Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rocky's Come For A Treat

August 23, 2008

We've been so lucky with the weather these past few days. It's been absolutely gorgeous. Maybe I'll poke around out in the yard today, clean out another box from the shed.

Moo thinks maybe his new TV is too big for his room. So I guess we'll take it back, and get a smaller one. I say go for the gusto and stick with the bigger screen. Most of us older folk appreciate seeing things in the large format. The eyes don't have to work so hard trying to see things clearly.

My sister-in-law Edie has a friend who has befriended a little squirrel in her backyard. He comes right up to her and eats out of her hand. She leaves a window open, and Rocky (that's what this little fellow has been named) comes right in and makes himself comfortable, relaxing and eating nuts and goodies. Here are two pictures she sent me to share with you.

For your freebie today, I'm going to post a QP that I made with Snow Raven's kit "It's A Fairytale." Enjoy,

Hugs, Edna B.
"It's A Fairytale" QP - 02 kit by Snow Raven

Here is your download link:

1 comment:

Nani said...

When I went camping with my grandparents when I was a kid, my Papa used to scold me for letting the squirrels eat out of my hands. He'd be beside himself seeing these pictures! LOL

Rocky looks pretty self-domesticated to me1 GREAT PHOTOS!