August 28, 2008
Today is such a busy day. Whew!! This morning, Tootsie had her appointment. She looks so darn pretty!! Then of course, we had to go into the retail part of the store (Petco) and shop for some new clothes. And what did we find?? A Patriots shirt for Tootsie. She already has a Red Sox shirt, so now she's all set.
Next, we went to get our new sticker and inspection so that we can drive our car for another year. After that, we had to fill up the gas tank. Then we're off to find our favorite mechanic to see if he can fit in an oil change. Hopefully this will quiet the ping ping ping in the motor. He can see us this afternoon, so we'll go back to see him shortly.
Meanwhile, let me take care of the tagging. As I told you before, Noreen at Cajun Designz tagged me. have to link your tagger, and list these rules on your blog. You have to tell seven things about yourself, and then you have to tag seven other folks, list their blog address, and leave messages for them on their blogs.
Little know facts about me.
1 - I'm a cheap date, cheeseburger and spring water and I'm good to go.
2 - I don't like going to movies. I'd rather watch in the comfort of my own living room.
3 - I am sort of dyslexic. It takes me a while to write or type because the letters don't go where I put them and I have to go back and rearrange them. This is amazing because I am always reading books.
4 - In my hey day, I used to be a Sunday School teacher. Imagine that!!
5 - Some years back, I had a ceramics store and we gave lessons. We also taught classes at several local schools, and at the Senior Citizens Complex. I always wanted to be a teacher.
6 - As a child, I would collect snakes and bring them home as pets much to my mother's horror. Now, you can't pay me to be near or touch a bug, snake or anything like it.
7 - In a few weeks, I'm going to a great grandmother again (this will make four).
These are the ladies that I am going to tag. There are only five on my list (because I've done this before), and they are gals I would like to learn more about.
Nani at Have a cup of coffee, and enjoy her posting.
Shannon at also check her other page at She makes great freebies and her other blog is terrific.
Jeanie at She mades the most wonderful freebies.
Jen at Another great place for terrific freebies.
and last but not least, Rachelle. This lady makes the most adorable doodle art. I am not a doodle person, but I adore her beautiful doodle art.'m back from the garage and my car got a nice oil change. This should keep her happy for a while I hope. Please please, pretty please? Don't want to need a new car right now. My car is ten years old, but she only has 86,000 + a few miles on her. She rides nice, and I'd like to keep her a while longer.
I have almost finished wrapping up, zipping up, and shooting off into cyber space for links, "Cactus Sunset." It's about 300 MB, so it will take a couple of weeks to give it all out in downloadable sizes. For being so patient with me, tonight I will post the papers preview and the first set of papers.
I do hope you enjoy this one, because I've been having a grand time making it and putting it all together.
That's it for today. Here is your preview and download. Enjoy,
Hugs, Edna B.

Here is your download link for "Cactus Sunset" Paper Set A: