It's house-cleaning time at 4shared. Next week, the July Fourth kit will be gone. If you want it, now's the time to grab it. Need to make room for more things.
Did I tell you that while I was out yesterday doing errands, I managed to pick up another holiday gift? Of all the places to find it, Ace Hardware. Can't tell you what it is, because then it won't be a surprise come December. But at least I'm working on it.
What a lovely dinner Moo made for us last night. Home made french fried potatoes and steaks cooked on the grill. Those steaks were absolutely yummy melty in your mouth. Later, we found out why they were so good. Somehow, the market had put chicken lablels on the packages and so the steaks were priced as chickens instead of a few dollars more a pound. Too late to do anything about it now. There wasn't even a sniff of steak left after dinner.
Today I promised you the add-on to "Fairy Land." It's a set of QP's to help you get started on your layouts. Hope you like them.
Hugs, Edna B.
QP - 08 Set "Fairy Land"

Here is your download link for QP - 08 Set "Fairy Land"