Thursday, March 15, 2018

Our Vacation Is Coming To An End

March 15, 2018

Good morning.  The sun is shining, so you'd never guess that it  was just 33F degrees here this morning.  Thankfully, it will warm up to the low to mid seventies in a few  hours.  This is good because I have to go out later this morning to mail my box home.  I would have done it yesterday, but we had ourselves a lazy day instead. 

I did get my suitcase half-packed yesterday, and I think that today I should actually finish packing it.  I need to make sure that everything fits.  Wouldn't it be awful if I had to get another box to mail?  Gosh, I hope not.

Well, today is Beth's last  day here.  Her shuttle bus is picking her up at 3:30 tomorrow morning to take her to the airport.  Yikes!  What an ungodly hour to be going to the airport!  I'll have to call my doctor's office  again this morning to see if they are going to fax me the letter that I need to take my portable oxygen on the plane.  I called yesterday, but I guess they were still on snow break because there was no answer.

Beth will have to go see her doctor when she gets home because her legs have been aching these past two days.  Hopefully, it is just from all  the walking that we've done so far.  We've both been pretty lucky to stay healthy while we were here so that we could get out and do a few things.

Today I have some cute  photos to share of my little guy.  This first photo shows just how tiny he is when standing next to the legs of the dining table and chairs.

The  next photo shows how happy his little face gets when you ask him if he wants to go for a ride.  He absolutely loves riding in the car.  Isn't this a beautiful smile?

Well, I didn't get very much crocheting done while I've been here.  I think having to re-write the whole pattern for the dolly dress sort of put a damper on my fun with crocheting.  I did go online and order a new pattern which should be waiting for me when I get home. 

I did not realize before this that there were two different  sizes of dolly bodies that were used to make this bathroom tissue dolly.  I'm going to have to look for the other size when I get back home.  Of course not until after I finish my tax stuff.  I let that all go so that I could enjoy myself here in Florida.

I've mentioned a few times about our trips to Old Town, so I thought I'd show a couple photos of the brand new entrance to this fun place.  I took these photos on our way out of there a couple days ago.  There is a big ferris wheel to the side of the entrance, and I tried to get a shot of it through the windshield of the car.  It's really quite pretty.

I've been following the Weather Channel every day.  There's another storm headed for Boston and the rest of southern New England, and I'm just hoping that it will hold off until well after I'm back home safely.  I still have that tree on my roof at home to deal with when I get home.  These storms are making it really difficult for me to get it taken off my house and get any damages repaired. 

I've come across an awesome new blog and I thought I'd like to share it with you.  Please check out this blog.  You'll be ever so glad that you did.  It's written by a journalist, and his stories are just so heartwarming.  His name is Sean Dietrich, and his blog is called Sean Of The South.  Just click on his blog name to go there.. 

Well, I've finished my coffee, and now I think I'll have me a second cup.  So, till tomorrow, Y'all be  safe and have  a great day.

Hugs, Edna B.

1 comment:

smiekeltje said...

So happy for you and Beth that your are having a fun time. Really pity that it will end soon already. I think you could do with another week or may be two!!
And what a bad weather you have home!!!! Gosh, hopefully there will be no more trouble with trees and such, you already have to deal with the "old"damage.
It is great that you have Joe to keep an eye on it all, but it isn;t nice of the other dwarfs that they let him shovle out all the snow alone!
Best i can say is that you should enjoy your last days of holiday, sniff up lots of warmth of the sunshine to be prepared for the aweful weather back home.
Oh, happy belated birthday wishes to Eddie and greets to Beth.