
On a bright note, I'm looking forward to getting Tony Bennett's newest album "Duets II". This man is awesome! He is celebrating his 85th birthday with a new music album. He was belting out number one hits when I was a teenager, and he's still doing it 60 years later! His first big hit was "Because Of You" in 1951.
What I did not know was that he is an established painter. I went online to look up some of his artwork, and found this beautiful painting. Just looking at it makes me feel warmer.
Tootsie seems to be holding her own, but her appetite is not very good. I have been tempting her with everything I can think of. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't work. I think her doctor is on vacation this week, but I will call tomorrow anyway.
Now I'm off to see what I can come up with to tempt my Tootsie into eating. Dog food is definitely out of the question! Hmmmmm! I'll have to check what's in the freezer. I just might have hamburgers in there. Maybe she'll eat that? We'll see. Till tomorrow folks, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Monday, September 19, 2011
A Crisp Autumn Morning
September 19, 2011
It's a sunny, crisp morning here in my little part of the world. I stopped on my way home this morning to pick up a few things that were on sale. DiGiourno pizza was on the top of my list! AND I had coupons too! Yum!
When I got home, my little Tootsie was doing her best to run across the room to me. Unfortunately, her little legs were slipping a bit too much. That's part of the disease, it has weakened her spine and rear legs. So I scooped her up and got my hugs and licks. She still hasn't much of an appetite. If this doesn't improve soon, I'm going to have to call her doctor.
Before I left work this morning, I took a photo of the mist rising in the field across the street. It's amazing how quickly it disappears.
Today, I will post the last two parts of our "Chicken, Anyone?" kit. I hope you've been able to have fun with it. Su and I enjoyed working on this fun kit.
Here are your download links:
Don't forget to stop by Su's blog and pick up her Parts 5 & 6. While you're there, take a moment to say thank you.
Now I want to spend some quality time with Tootsie. Maybe I can persuade her to eat some chicken. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
It's a sunny, crisp morning here in my little part of the world. I stopped on my way home this morning to pick up a few things that were on sale. DiGiourno pizza was on the top of my list! AND I had coupons too! Yum!
When I got home, my little Tootsie was doing her best to run across the room to me. Unfortunately, her little legs were slipping a bit too much. That's part of the disease, it has weakened her spine and rear legs. So I scooped her up and got my hugs and licks. She still hasn't much of an appetite. If this doesn't improve soon, I'm going to have to call her doctor.
Before I left work this morning, I took a photo of the mist rising in the field across the street. It's amazing how quickly it disappears.
Today, I will post the last two parts of our "Chicken, Anyone?" kit. I hope you've been able to have fun with it. Su and I enjoyed working on this fun kit.
Here are your download links:
Don't forget to stop by Su's blog and pick up her Parts 5 & 6. While you're there, take a moment to say thank you.
Now I want to spend some quality time with Tootsie. Maybe I can persuade her to eat some chicken. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
A Snake In My Tree?
September 18, 2011
Good morning. It's a bit early to decide what the weather will do, although we usually get some kind of rain a day after Virginia is rainy. Yesterday, was their rainy day, so I think today may be ours. We had a gorgeous day yesterday, while last night was a "warm fuzzy pajama" night. And a fleecy red sweatshirt night for Tootsie!
Tootsie perked up yesterday long enough to eat a dish of roasted chicken for lunch. I gave her another dish of chicken for supper, but she only ate half of it. This morning, she is still not up to par. If this keeps up another day or two, I will have to call her doctor.
Tonight I do have to work, and then again on Tuesday night (to make up for last night). I'd rather not, but I have to pay for the chicken somehow. Tootsie needs some new sweatshirts too. Her body temperature is usually a bit on the warm side, but now it is noticeably cooler.
The other day while Tootsie and I were walking around the yard, I noticed how strange one of our trees was looking. I will have to ask Eddie to take a look at it this week. It has a long twisty limb hanging that almost looks like a huge snake. I took a photo, but had to cut it in half to show it here. The bottom photo (bottom half of tree) shows the "snake" hanging down loose. This top photo (middle of tree) shows how it twines up through the tree. It's just to the left of the middle of the photo.
Folks, I don't believe my eyes and ears. The weather channel is now giving us tips on how to stay cool in the heat this summer. It started off with "Summer is here". Did I miss something? I was under the impression that summer started three months ago, and that now the heat was fading away into Fall weather. Either the folks at the weather channel are not really too swift, or I am badly in need of a another cup of coffee.
That's it for this morning. I need to get dressed and cuddle a bit with Tootsie. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. It's a bit early to decide what the weather will do, although we usually get some kind of rain a day after Virginia is rainy. Yesterday, was their rainy day, so I think today may be ours. We had a gorgeous day yesterday, while last night was a "warm fuzzy pajama" night. And a fleecy red sweatshirt night for Tootsie!
Tootsie perked up yesterday long enough to eat a dish of roasted chicken for lunch. I gave her another dish of chicken for supper, but she only ate half of it. This morning, she is still not up to par. If this keeps up another day or two, I will have to call her doctor.
Tonight I do have to work, and then again on Tuesday night (to make up for last night). I'd rather not, but I have to pay for the chicken somehow. Tootsie needs some new sweatshirts too. Her body temperature is usually a bit on the warm side, but now it is noticeably cooler.
The other day while Tootsie and I were walking around the yard, I noticed how strange one of our trees was looking. I will have to ask Eddie to take a look at it this week. It has a long twisty limb hanging that almost looks like a huge snake. I took a photo, but had to cut it in half to show it here. The bottom photo (bottom half of tree) shows the "snake" hanging down loose. This top photo (middle of tree) shows how it twines up through the tree. It's just to the left of the middle of the photo.
Folks, I don't believe my eyes and ears. The weather channel is now giving us tips on how to stay cool in the heat this summer. It started off with "Summer is here". Did I miss something? I was under the impression that summer started three months ago, and that now the heat was fading away into Fall weather. Either the folks at the weather channel are not really too swift, or I am badly in need of a another cup of coffee.
That's it for this morning. I need to get dressed and cuddle a bit with Tootsie. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
It's A Good Day For A Chicken Run
September 17, 2011
It's a bit gray outside so far this morning. And inside too. I came home from work to find that my little Tootsie had not been feeling good all day. She still ran to the door to greet me, and then curled up in her little bed.
At suppertime, I gave her turkey to tempt her taste buds but it did not work. All through the night and this morning so far, she is still not feeling so good. Her favorite morning treat is still sitting uneaten not too far from her.
We had some fun things planned for today, but I think we will just stay here at home. I've already switched work nights with a friend so I don't have to work tonight. If she starts to perk up a bit, I'll go to the market and buy her a barbecued chicken. Maybe I'll just go get the chicken anyway. Who knows? Maybe the aroma from the chicken might get to her. Yeah, I think I'll get dressed and make a quick run to the supermarket.
Before I head out, I have photos to share. Yesterday at work, I noticed a new little plant trying desperately to grow through a crack in the cement along with some bits of grass. A beautiful little yellow evening primrose.
I also took a photo of one of the Mrs' roses, then played a bit with it in Photoshop. How about a truly blue rose? Ooooooooooh, so pretty!
Okay, that's it for this morning. I need to get dressed and make that chicken run. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
p.s. The sun is shining now, so maybe my Tootsie will too.
It's a bit gray outside so far this morning. And inside too. I came home from work to find that my little Tootsie had not been feeling good all day. She still ran to the door to greet me, and then curled up in her little bed.
At suppertime, I gave her turkey to tempt her taste buds but it did not work. All through the night and this morning so far, she is still not feeling so good. Her favorite morning treat is still sitting uneaten not too far from her.
We had some fun things planned for today, but I think we will just stay here at home. I've already switched work nights with a friend so I don't have to work tonight. If she starts to perk up a bit, I'll go to the market and buy her a barbecued chicken. Maybe I'll just go get the chicken anyway. Who knows? Maybe the aroma from the chicken might get to her. Yeah, I think I'll get dressed and make a quick run to the supermarket.
Before I head out, I have photos to share. Yesterday at work, I noticed a new little plant trying desperately to grow through a crack in the cement along with some bits of grass. A beautiful little yellow evening primrose.
I also took a photo of one of the Mrs' roses, then played a bit with it in Photoshop. How about a truly blue rose? Ooooooooooh, so pretty!
Okay, that's it for this morning. I need to get dressed and make that chicken run. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
p.s. The sun is shining now, so maybe my Tootsie will too.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Summer is Quickly Fading
September 16, 2011
It's sunny, but cool this morning. Feels like an Autumn morning. Silly me, it will definitely be Autumn by the calendar in just a few days. I'm still wearing my summer flip flops, but I brought my sneakers and socks just in case it stays cool.
Yesterday, Tootsie and I went to the hospital for her check up, but there was an emergency in the neurology department, so we ended up re-scheduling for early October. Tootsie was happy with this. While we were at the hospital, they were holding a ribbon cutting ceremony outside the front of the building. Tomorrow will be the grand opening, so we might take a ride there to join in the festivities.
I'm at work, and the Mrs is sleeping, but soon she will be awake and wanting her breakfast. So let's get right to my photo for this morning. Yesterday we had a bit of rain. In between downpours, I took a few photos of the flowers and weeds. I like photographing raindrops on plants. Here is a pink rosebud, and a pretty little weed that grows in the kiln outside my door.
Well, Mrs is awake now, so I have to get busy here. The weatherman is saying that the difference between today's temperature and yesterday's will be 15-20 degrees. Brrrrr. I may have to change into my socks and sneakers! Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
It's sunny, but cool this morning. Feels like an Autumn morning. Silly me, it will definitely be Autumn by the calendar in just a few days. I'm still wearing my summer flip flops, but I brought my sneakers and socks just in case it stays cool.
Yesterday, Tootsie and I went to the hospital for her check up, but there was an emergency in the neurology department, so we ended up re-scheduling for early October. Tootsie was happy with this. While we were at the hospital, they were holding a ribbon cutting ceremony outside the front of the building. Tomorrow will be the grand opening, so we might take a ride there to join in the festivities.
I'm at work, and the Mrs is sleeping, but soon she will be awake and wanting her breakfast. So let's get right to my photo for this morning. Yesterday we had a bit of rain. In between downpours, I took a few photos of the flowers and weeds. I like photographing raindrops on plants. Here is a pink rosebud, and a pretty little weed that grows in the kiln outside my door.
Well, Mrs is awake now, so I have to get busy here. The weatherman is saying that the difference between today's temperature and yesterday's will be 15-20 degrees. Brrrrr. I may have to change into my socks and sneakers! Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Temperatures Are Winding Down A Bit
September 15, 2011
Good morning. I guess this is the day when the "weather cool down" starts here in New England. The sun is not out and it looks like it might rain soon. Actually, they are saying that we will have showers off and on today. The good thing is that it is raining in Texas. Hopefully, it will be enough to help put out some of the fires.
Well, yesterday was an expensive, yet fruitful day. Dee, Eddie and I went shopping to buy me a generator. Now we just have to get it set up and figure out how to best run the electrical cord into the house. Normally that's not a difficult job, but we have to make sure that the winter snow plowing won't cause any damage to the cord. We'll have to work on that.
Folks, last night I got so excited. There was a beautiful moon, so I took my camera out to see if I could get any decent shots. I did get one photo that I liked, but the surprise came when I put it in my computer and zoomed in on it. Stars! Lots of tiny little stars showed in my photo. I cropped a portion of the photo to show the stars. You have to look close to see them (tiny light spots on photo) because this is such a tiny photo here on the blog. In the original photo, they are much easier to see.
My camera was set on "motion" (there was a breeze blowing) with an ISO of 3200. I did not use flash, and it is hand held. I was in too much of a rush to set up the tripod. Try clicking on the photo. Usually it will get bigger, making it easier to see the little stars.
That's all I have time for this morning. Tootsie and I have to be getting ready for her doctor appointment. It's supposed to be only a check up, but they will probably be doing blood work too. Not exactly one of Tootsie's favorite ways to spend a morning! So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. I guess this is the day when the "weather cool down" starts here in New England. The sun is not out and it looks like it might rain soon. Actually, they are saying that we will have showers off and on today. The good thing is that it is raining in Texas. Hopefully, it will be enough to help put out some of the fires.
Well, yesterday was an expensive, yet fruitful day. Dee, Eddie and I went shopping to buy me a generator. Now we just have to get it set up and figure out how to best run the electrical cord into the house. Normally that's not a difficult job, but we have to make sure that the winter snow plowing won't cause any damage to the cord. We'll have to work on that.
Folks, last night I got so excited. There was a beautiful moon, so I took my camera out to see if I could get any decent shots. I did get one photo that I liked, but the surprise came when I put it in my computer and zoomed in on it. Stars! Lots of tiny little stars showed in my photo. I cropped a portion of the photo to show the stars. You have to look close to see them (tiny light spots on photo) because this is such a tiny photo here on the blog. In the original photo, they are much easier to see.
My camera was set on "motion" (there was a breeze blowing) with an ISO of 3200. I did not use flash, and it is hand held. I was in too much of a rush to set up the tripod. Try clicking on the photo. Usually it will get bigger, making it easier to see the little stars.
That's all I have time for this morning. Tootsie and I have to be getting ready for her doctor appointment. It's supposed to be only a check up, but they will probably be doing blood work too. Not exactly one of Tootsie's favorite ways to spend a morning! So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
A Busy Day Today
September 14, 2011
Good morning. It's a gorgeous, but busy morning here. Eddie and Dee are here, and shortly we are going shopping for the new generator. My grandson is busy doing laundry, Tootsie is scurrying around trying to find a good hiding place for her treat bone so that no one will touch it, and I have just finished uploading some of my homework lessons.
It's hard to find a good time to work on my photography lessons. If it's between 8 am and 9 pm, chances are very good that I will be interrupted several times. I will just have to put a sign on the outside of my door and then close the door. "Busy, do not disturb!" Also, I will have to unplug the phone during that time. If it doesn't ring all day, it will definitely ring while I am trying to study.
A while back, I made a QP for the September challenge at Minky's Place, but I think I turned it in a bit too late. So, I am offering it here as a freebie for you.
And here is the download link:
Sorry this post is so short, but time is not waiting for me. It's time to leave for the store. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. It's a gorgeous, but busy morning here. Eddie and Dee are here, and shortly we are going shopping for the new generator. My grandson is busy doing laundry, Tootsie is scurrying around trying to find a good hiding place for her treat bone so that no one will touch it, and I have just finished uploading some of my homework lessons.
It's hard to find a good time to work on my photography lessons. If it's between 8 am and 9 pm, chances are very good that I will be interrupted several times. I will just have to put a sign on the outside of my door and then close the door. "Busy, do not disturb!" Also, I will have to unplug the phone during that time. If it doesn't ring all day, it will definitely ring while I am trying to study.
A while back, I made a QP for the September challenge at Minky's Place, but I think I turned it in a bit too late. So, I am offering it here as a freebie for you.
And here is the download link:
Sorry this post is so short, but time is not waiting for me. It's time to leave for the store. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Golden Year Perks?
September 13, 2011
Good morning. It's really a lovely morning here in my little part of the world. Much as I wanted to get out for a bit yesterday, Tootsie and I never made it past my yard. For some reason, I was very tired and really only wanted to go to bed. So I did. I had me a nice long nap. Maybe today will be our day to get out and about.
I've been hunting down all my photo discs to finalize the twelve pictures for my calendar. It seems I'm missing one day. A day I really want to find. It almost looks like I copied every folder except the one for that particular day. How can I do such a dumb thing? I'm not sure, but I know it was easy. Forgetfulness. Just one of the perks that comes along with these "Golden Years." Grrrr!
Even though I did not get any new photos yesterday, I came across this one that I took a couple of years ago at the park. I haven't seen very many swans at our pond lately, so I thought this one would be fun to share.
I will have to be more alert next Spring and Summer so that I can get lots of new photos of all the new babies. They are so darling to watch.
Today, I need to make a couple of phone calls. I know that Tootsie and I have doctor appointments coming up real soon, but I forgot to write them down. So now I will have to call both offices to find out when we are supposed to be there. I think I need to do some laundry again too. Ah well, it's this busy part of life that keeps me young.
I'm off now to get started on this new day. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. It's really a lovely morning here in my little part of the world. Much as I wanted to get out for a bit yesterday, Tootsie and I never made it past my yard. For some reason, I was very tired and really only wanted to go to bed. So I did. I had me a nice long nap. Maybe today will be our day to get out and about.
I've been hunting down all my photo discs to finalize the twelve pictures for my calendar. It seems I'm missing one day. A day I really want to find. It almost looks like I copied every folder except the one for that particular day. How can I do such a dumb thing? I'm not sure, but I know it was easy. Forgetfulness. Just one of the perks that comes along with these "Golden Years." Grrrr!
Even though I did not get any new photos yesterday, I came across this one that I took a couple of years ago at the park. I haven't seen very many swans at our pond lately, so I thought this one would be fun to share.
I will have to be more alert next Spring and Summer so that I can get lots of new photos of all the new babies. They are so darling to watch.
Today, I need to make a couple of phone calls. I know that Tootsie and I have doctor appointments coming up real soon, but I forgot to write them down. So now I will have to call both offices to find out when we are supposed to be there. I think I need to do some laundry again too. Ah well, it's this busy part of life that keeps me young.
I'm off now to get started on this new day. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Lots Of Goodies Today.
September 12, 2011
This morning is starting out quite nice, sunny and a bit on the cool side. I'm sure it will warm up quite a bit by noontime. I have a couple of errands to do, and I'm hoping to get some new photos too. Maybe Tootsie and I can go to the park later. There's always something there to photograph.
A while back, Minky posted the September challenge which I did right away, but then forgot to post it here. While I was waiting for September to arrive, I missed the boat all together and simply forgot about it. Here is my preview. If you would like it, you can pick it up at Minky's place.
Today is also when Su and I post Parts 3 and 4 of our new collab kit "Chicken, Anyone?" It's been a year now since we first started collaborating on these monthly kits. I am always amazed at how both our contributions to the kit always fit so well together. Once we agree on a color palette and theme, one of us comes up with a logo, and then we each design our parts without knowing what the other one is doing. You know the old saying "Great minds think alike"? Well, yup! They do.
Here is my preview of the kit, along with the download links. I hope you enjoy this fun kit.
And here are your download links:
When you have finished downloading, hop on over to Su's blog to pick up her parts 3 and 4. Don 't forget to take a moment to say thank you. A lot of work goes into these kits, and a little thanks goes a long way. Here is a preview of Su's portion of the kit.
That's about it for this morning. Tootsie is waiting for her meds (ya, right!) and I have to pay some bills and get them into the mail. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
This morning is starting out quite nice, sunny and a bit on the cool side. I'm sure it will warm up quite a bit by noontime. I have a couple of errands to do, and I'm hoping to get some new photos too. Maybe Tootsie and I can go to the park later. There's always something there to photograph.
A while back, Minky posted the September challenge which I did right away, but then forgot to post it here. While I was waiting for September to arrive, I missed the boat all together and simply forgot about it. Here is my preview. If you would like it, you can pick it up at Minky's place.
Today is also when Su and I post Parts 3 and 4 of our new collab kit "Chicken, Anyone?" It's been a year now since we first started collaborating on these monthly kits. I am always amazed at how both our contributions to the kit always fit so well together. Once we agree on a color palette and theme, one of us comes up with a logo, and then we each design our parts without knowing what the other one is doing. You know the old saying "Great minds think alike"? Well, yup! They do.
Here is my preview of the kit, along with the download links. I hope you enjoy this fun kit.
When you have finished downloading, hop on over to Su's blog to pick up her parts 3 and 4. Don 't forget to take a moment to say thank you. A lot of work goes into these kits, and a little thanks goes a long way. Here is a preview of Su's portion of the kit.
That's about it for this morning. Tootsie is waiting for her meds (ya, right!) and I have to pay some bills and get them into the mail. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I'm Technologically Impaired!
September 11, 2011
We are enjoying another lovely morning here in New England. And, I am in a much better mood this morning than I was in last night. After the Mrs went to bed, I attempted to install my new program, PS CS5. Of course, this was not going to happen without a lot of problems. I ended up having to uninstall whatever parts of it that I managed to install. That left me with no PS program at all to work with. Need I say what an unhappy camper I was?
As soon as I got home this morning, I re-installed my CS4. Now I'm a happy camper. At least I can play with my graphics. I will contact the seller or call Wayne to find out why I ran into problems. Much as I love all these wonderful techy toys, I don't always understand their ways.
My photo today is a wonderful little weed that a lot of us have growing wild in our yards. It's called "Jewelweed" and most folks don't even know that it has marvelous healing properties. The leaves and the juice from the stem of Jewelweed are used by herbalists as a treatment for poison ivy, oak and other plant induced rashes, as well as many other types of dermatitis. Look it up on Google. It's an amazing little plant.
Actually, if we took the time to really look around our yards, we might find other medicinal plants. All you need is a good book on medicinal herbs (or look them up on Google) to learn how to use them.
There's not much for news today so far, so I'll get Tootsie her meds and maybe catch up on some blog reading and email. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
We are enjoying another lovely morning here in New England. And, I am in a much better mood this morning than I was in last night. After the Mrs went to bed, I attempted to install my new program, PS CS5. Of course, this was not going to happen without a lot of problems. I ended up having to uninstall whatever parts of it that I managed to install. That left me with no PS program at all to work with. Need I say what an unhappy camper I was?
As soon as I got home this morning, I re-installed my CS4. Now I'm a happy camper. At least I can play with my graphics. I will contact the seller or call Wayne to find out why I ran into problems. Much as I love all these wonderful techy toys, I don't always understand their ways.
My photo today is a wonderful little weed that a lot of us have growing wild in our yards. It's called "Jewelweed" and most folks don't even know that it has marvelous healing properties. The leaves and the juice from the stem of Jewelweed are used by herbalists as a treatment for poison ivy, oak and other plant induced rashes, as well as many other types of dermatitis. Look it up on Google. It's an amazing little plant.
Actually, if we took the time to really look around our yards, we might find other medicinal plants. All you need is a good book on medicinal herbs (or look them up on Google) to learn how to use them.
There's not much for news today so far, so I'll get Tootsie her meds and maybe catch up on some blog reading and email. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a fantabulous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Mend Quickly, Mary Ann
September 10, 2011
Good morning, and it truly is a beautiful, sunny, comfy morning. I just went out to put a couple of get well cards in the mail box to be picked up, and gosh I wanted to stay out there for a while. However, I have a few things to do before I can go out and play.
My friend, Mary Ann, is in the hospital so I'm sending good thoughts and "mend quickly" wishes her way, with a couple of licks from Tootsie tucked in. One of my bosses is also on the mend from her recent stay in the hospital. I'm giving thanks for my fairly good health.
I have been a bit lack in getting my new program installed on my laptop. First, I have been trying to make sure everything I need to save (presets, etc.) are saved in a folder elsewhere. Hopefully, by tonight, I will ready to uninstall and install my program. I move a bit slower than some because there is no one here that I can go to when I mess up. Everyone around me here is computer illiterate, let alone Photoshop. Most of my help comes from friends on line or over the phone. But I think I might be ready by later today.
I have a couple of photos to share. Yesterday morning when I got to work, the fields across the street were covered in mist. When the mist had cleared a little bit, I noticed a couple of deer way in the back of the field. I am amazed at what my lens can do, because these deer are quite a distance away.
Later in the day, I took a photo of the Mrs' hibiscus. This plant was a bit neglected, and is just now getting well enough to produce some blooms. Isn't this a beauty?
To answer the question about my tripod, it is an "Induro." However, I don't get to use it very often. It just wouldn't look right to bring it with me to work. (This is where I get a lot of my photos.) I have taken it to the park, but most of the time it's just easier to take the photos without it.
Now it's time to start thinking what to make for Tootsie's lunch. She is such a picky eater lately and it worries me a bit. Actually, I think she's holding out for roast chicken. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a marvelous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning, and it truly is a beautiful, sunny, comfy morning. I just went out to put a couple of get well cards in the mail box to be picked up, and gosh I wanted to stay out there for a while. However, I have a few things to do before I can go out and play.
My friend, Mary Ann, is in the hospital so I'm sending good thoughts and "mend quickly" wishes her way, with a couple of licks from Tootsie tucked in. One of my bosses is also on the mend from her recent stay in the hospital. I'm giving thanks for my fairly good health.
I have been a bit lack in getting my new program installed on my laptop. First, I have been trying to make sure everything I need to save (presets, etc.) are saved in a folder elsewhere. Hopefully, by tonight, I will ready to uninstall and install my program. I move a bit slower than some because there is no one here that I can go to when I mess up. Everyone around me here is computer illiterate, let alone Photoshop. Most of my help comes from friends on line or over the phone. But I think I might be ready by later today.
I have a couple of photos to share. Yesterday morning when I got to work, the fields across the street were covered in mist. When the mist had cleared a little bit, I noticed a couple of deer way in the back of the field. I am amazed at what my lens can do, because these deer are quite a distance away.
Later in the day, I took a photo of the Mrs' hibiscus. This plant was a bit neglected, and is just now getting well enough to produce some blooms. Isn't this a beauty?
To answer the question about my tripod, it is an "Induro." However, I don't get to use it very often. It just wouldn't look right to bring it with me to work. (This is where I get a lot of my photos.) I have taken it to the park, but most of the time it's just easier to take the photos without it.
Now it's time to start thinking what to make for Tootsie's lunch. She is such a picky eater lately and it worries me a bit. Actually, I think she's holding out for roast chicken. So, till tomorrow, Y'all have a marvelous day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Oh What A Lovely Day Today!
September 09, 2011
Good morning. Yes, it's still gray outside, but it's not raining and the sun keeps trying to peek out at us. I do believe it's going to be a really nice day. I'm at work, so this will be a short post. I've been re-working some older kits that I did for the Magickal Forum, and have made them into new freebie kits for you. They only include the parts that I contributed. Here is a preview and the download links for "Beyond Dreams" (Kyra had picked the theme and colors).
And here are the download links. I hope you can use this.
The dwarf who had to go to the hospital yesterday is okay. He has a badly infected mouth and face, and will need to see the dentist after the swelling and infection are gone.
Also, for the Queen Jester who has asked if I'm using a tripod, no I'm not. I'm not sure what type I have so I will check on that. I don't use it very often because I'm not usually in a situation where I can actually set it up. So I do as good as I can with handheld.
Now I must get back to work. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning. Yes, it's still gray outside, but it's not raining and the sun keeps trying to peek out at us. I do believe it's going to be a really nice day. I'm at work, so this will be a short post. I've been re-working some older kits that I did for the Magickal Forum, and have made them into new freebie kits for you. They only include the parts that I contributed. Here is a preview and the download links for "Beyond Dreams" (Kyra had picked the theme and colors).
And here are the download links. I hope you can use this.
The dwarf who had to go to the hospital yesterday is okay. He has a badly infected mouth and face, and will need to see the dentist after the swelling and infection are gone.
Also, for the Queen Jester who has asked if I'm using a tripod, no I'm not. I'm not sure what type I have so I will check on that. I don't use it very often because I'm not usually in a situation where I can actually set it up. So I do as good as I can with handheld.
Now I must get back to work. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Yup! It's Still Raining!
September 08, 2011
Good morning on this soggy gray day. Goodness me, where is all this rain coming from? The weatherman says there are four storm systems causing this soggy mess. He also says that we are having "light rain" at the moment. He needs to stopped smoking that funny stuff and take a look out the window. I just came in from the rain, and it was a heavy downpour.
One of the dwarfs called from work and said he needed a ride to the hospital. It seems his toothache was really infected and the swelling spread to his throat. So off I went in the pouring rain (did you hear that, Mr Weatherman?) to pick him up and take him to the hospital. Then I went shopping at Walmart (in the pouring rain) and then came home to unpack my car (in the pouring rain). Mr. Weatherman, you really should take a peek out your window.
Now for the fun stuff. Today, I am going to uninstall my current Photoshop and install my new Photoshop. I've had offers of help, and Snowy sent me an e-book which will be a big help. In between, I need to catch up on some laundry. Also, I should call the hospital to see when Tootsie's next appointment is. I did not write it down when I should have, and now my memory is not so good.
How about some bug photos? I have for you a very busy bumble bee, and a very pretty moth. These were taken a few days ago, before the monsoons started.
That's it for news. Now I want to get some lunch for Tootsie, put in a load of laundry and then get caught up on my email and blog reading. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Good morning on this soggy gray day. Goodness me, where is all this rain coming from? The weatherman says there are four storm systems causing this soggy mess. He also says that we are having "light rain" at the moment. He needs to stopped smoking that funny stuff and take a look out the window. I just came in from the rain, and it was a heavy downpour.
One of the dwarfs called from work and said he needed a ride to the hospital. It seems his toothache was really infected and the swelling spread to his throat. So off I went in the pouring rain (did you hear that, Mr Weatherman?) to pick him up and take him to the hospital. Then I went shopping at Walmart (in the pouring rain) and then came home to unpack my car (in the pouring rain). Mr. Weatherman, you really should take a peek out your window.
Now for the fun stuff. Today, I am going to uninstall my current Photoshop and install my new Photoshop. I've had offers of help, and Snowy sent me an e-book which will be a big help. In between, I need to catch up on some laundry. Also, I should call the hospital to see when Tootsie's next appointment is. I did not write it down when I should have, and now my memory is not so good.
How about some bug photos? I have for you a very busy bumble bee, and a very pretty moth. These were taken a few days ago, before the monsoons started.
That's it for news. Now I want to get some lunch for Tootsie, put in a load of laundry and then get caught up on my email and blog reading. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Edna B.
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