May 25, 2008
Well, I'll be horn swogged! (Not sure what it means, but it sounds great!) Today's post will be a bit longer than usual. I checked my comments today, and found out that I've been tagged by Marlene -- are the rules:
1 - Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2 - Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3 - Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4 - Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Okay, what to tell you without incriminating myself for something or other.
1 - I've been losing the spring chicken battle, slowly but steadily. Did I tell you that my FOURTH
GREAT Grandchild is due in September? It's sort of like my chicken done sprung!
2 - Everything I ever dreamed about doing or being when I was just a little girl has all come true. I've been a teacher, business owner, a college student, a model, a singer (not a great one), and a mom, among other things. I have a masters degree, and until recently held a Social Work license. I've taken care of our elderly for years.
3 - I'm a softee for animals. There was a time I couldn't go into a pet shop and come out empty handed. My children knew and used this aspect of me to their advantage. Our house was always over-run with kids and animals.
4 - I love to learn. Whenever I can, I sign up for classes, whether on-line or at a local college.
5 - I love digital photography. My camera is a Canon Rebel XT. I would love a newer snazzier model, but there is nothing wrong with the one I have. It takes beautiful pictures.
6 - When we first got a computer, I was petrified of it. Then, one day I bought me my own PC, put in a couple of programs that I wanted to learn, and that's how I learned to use the computer.
Since then, I've taken some classes at the local college, and I ask a lot of questions.
7 - I have been driving an automobile for nearly 53 years, and only have one ticket on my record from way back in the early 80's. Not bad for a sprung chicken.
Okay, so now you know a little bit more about me. Now comes the good part - I get to tag seven other people. p.s. Treat yourself, and go visit each of these blogs. They are chock full of freebies and all kinds of goodies.
Kyra at: at: at: at: at: at: at: had this absolutely ridiculous story about one of my trees to share with you today, but I'll save it for tomorrow. Meanwhile, I'll get to posting your freebie as promised. My new kit is called "Tropical Breeze." There are three parts to it. Today, you get Part One.
I have to go now and post a notice of "tag" on seven blogs. Enjoy.
Hugs, Edna B.

Here is your download link for Part One: