Yeah-h-h-h. Tomorrow marks the beginning of the light at the end of the tunnel!! Only 1 3/4 months till Spring. Do I sound anxious? Maybe a tad bit. Right now, I look out at dirty snow, gray skies, naked trees and a few ice patches. In a few short weeks, I'll be able to look out at green leaves and pine needles, blossoming trees, flowers and a mud puddle or two. I'll take it!!
Today was one of those days where life just gets in your way. To start off my day, my car was looking a bit peculiar. It had a larger than life FLAT TIRE. Now how did that happen? So my brother had to take me on my errands.
When we got back home, the wind had knocked some tiles off my roof. I looked up, and lo and behold -- yup!! the roof needs fixing. You know, I have to count my blessings though, so I picked up my Tootsie and hugged her. It won't fixt the tire or the roof, but it made me feel better.
After all that, the rest of the day got better. A friend in Scotland sent me a nice long note that really made my day. After that, I did a bit of scrapping. Tonight I'll share with you a layout that I made for a scraplift challenge at KST. The background is my own photography, the poem is "author unknown."
Hugs, Edna B.