This is it. Last day of June, and everything in back of "Ladies Night Out" has been expired. I decided to leave LNO up for one more week. There will be new kits coming soon.
My bird feeder is beginning to attract some new birds. (for my yard) As soon as my new windows are in, I'll be able to take some nice pictures.
Poor Tootsie is bumming out. I bought her some new outfits, but most of them need to be returned - too big. In one way that's good - it means she lost a little bit of weight. Her meds seem to pack the weight on faster than she can get rid of it.
Today, I'll give you the other part to "July Fourth 2008." I'm glad you like it. I enjoy designing these kits, and I'm learning quite a lot at the same time. Enjoy your day.
Hugs, Edna B.

Here is your download link: