Woo hoo! Today we got our new stove. This should quiet some of the dwarfs'' grumbling. For a little while anyway. Then they will find something else to grump about. Men!! At least now we will be able to cook our corned beef and cabbage dinners.
This afternoon I took a break from PC work, and dug out the slide shows that I made a few years ago. Photos that I had taken, family wedding, children growing up, puppies. Oh my, what a grand time I had for myself. It's nice sometimes, to wallow in memories.
One of these days, I will have to put together some more slide shows, maybe one with my layouts. It'll probably take more than one for my layouts. Mostly, I like putting together the nature photos. Then I pick out some nice music to play in the background.
I did play a bit on the computer this morning, and finished up a layout for the "J" challenge. I used a frame supplied by Hummie, sprinkled in some of Granny's florals, a speck of Dover, and Voila!! A pretty background for a very pretty miss.
I think I only have three or four challenges left to finish up for the month. Plus I do the technique challenge at GDS. It's run by Helen Ohrenhofer, and it's a fun learning experience.
That's it for today. Tootsie and I will spend some time playing before supper, and tonight will be an early one. Work comes awful early in the morning. It's very difficult to fall asleep on Thursday nights. My body knows it has to be up very early, and it rebels. Must be from all those years of working nights. Oh well, we'll give it a good try anyway. Y'all have a great night.
Hugs, Edna B.

I know exactly how you feel,lol- I rather stick to my lates and nights. I got the weekend off -whoohooo -taken some leave !
Hello Edna, an award is there for you on my blog.
Have fun with the new stove, and the boys will have to get used it, that simple! LOL.
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